
Grand Theft Auto: Newburg

"Did you get the game? Alright, fire up the PS3!" "Grand Theft Auto: Newburg" is an action-dramedy based on the Grand Theft Auto series created by Rockstar Games. Set in the winter of 1996 the story follows Donald Remus and John Slater, two men, who after accidentally ruining a major drug deal, are indebted to Jack Napier, a powerful drug lord and gang leader. As a result, they are forced to do work for Napier's gang, known as "Full Deck." They are used by the corruption of the Newburg Police Department, mainly the D.R.E. (Drug Response Enforcement) unit led by Officers Ward, Lowery, and Pulaski as they use the unit to manipulate and threaten anyone who tries to step up to them. Their hell is a 5-borough city steeped in grit and crime, tainted with gangs, mafias, shady politicians, and power-hungry celebrities. Amidst this chaos, Remus and Slater attempt to make and expand their gang and survive the sinister streets of Newburg, San Andreas.

MildlyHigh · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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Mission 13: Have a Vice Day (Flashback)

Date: October 7, 1967

Location: Star Junction, Algonquin, Liberty City, Liberty

"Move the hell out of the damn way" Remus yelled at a civilian. Remus was chasing a criminal through the Star Junction streets. "I fucking hate this damn city" Remus stated. Soon a grey Canis Seminole pulled up and the running criminal got into it and the SUV drove off. "Shit" Remus said as he grabbed his radio out, "this is officer Donald Remus, a criminal in a grey Canis Seminole is heading down Burlesque Avenue in Star Junction" Remus said. **Copy that** the dispatch said. *we have a person resisting arrest near uhhhh Burlesque* The radio went off.

Remus walked to his little police cruiser the the LCPD gave to him. Remus turned on his radio and began to drive through the night streets of Liberty City. "Beat 102.7 with Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash" the radio announcer said. "The only good modern song" Remus said as he turned the volume up. The song played as Remus drove through the light up city, the skyscrapers twinkling with lights and signs casting different colours onto the streets. Steam from pipes came out onto the city giving it an eerily peaceful atmosphere. Remus reached the Liberty City Police Department building and went inside. "Remus, I bet Vietnam was better than this hell hole of a city" one of Remus's coworkers. "I would rather arrest a loonatic in a hotdog costume than be blown to shreds in Nam" Remus laughed. "Yeah, hey listen, the boss wants to have a word with you in his office" the coworker said. "Goddamn old man Alistair" Remus complained before heading to his boss's office. "Good afternoon Mr. Alista-" "Remus you're fired, and are being transferred over to Newburg, San Andreas. Please pack up your desk and leave by morning, thank you" Alistair said as he went back to doing work. "Just like that? No meeting or anything?" Remus asked. "Look I personally don't care about you or where the PD wants to send you, all I know is that I'm getting paid big for this" Alistair said. "All Corrupt suits are made from the same cloth" Remus spat as he walked out the door. "Another chance to restart, I guess it is good to get the hell out of Liberty City" Remus said as he began to pack his desk up.

Date: October 9, 1967

Location: Newburg Police Department, Newburg, San Andreas

"Ay, you must be the new guy" Ward said as he came out of his office. "Yes I am, where do I start?" Remus asked. "Well, just last week me and the pd put together a new division. The D.R.E., the Drug Response Enforcement" Ward said. "Doesn't sound like something I would join" Remus said, "It will pay you an extra $7" Ward bribed. "Alright, where do we start?" Remus asked.

