
Grand Elemental Academy

In the metropolis of Nazonome, a great city in the shape of an eye, by the ocean, the industry and bussiness blooms. Being a place of riches, its also a home to many young individuals, possessing the power to control elements and manifest weapons. In this world, people are granted a power to control over elemental energy, with ones being more talented, while others arent. To harnest the most out of the gifted ones, an elite Academy was created, to train and develop teenagers skills of elemental control, making them the future of this city and the world. Isami, a 16 years old student attempting to become the best magician in the world, but is bored with her daily life looking same and same every day. However, just right after a mysterious exchange student comes to her class, everything around her seems to change. The mysteries of the school and the city suddenly seem to become an obstacle in her life, while the conflict between the new student and a her possessed friend grows!

ashfrei · Thanh xuân
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1 Chs

Prologue - Quitus

Today, the orange moon was shining at its fullest, enlightening the vast lands of the Nazonome city with an ominous scarlet afterglow.

Yet, there was still one place that remained dark and impenetrable by any source of light, a black spot in everyone's sight, for those who glared at the center of the metropolis complex.

Being surrounded from all sides by the waters of the lake, a lone island was growing tall into the dark sky. A pitch-black mountain with its peak reaching so high, you could see the entire city and lands behind it. Yet no man could be permitted to do that, as the entrance to the Hitomi island was forbidden. The legend has it that a powerful demon king was sealed inside. The exorcist not being able to cease his existence, he was condemned never to be freed from the shackles of the magical place, the holy Sai mountain which was the "pupil" of the metropolis.

Yet, the world of demons has ended centuries ago, as the last of them were damned and killed. But the history of them still remains, making those less brave stay in their houses and just pass this story onwards to their children.

However, this place still attracts few courageous ones, that have heard another of the legends. That inside of that mountain, a magnificent source of power lies, blessing everyone who comes to its possession. The stone that the great exorcist used centuries ago to seal the body and the soul of the demon king. But that is a legend too, after countless years of the words being changed in the mouths of the locals, not being confirmed to be truth at all…

In the surface of the lake, the sparkling lights of the city were reflecting. Nevertheless there was something else too… traversing slowly through the waters, was a small and dark boat, almost invisible from every angle. On a night like this, the moon shined the brightest on the west side of the sky. This creates a perfect opportunity to seize the dark shadows created by the Sai mountain of the Hitomi island.

Only a few knew of the current that could push you right through the lake to the other side, the island's coast. Being heavily guarded by the magic spells, many tried to break through the barrier and land their foot on the holy island's ground. Yet none, who had done it, ever spoke about it publicly.

And on a night like this, two pairs of feet quietly jumped from the boat that nailed to the shore. Drowning in the soft and chilly sand, they went forwards into the void forests ahead.

"Touka, I can't see anything! How can you know we are going in the right direction?"

"Shush. The guardians could hear us."

Two voices whispered between the tall pine trees, growing here for centuries. All of them have probably seen only a few human creatures in their lives, but still, being able to go this far was a true honor and experience.

For the long road that the two of them traveled, no more words have fallen, as the two female scientists were eager to reach the point of their destination before the middle of the night.

After a long hour of rushing through the woods, one following another, they have finally reached the higher peaks of the mountain, with the trees becoming more and more rare. The faint orange light reached their position, making their silhouettes more visible.

One of the scientists was a tall and elegant woman, with short and sleek black hair covering her head. Pale skin beamed through the darkness, making her look like a vampire, in the long black coat she wore. From under a pair of big, square glasses, two hooded eyes in the color of lime green were glancing into a specific place a few steps ahead.

Behind her, a woman was marching quickly with her short legs, apparently not being able to follow on time the other one. Her brown curly hair shined in the orange moonlight, a few of the strands reflecting brighter light. Her eyes big like buttons were just like the moon glowing above, amber and piercing.

She bumped into the first one, which has unexpectedly stopped in the darkness.

"…It's here." — The black-haired exclaimed, ignoring the one that had just bumped into her.

But in front of those two was only a smooth looking stone wall, that could mean nothing else but a dead end to their journey.

"I can barely feel anything." — The brown-haired added hesitantly, trying to detect any energy around.

