
Chapter 529: A Complete Wipe Out!

Dịch giả: DamnedWilly

Yue Country annexed eleven cultivation countries including Great Jin and was also officially promoted as a void-grade cultivation country, becoming the nineteenth void-grade cultivation country of the Rain World!

Seven Apricot City also quickly rose to fame within a single night and became one of the strongest forces of the Rain World!

On a desolate land of Yue Country, a large island suddenly fell down from the sky. There was only one sect consisting solely of female cultivators on the island. It was the Bi Yao Sect which joined Seven Apricot City.

From then on, many experts had appeared in Seven Apricot City. Each and every one of them were delicate and ravishing beauties.

Su Yan, Yue Lingkong, Ming Que, Xu Qiuling… The ladies that Ning Fan had brought back from the Endless Sea all stayed in Seven Apricot City.

The name of Yue Country's Seven Apricot City quickly gained fame across the world all of a sudden.