Date: June 7, 1994

Location: Ocean View Hotel, Vice City, Leonida

*phone ringing* "hello?" Remus answered. "Are you in Vice City yet?" Ward asked, "yeah, me, Lowery, and Pulaski made it". Great, you guys get your job done and meet back up here in Newburg" Ward says before hanging up. Remus looks at the other two officers with him, "ugh, this humidity is not good for my hair" Lowery said as she tried to brush her hair. "Alright yall, we only have 24 hours to get this job done so we need to do it right" Remus said as he grabbed out a box. "In here is our disguises, we need to breach that party happening in downtown" Remus said as he handed the two their outfits. "We will leave hear at sun down." Remus gets into a classy hawaiian shirt with dress pants. Lowery puts on her cocktail dress and dies her makeup, Pulaski throws on a polo shirt and calls it good.

The orange-red sun begins to set over the city of Vice as a beautiful pink sky lights up. The three officers jump into their Declasse Vigero. "Remember what we came here for" Pulaski told Remus and Lowery. "Get to the penthouse, seize the Trilex and get the hell out of Vice City" Lowery said. "Allright, we are coming up on Little Haiti, we have a little bit untill we are downtown" Remus said as he sped past the gangs. "Look!" Lowery said as the three saw party lights coming from a penthouse. "Alright, there is our target" Remus said as he grabbed his gun. Lowery grabbed her mini machine pistol while Pulaski grabbed a little taser. "What the hell is that going to do?" Remus asked, "save me money" Pulaski said. "Alright, let's bust some asses" Remus said. The three officers get out of their car as the sun yields to nightfall, transforming the sky into an enchanting amethyst scene behind. As the neon-soaked city shines, the officers get ready to confront their challenge. The three walked into the party, as no one noticed them. "Alright we are going to be silent and not cause a sce-" Remus was cut off by Lowery firing her gun off to the ceiling. "You said what?" Lowery asked Remus. Soon some of the party members pulled out there guns and started to fure at the three officers. "Shit, duck!" Remus yelled. "What was the purpose of dressing up if we were going to do this?" Pulaski asked. "The plan was for us to slowly get close to the safe, but Annie Oakley here wanted to start a shootout with these Leonida morons." Remus spat.

Mission: Take out the guests

"This may sound sadistic, but we can't have any witnesses" Lowery told the two officers. "So we are just going to kill innocent people?" Remus asked, "Old man, this is Vice City, no one here is innocent" Lowery said as she got up to shoot some of the gunmen. Remus got out of his cover to shoot whoever was running and shoot the gunmen. "This is a new low for me" Remus said as he shot at the guests. "Dont be soft old man" Lowery said as she shot at the people, her bloodlust feuling her rampage. "And what the hell are you doing Pulaski?" Lowery asked. Pulaski tases a gunman and steals his gun, "Im surviving how about you?" Pulaski aaks. The three take out the gunmen ans most of the guests.

Mission: Get to the safe.

"Alright yall, the drugs are in a safe in the back door on the left according to the FIB reports that Ward sent, lets move" Remus demands as the three run through the penthouse. Remus sees the door and tries to open it but is is locked. "Look out old man, let me do this" Pulaski says as he rams into the door. "AHHH FUCK!!" Pulaski yells. "What?" Remus asks, "I dislocated my shoulder" Pulaski say in a whiney voice. "Fucking kid" Remus says as he shoots at the door handel. The door opens but not before a horde of bullets came peircing through the door. A bullet hits Remus in the knee, "Ahh crap" Remus yells in pain. Lowery kicks the door down and starts to shoot up the room. "Suck it up you geriatric fuck" Lowery says to Remus as she shoots. Remus gets up and starts to shoot in the room. **Attention all units, we have...a shiit out in progress, at the uhhh...Glory Whole Aprtments** "Shit, cops are after us" Remus says as he fires into the room. "We are the cops" Pulaski say as he empties his clip. "Not in the jurisdiction... Not even in this state!" Remus yells. "Then lets get this done fast!" Lowery yells as she goes into the room. Remus and Pulaski follow her and take cover. "Remus, me and Pulaski have these fools handled, get the drugs!" Lowery yells to Remus. Remus nods and goes off to the safe.