"It's an old generation spell, darkness type, but enhanced by the ground element, supposed to melt in with the surroundings. It was used to scare off the curious individuals. Spread in the entirety of the area, it's undetectable until you come closer to the entrance, where the seal is supposed to cancel the purification magic inside the mountain…"

"This kind of protection… Do you know how to break it?"

"The Akai Era exorcist seal. Do you know where the era got its name from?"


She waved her hand before the wall, and the crimson marks appeared on it. The brown-haired exorcist backend in shock, as the red marks were made from nothing else than blood itself.

"There is no stronger dark power than the resentment of the sacrifices."

Kurayama Touka, a top student graduate from the University of Elemental Research. Master at Exorcism History and Spells at only 23 years. The professors could say there was no other student like her, inquisitive, resolute and deeply drowning in the topic of the demon history and repelling. But instead of pursuing her carrier further, she dropped out of the University and instead followed as a mere low scientist in an unpopular research center. A mysterious aura surrounded this group, as they have been looking for the most ridiculous thing, which was the aiding and supporting role of jewelry in magical arts. Not having successful works for years, this group has remained asleep, waiting for a turn to come. And as the second scientist believed, it would come today.

Junban Taiyoko, everyone who knew this kind soul couldn't speak anything wrong about her. Someone who couldn't hurt even a fly, an outstanding purifying magic performer, a graduate from the University of Elemental Guidance, but sadly, someone who didn't achieve anything important in her life. One could say that due to enviness and jealousy of others, she was led to the dark paths of life, with no other paths remaining, other than joining a poor research center as a rare light element user, with uncommon knowledge of elemental transmutations and purification. As for now, researching accessories boosting one's power was the main image in her head. But the problem with all of it was that the accessories were seen as a cheating way for those not gifted by the elemental powers…

"One user must use a decoy tainted spell to merge with the barrier, and then enhance the dark veins with the purifying light element, to purge the magic from the core." — Touka gave a sharp glance at Taiyoko, as if suggesting her that she is the crucial factor of the second part.

Putting her left hand on the rock marked with blood, she closed her eyes and focused, with a dark aura growing significantly around her, channeling through her hand.

The crimson pattern started to glow, showing a full spell that was drawn on the wall.

With this happening, Touko slowly started to groan, as if put in growing pain.

Taiyoko trying to catch her suddenly collapsing figure from the side, she asked:

"Touko!! Is this safe?"

"N-Necessary for the task, and the process of the research. After you see the last circle to start glowing, just channel your purifying energy into my back. I can manipulate my powers to channel yours."


"D-Do not hesitate."

The last circle around the spell has been filled with faint light.

Touko's body seemed to exaggerate deeper with every second, gasping and shivering, channeling the energy into the wall.

"— Yoko!!" — She yelled, not being able to hold it anymore.

The right hand of Taiyoko landed forcefully on Touka's back, immediately glowing with a bright aura. The black-haired girl loudly gasped for air, and seemed to fall in a trans, with her channeling the incoming light energy into passages across the barrier she created, merging her flowing energy with the one already creating the barrier. Now, infusing it with the light element, the dark spell could no longer repel any force that came to it. Being torn apart from the inside, the invisible aura barrier crumbled, making the blood marks disappear, and the rock beneath it cracking.

Touko almost fainted, and would surely be unconscious if not Taiyoko, who caught her from the back and roused her consciousness.

"You… That could be fatal to you!!! Letting the light element pass through your darkness infused cells… That's an elemental conflict! How can you still be alive after that?" — The worried voice of Taiyoko yelled in Touka's ears, making her shake from the loudness.

"You're also a ground subtype… Right? Crush that wall… I'll be back to my senses in seconds." — Touko pointed at the cracks in the walls with her wobbling hand.

Taiyoko couldn't disobey the orders of a hurt person. Moving the hurting body of Touko nearby, not asking more questions despite being curious, she put her both hands on the halfly destroyed wall, and charged her energy into it.

Swiftly retreating before the rocks could crush her, the wall was shattered, showing a dark passage behind it.

Before Taiyoko could return to Touka's body, she was already standing steadily in the passage leading deep inside of the mountain crevices.

Taiyokos shocked face could tell it all.

