

Su Qingyi was a powerful Celestial before, but she failed her trial and destroyed her body. Her spirit tool take her wounded soul to the small mortal world and make her becomes the Zi Empire Grand Marshal's replacement wife. Her rage husband hate her because she just replacement sent by his Emperor brother. Su Qingyi needs to make her instant husband like her enough so she can live lazily in this life. Read how she can make her husband like her

Junele66 · Kỳ huyễn
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112 Chs

36. Aware of his wife's unique physic. Part three.

Yu Wang attended the morning court for a long time at the Palace. When he was finished he went straight to the Emperor because he had to ask for permission.

The emperor looked at his favourite younger brother who sat in the Emperor's private study room casually drinking a difficult to get tribute tea. Yu Fengyao looked towards Emperor meaningfully, this young prince was rather awkward to ask permission from his Imperial brother. Yu Wang knew that the Emperor respected Minister Su Yanjiu's performance as one of the ministers who worked well in his administration.

"Just say if you want to ask for something Fengyao, Imperial Brother will try to help you."

Hearing the agreement that was implied in his Imperial brother words, Yu Wang took a deep breath and throw some harsh words.

"This prince wants Imperial Brother to permit to punish some people from the Su family!"

Yu Wang's heavy tone made the Emperor feel confused. The emperor did not severely punish the Su family for their schemes using Su Mingmei to make her become his concubine because he was quite fond of Minister Su Yanjiu. But now his younger brother is asking for permission to punish some people from the Su family, making him feel confused, Yu Wang is now their relative because of his marriage.

"Why did you ask for permission to punish them? Isn't Yu Wang their relative now because you married Su Qingyi?"

"This Prince wants to punish some people from the Su family because of my Wangfei."

"Oh, because of your wife? What did they do to make Yu Wang angry and want to punish them personally?"

"Imperial brother knows about the attack on Su Qingyi?"

"Yes, Imperial brother is curious about your attitude that seems disturbed so tried to find out about it."

"Some people from the Su family who planned the attack and sent assassins to kill my Wangfei."

"What?! Are you sure?!"

"Very, this Prince has already checked it carefully."

Gritting his teeth, Yu Wang looked very annoyed remembering the information he got. A very clear resentment radiated from the face of his younger brother made the emperor take a deep breath. The emperor knew that if he didn't give permission, Yu Wang would still attack them. This will make it difficult to clean up due to Yu Wang's revenge on them later. He better permits Yu Wang.

"Alright, we allow you to punish the people involved in this. But, don't overdo it, we quite like Minister Su Yanjiu. The old man has done quite a good job for his position."

Emperor's praise of his grandfather in-laws made Yu Wang snort in annoyance.

"Why do you look upset with Su Yanjiu too?"

"Don't talk about that stupid and fogy old man in front of this prince. This prince doesn't like him."

"Why? That old man is quite good. Su Yanjiu doesn't have any scandal in his family, nor is he a good minister."

"Huh! If he is indeed a good man in the family, he will not abandon Su Qingyi and let my Wangfei have to survive alone after losing his mother as a child."

"Oh, that happened?! It seems like people's hearts are as deep as the ocean."

"All right, Imperial brother, this Prince doesn't want to talk about the old man any further. This Prince will prepare himself further to take care of them."

"Alright, you may go. Remember what we say to you, don't overdo it!"

"Yes, this prince will remember. This prince only wants to take care of the people directly involved in the attack."

Waving his hand, the Emperor invited Yu Wang to leave. Taking a deep breath, the Emperor must think of ways to deal with the consequences of his younger brother's actions. Rising from his seat, the emperor wanted to go complaint to the Empress.

Riding Zhanshi; Yu Wang's favourite warhorse, Yu Wang rode quickly accompanied by a group of bodyguards to his private residence. It was late afternoon after he returned from the Palace. The prince can't wait to meet his wife and enjoy the dishes his wife will make.

The speed of the horse-driven by Yu Wang made this young prince not easily seen by pedestrians. Even so, because of the appearance of the clothes they wore and the horses they rode, the pedestrians knew that they were all from the upper classes so they stepped aside and did not get in the way. Before Yu Wang's entourage passed, there were already some bodyguards emptying the road so that the prince's trip was not interrupted.

"Master, you've levelled up again!" Yuten cried in her mind space.

Su Qingyi also felt happy because the cultivation level in her body had levelled up again just by wrestling in bed with Yu Fengyao for few times. Smiling happily, this young woman is now a Qi level 4 cultivator. Considering that before she was just an ordinary woman who did not have any ability, Su Qingyi felt very happy.

Cleaning her body, Su Qingyi had already finished preparing food to eat with her husband when she felt the level up. Luckily, Yuten made a protective barrier so no one inside the Yu Wangfu noticed.

"Master, you have reached Qi level 4, you can already train some skills to better protect yourself."

"What kind of skills?"

"Well, for example, skills for movement art, palm art, and weapon art."

"How can I practice all that here? I don't have a place to practice it all here."

Hearing anxiety in Master's voice, Yuten thought for a while.

"Master, you can practice in space. One hour outside, on space is one day."

"Oh, you're right, alright, Master will practice in the space later."

"You won't be able to practice today, Master. Your husband seems to be asking you to wrestle again tonight. He has arrived at the Hongmei Courtyard, so Yuten is forced to lift the protective barrier now."

Hearing her husband had come, Su Qingyi immediately dressed and welcomed him. Yu Fengyao reached the front door of the room when he felt that there was a movement of energy from inside his wife's room making him alert.


The sound of the door opening and seeing his wife's smiling face made Yu Fengyao forget his vigilance just now. Hugging his wife, Yu Wang realized that he had just been wary because worrying about his wife.

"Husband, what's wrong?!"

Yu Wang dragged his wife to stand behind and examined the situation in the bedroom with his gaze. After making sure there was no other energy in the room, Yu Wang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Husband will wash up and eat with you later."

Nodding, Su Qingyi left to go to the dining room and waited for her husband.

Hi, Cutties ... hope you all are still well, remember to take care of your health!!

Our ML is getting better at FL now hahaha, happy to see it ..^^ gotta throw some stones later, to spicy things up ><

Okay, c u later!!

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