Mission: Collect the Trilex

Remus hurried into the safe room but is confronted by a lady weilding katanas. "Not so fast Rōjin" The lady said. "I hate Vice City with a passion" Remus said as the lady came and swung at him. Remus dodged the attack, "look just put the swords down and we can have a little chat" Remus pleaded but to no avail. "I do not back down" The woman said as she charged foward.

Back with Lowery and Pulaski, "I'm thinking that we take the drugs and leave the old man to die" Lowery said as she shoots at the gunmen. "Why would wd do that?" Pulaski asks, "Ward is giving us $6,000 for this, if the old man goes with us, we would only get $2,000 each. But if he is dead, then me and you get $3,000." Lowery told Pulaski. "You are going to kill a Vietnam veteran for $3,000?" Pulaski asked. "I would kill him for a bottle of water" Lowery said. "We are supposed to be a team" Pulaski said as he funished off the gunmen. "Alright, fine" Lowery sighed as she went to check on Remus.

Remus was still busy with the lady as she swung and almost got him. "You are quick old man but not quick enough for my-" the lady was cut off by Lowery shooting her in the head. "What the fuck are you doing?" Lowery asked Remus. "Surviving, how about you?" Remus says back as he heads for the safe. Remus puts a sticky bomb on the safe, "Duck!" Remus yelled as hs got behind cover. Lowery and Remus ducked as the bomb went off, blowing the door off the safe. "Grab the bags, lets get the hell out of this peice" Lowery said as she geabbed a bag if Trilex. Remus and Pulaski followed suit and started to run out of the penthouse. Soon the three officers heraed the sounds of the Vice City Police Department. "Shit, do we got to shoot these guys?" Pulaski aaked Remus. "Lets not shoot first but-" Remus was cut off by Lowery shooting a police officer in the head. "Alright I guess we are shooting them" Remus said as he started to shoot the police.

Mission: Take out the police

**Attention units, we have shots being fired at officers. Use extreme caution...shoot their asses** "The police are onto us" Pulaski said as he shot at the policemen. "Fuck this" Lowery said, she grabs out a grenade. "Where the fuck did you get that?" Remus asked, surprised. "Stole it from the FIB office before we came down here" Lowery stated. Lowery threw the grenade at the horde of incoming policemen. *BOOM!* the grenade went off as peices of the police men went flying. A peice of brain matter hits Pulaski in the face. "OH HELL NOOO!" Pulaski yells as he wipes the matter off of his face. Remus ducks down and starts to hyperventilate as the gunfire, yelling, and explosion send back into war.

"REMUS SHOOT THE MOTHER FUCKERS!!" Remus's Sargent yells as the gun fire and wxplosions hallpen around him. "I'M FUCKING SCARED SIR, I AINT BRAVE" Remus yells as he shoots a Vietnam soldier. "Son, bein' brave don't mean that you aren't scared. It means you are scared shitless, but you pick up that gun anyway" the sargent says. Remus keeps shooting while watching his fellow brothers get obliterated by bombs and gunfire. "How much destruction is humanity capable of?" Remus asked his Sargent.

"REMUS, LET'S GO!" Lowery yells as her and Pulaski run to the entrance of the aprtment. Remus breaks out of his thoughts and calms himself down. He rushes to the entrance. The team of three rush into the stairwell and are met with more police. "Don't these fuckers have alligators to arrest?!" Lowery yells as she starts to fire at them. "We only got a little bit of bullets left yall" Remus yelled as he threw a clip to Lowery. "Let's make them count then" Lowery says as he fires her gun. Remus and Pulaski help her as no other police came in.

"Get to the car!" Remus yelled as he shot the last of the police. The three get into their car and haul ass back to Newburg. "Hopefully this wasn't for nothing" Remus said as he adjusted his mirror. The three leave the neon filled city and head to their hellish red city.

**All units, we have a squirrel attacking civilians in Middleson Park. Use lethal force**

Mission Passed!

Respect +