"You… Recovered so quickly… How…"

But there was no answer, just a low: "Follow me quickly. If there are any lefts of the exorcists, they have been probably alerted."

Her body disappeared inside of the darkness. Not hesitating to be left alone in the open space of the area, Taiyoko followed hesitantly, sparking up a faint light coming from her both hands, to brighten up the stone inside of the corridor.

Going further inside of the corridor, she finally followed up Touka, and then both of them walked deeper and deeper into the mountain.

The brown haired girl has been growing more and more anxious, as a weird aura has been increasing the further they went.

Until finally reaching a huge cave, a vast space surrounded by every side with glowing waters. Glittering like the stars on the sky, both of them instinctively looked up to see if the cave wasn't actually an entrance outside. But it wasn't, as the ceiling was as dark as everything around.

The sparkling waters were surrounding a narrow pass, connecting the little isle in the middle of this cave lake with the corridor they just came from. And coming from the center of the isle, a sharply glowing light was, as if a real star was there, blinding those who looked at its beauty. The prisms of rainbows were decorating the gray walls of the cave, making it colorful and shine like a dozen of crystals. The magical aura has grown significantly since entering the place, probably coming from the source of this beautiful light.

"So… It's true… It's here…" — Touka's face has become amused from realizing that a belief has become truth.

"The… Light Crystal?" — Taiyoko's face couldn't be different from the other one's.

An item as mystical as the power itself, the accumulation of elemental energy, an unlimited source of it. An untamed object granting safety of all the living beings in the area, a sign of balance between the elements.

"After so many years…" — Touka started to come closer to the crystal, going through the bridge across the glowing rivers.

But stopped suddenly, as if forgetting an important factor of her task.

"Come. Before me. Me, as the darkness possessor, can't apprehend it so bluntly. It's you who must take it." — She turned towards Taiyoko, which was still enhanced by the object's aura.

"Ahh… Of course…" — As if bewitched by the crystal's power, she didn't hesitate to come closer to it.

Leaving Touka behind, she slowly approached the item, being able to see it in its full glory now.

Being polished better than the most expensive gem in the world, the big crystal sparked gorgeously, in every color that existed in this world. It's beauty speaking to the girl, she didn't even think before grasping the item with her small hands.

The beams of light came from between her hands, as she felt a dominant and overbearing energy filling her arms. She felt so refreshing and out of the world, as if transcending to heavens. But her body was still on Earth.

And she fell that at the same moment when the whole world around her started to shake violently.

She came to her senses, opening her eyes just to see the cave slowly fall down.

"Touka!!!" — She screamed in fear, turning around just to see that the bridge between her, and the other scientist standing at the passage to the outside, was succumbing to the glowing waters of the lake.

Running forwards, Taiyoko was eagerly trying to pass through, but came to a precipice just at the end of the still standing bridge, yet leading into the waters depths. However, Touko was standing just right at the other side, reaching her hand towards Taiyoko.

"Give me the crystal!! I'm going to help you right after!!!" — The black-haired scientist screamed through the noise of the boulders falling around.

She believed in the importance of the mission, and wouldn't declare herself more important than the magical gem. Looking at each other's faces, Taiyoko trusted the woman she knew since a short time. She was this kind of a person to have faith in everyone, no matter how bad they appeared.

Yet, this kind of trust never leaded to anything good.

The faintly now glowing crystal flew through the shaking air of the cavern, and landed straight in Touka's hands. She firmly grabbed the item, and quickly put it inside a dark poach, hissing, as if the gem burned her skin on touch.

"Touka!" — She screamed her name, all frightened, while the rocks were falling right next to her head.

Taiyoko, still waiting for Touka's aid, stood on the verge of what has been left from the bridge, and reached her hand towards Touko, hoping for her help.

But nothing like this happened.

After getting the gem in her possession, Touka's face changed into an entirely new one, Taiyoko has never seen since working with her.

An empty face of a dull person. A hollow shell of a human.

"…There is no stronger dark power than the resentment of the sacrifices. You've full filed your mission…" — Turning her back to the begging screams of the brown-haired girl, Touka rushed towards the collapsing exit of the cave, leaving despaired Taiyoko on the crumbling rock of the bridge.

