

More characters/descriptions will be added as the story continues.

Character Descriptions


She loves drawing and has a big heart. She tends to hide it though with her indifferent attitude and quiet manner. A person who would do anything for the people she loves, it is one of her strongest characteristic but maybe also a fatal weakness.


The mysterious boy who died.


He's the school's leading jock. Football varsity captain since freshman year and the team's MVP award winner. He has every right to be cocky, being the star quarterback and with their team having a winning record. As a very popular and outgoing person, he has every girl in school dreaming about him. Known for his tendency to get into fights and getting away with them, he's also the school's Bad Boy.


Viktor's best friend. He is a friendly and outgoing person who is also on the football team.


He's the school's Player. A total flirt. He has the most charming smile that can make girls melt at their feet. As a boy that every girl falls for at least once in their life, boys hate him for hitting on their girlfriends and afraid that their girlfriends will cheat with him. He's easy going and always cheerful, optimistic about almost everything. He loves pulling pranks on people, and usually gets away with it since his family is extremely wealthy. He's smarter than he lets on.


Cheerleader captain, homecoming and prom queen, she's the school's known Queen Bitch. Everyone at school is either afraid or jealous of her. What she wants, she gets it. Known for not only her flawless looks, but destroying relationships and spreading venomous rumors.


Tristan's best friend.


He is the school's Smartass. All four years school and class president. Everyone knows he is going to make it to one of the ivy league colleges. He doesn't speak when he doesn't have to but when he does, everybody listens. The Golden Boy every good girl falls for. With his good looks and great personality, he is also the most dependable and loyal friend anyone can ask for.