"…Yoko... Why?" — She succumbed on her knees. Tears have fallen off her young face, and just right after that, the lone stone she had been persisting on, has drowned in the glowing waters of the cave.

And maybe Taiyoko would have come out of it all. If not the duality of her companion Touka, the fact that the collapsing cave was no other than her doings, thanks to the mechanism guarding the crystal. However, that could have been halted with Touka's abilities. Or perhaps it was the fact that Taiyoko did never learn to swim, and the rocks falling off the ceiling couldn't help her in remaining above the surface…

Her inert body fell to the depths of the glimmering voids, floating in the blessing liquid that since centuries has absorbed the power of the light crystal.

Deeper and deeper, the air finally disappeared from the lungs of the young scientist.

And she would fall asleep in the eternity.

If not a quiet voice in her head, that was getting more and more louder.


But the consciousness of Taiyoko seemed to have drifted miles away, with her hair swaying in the water.

"Hey, Young Maiden. Can you hear me??"

Taiyoko would have drowned by now.

But she didn't.

"Don't act like you can't hear me at all! Respond or I will doom your soul forever!!"

She came to her mind, as the irritated and husky voice of a man disturbed her eternal peace.


"Hahahaha. You're still here. How wonderful. After centuries, I will finally be freed." — A deep voice echoed through the state she was in.

A state of in between, where nothing can be done other than just thinking.

"Where… Am I?"

The consciousness of Taiyoko started to search for answers.

"Is this the… purgatory?"

"Purgatory?? Hahaha such a place doesn't exist. There is only the abyss, and I'm the master of it." — The voice seemed to had lifted spirits and be in a surprisingly good mood.


"Listen here Maiden. I will give you a once in a lifetime opportunity. In exchange for your power of the ground element and some of your life force, I promise to come and free you from the shackles of the eternal rest in the life-giving waters of the cave."

The voice wasn't hesitant to propose. It could seem that being desperate like this made this person be straightforward.

"I, Saigainoshinryu, The Great and Almighty Demon Lord, will make a pact. Leading a revenge on the ones that made you fall in disgrace, in exchange for the power you bear that will help me get out of this place I was sealed in."

"Huuh…?" — Taiyoko still couldn't seem to register all of it as reality happening in the waters of her consciousness.

"You are and still will be alive because of the power these waters hold. Bearing the element of light, it synergies with the life-holding abilities of this lake, making your body be preserved in it as long as the powers don't disappear, or someone rescues you out of here. So, you will probably drift here for an eternity. If, you don't give me an opportunity of getting out of here in your place." — The excited, manly voice couldn't seem to stop talking.

Taiyoko seemed to realize the situation she was put in.

Being unable to do anything else right now, petrified in the holy water, there wasn't an option left anyway.

"Is there other fate waiting for me anyway?"

"Other than being alive and at the same not, I don't think so."

"Then… I agree. But I don't want to take any revenge on anyone. I would never assume anything without knowing the true purpose…" — Taiyoko started to lose her conscious side, as the other one urged to be put in a dream inside of the blessing in between.

"So, your ground elemental power and some life force, in exchange for me coming for you after I recover my true strength?"

"Huuuh… Y-Yes… I agree…" — Her thoughts seemed to drift away in the realm of dreams.

"I, Saigainoshinryu pledges to this young woman to fulfill all the points in the pact. Body for a body, Soul for a soul, Core for a core, The powers shall come forth to me, and I shall give them a true redemption. Forth, the contract shall begin!"

In a brief moment, Taiyoko felt as if the life force filling her cells were forcefully being sucked out from her, like with a vacuum. Every bit of clinging to materiality she had made her mind open up to the waters of the lake she was covered with. She gasped for air, but only water filled her already full lungs, as she screamed in agony. But no one could hear it, as the soul of the demon lord, freed from his shackles, has already left the mountain.

Spinning through the crevices in the stones, a flying, dark mud got out of the mountain's side, flickering right and left.

This form of an apparition can't go long without an easy host to possess.

But as if someone called fate for an opportunity, a small boat was drifting thought the surface of the lake. It was already morning, the water was being lightened by the rays of the rising sun. On the small swimming object, a fisherman was unraveling his nets, not noticing he has come too close to the island the Demon King was once sealed in. Just on the other side of the boat, a black car was sleeping, probably waiting for a fishy feast to come at his paws.

But the cat couldn't wait no more, as a dark floating thing entered his body, and took control of his consciousness.

Finally, a vessel. Yet not satisfactory…

The demon king fell asleep, yawning as a cat, having enough time to rest, as the fisherman noticed some figures moving at the coast of the island…

Never have seen anybody there, an anxious feeling surrounded his chest.

Something must have happened, he thought…

In today's news, two car accidents were reported.

One happening on the streets of Topasu, a small district with their people living mainly of the aquamarine industry, sailing, fishing, making boats and international transport.

The lady on the news reported that a young man, in the age of seventeen, got under a car, trying to rescue a stray black cat that was about to get under the speeding vehicle. The little creature survived, being aggravated and terrified, not wanting to leave the man, maybe from the fact that his savior got in a critical state, now being rescued in a hospital.


"Young mortal. You are not going to live through such injuries. Your body is frail, and your forces are not enough to recover fully. But, In exchange for possessing this body, I, the Demon King Saigainoshinryu, shall restore it with my powers and life force. Once I regain my full strength as a demon Lord, I shall give you this vessel back, and look for a better replacement."

With the pain of bones crushed inside of his tumbled body, having in mind an ill mother and a young sister to take care of, Akise didn't hesitate to exchange his body for a form of redemption. Hoping that whoever possesses his body will keep their words, he now roamed the world as a cat, worrying that he will never find himself in a situation he was put in. Yet if he had to leave this earth, leaving his poor mother and younger sister by, his soul would crush from the grief and sorrow.

So, he followed the ambulance transporting his unconscious body to the hospital…


The black-haired teenager, whose age was 16, has slowly opened his hurting eyes.

The first thing he saw, was a face of a middle-ages woman, yet looking exhausted and worn out from worrisome.

Her cheeks were wet from the waterfall of tears she had cried out.

But when their eyes met, this woman almost fainted from the shock. The shock of her son waking up from an accident no one would survive.

"AKISE!!!" — She threw herself at his body, connected with the cords to the medical aparatures. — "A-Akise… I prayed all days and nights for you to wake up… Thank Gods. Thanks to the elemental powers."

Nobody noticed the doctors who suddenly got in the room.

"He… That's impossible… Such fractures and injuries…" — One of them couldn't believe his eyes.

But what they didn't know, is that the boy isn't longer human. Isn't longer the Akise they all knew.

"Whaaa… The hell, what is this white nightmare of a place..." — His voice was hoarse and lazy.

Noticing the people wearing white coats, all in glasses and observing him astonished, the pulse on the monitor has jumped up.

"E-E… ARE YOU EXORCISTS?! I-I IM GONNA FUCKING CUT YOU DOWN!!" — The teenager started to struggle in his bed, cursing all around at the doctors, which he had never seen in his life.

Being sealed in the mountain for almost 300 hundred years, the world definitely wasn't the same as it was then…

But it changed every second, even more…


On the other side of the city, another accident happened.

A young lady was crossing the road, not noticing a rushing car which was rushing at her with the full speed. Although we couldn't know if the driver was the one who missed the girl.

The surveillance cameras couldn't deform reality, but even the specialists didn't believe what they have seen.

The car bending before the girl's body, and crushing into the pole nearby, with the driver's death at place. The terrified girl fainting right after, no witnesses saw what really happened at the place and what forced the car to take a sudden detour.


"Lucael. You have broken the Holy Codex."

Only these two sentences echoed around, as a young faced, white haired person was curling up in the place that couldn't be described. A void which took the appearance of every room at once.

The floor was all covered with scattered, white feathers. He was covering his bare, naked body from the eyes that were everywhere around him.

"Lucael. Lucael. Lucael."

His name was repeated and repeated, making his mind become insane.

"Luca." — Someone grabbed him on the shoulder.

The white-haired man trembled from the mystical touch of a gentle hand.

He uncovered his crying face from under a cascade of thick, messy hair.

A pair of crystal white eyes sent a devastated look to the one who dared to come to him.

"You have been granted redemption."

His forehead was touched, and a beam of light blinded the room.

""͍̖͙̙̝͓͔͖̱̌̾̈̎̉͌́̿́ͅB̯͇̲̱̱͎̿̃̈́̎ͅó̱̣̭̞̤͔͖͔͚̟͖͉̯͎̜̿̾́͋͊̓r͖̰͕͈͖̝̣̣͖̬̟̘̭̮͕͚͑̏̔̓̆̎n͍̘̟̯͎̬̖͎̙̐̓́͐̇̐̂̾͆̓͋̓͌͊̀ͅ f̤͈̭̲̳͚͉͎͓̞̜̰̖̣͆̈͛́̉̒͂̆͊̓̋̒͆̿̆r͚̠̮͎͙͕̈́̍͊͐o̮̩̖̪̭̜͍͖̔̆͗̒́̈͗̂̈̏́̊̍́̆̏ͅṃ̝̫̳̱̮̙͙̀̀̎́ ȁ͚̦͖͔̞̞̤͙̗̞̩̞͍̫̬͑̔̏̈̊̾̊͗́̒͌̊͊̃̏ b̯͙̖̙̳̠̥̘̜̫̝͉̗͙̆̉̃͂̀̐̉̓o̟͉̫̲̤͇̫̒͐̀͋̍̒ͅd͉̜̣͚́̃̎̚y̘̳̙͖̙̖̝̬̠͍͉̝̟͇̿̀̈͐̾̽̅́́̎̃̃,̞͔̜͍̥̝̟̂̿́́̽̈́̈́̒̆͂͊͑̈́̽̏ d̜̗̮̩̘̟̐͂̿́̒̑̋̂͛͌̋e̟̱͈̮̮̣̙͋͌̐̅͊́͗̂̓̎̋̊̌s̘͇̭̲̣͚̄͆̆̍͑̍̊̓̋̈c̰͎͍͓͍͕̗̪̰̑͗̑̓̎͂͒̽͐e͎̘̯̮̰̓̒͊̀̂́̅n̘̰̭̩͇̤̣̩̰̓̄͑͌d̠̗̰̳͒̌̿͆̋͋̅́̽͑̓̈́ẹ̩̝̝͚͕̙̪̗̀̍̅̋̐̒̀̄̊̆͋͗̍d͔̲̯̣͖̱̙̝̳͉͇̫̏̈̏̔̈́̍́̀̀̉́́͂̄̚̚ͅ f͕͚̮̿̄͆͗̾̾͛̀ͅr͚̝̝̟̂͛̉̉̊̏o̲͔͖̤̦̖̮̟̜̤͍̎̔̊̃͆̀̉̏m̲̟̙̦͚̖̣̩̙̖̆͌̽̇̉̈́͒̓͋̇̒̈́͊́̌̅ h͍̘̲̲̮̘͇̤̯̝͉͙̥͍͗̾̔̈́̎͋́̿è̟̭̗̳̩̟͎̣̞̟̀͂̅̀̚a͇̥̞̫̳̥̝̮̥̱͚̰͕̦̖̿̔̂͋́́̇̋̌̃̆̐v͈̣̣̮̮̮͔͌̐̇͛̓͒̊̏e̪̰̲͓̟͊̇͊͂̀̏̈̏̂͐̿̆͑̉̌̚ͅn͈̰̖̏͐̍̈ͅs͔̩̫͚̲͙͖͉̲̤̤̲̾̋̉̿̈̈́̅̃͒̐̉̔̉̄͆̾,̖̱̮̰̦͎̞̠̣̭̥͕̦̬͊͐̂̾̑̾̓̏̒̊̓͛̓̅͐ ý͕̦͚̞̅̊̈́̒̉̽̓̉̃͊̽̎ọ̣͔̮̠̰͕͉͖͒̓̄͌̏̅̂͛͂̉̓̓̂̓̑̚ṳ̬̦̯̗̭̖̈͋́̑̌̀̿̑̇̋̿͆͋̚̚ s̘̱͈͖̫̏̾̓̉̊͊͋̆̌͗h̖̬̣̮̲̯̩̙̀̔̀̂̓̓̃͒̇̎̚a͇̞̮̠͓̱͉̥͎͌̐̀̊̃͒l͎͙̙̝̖͎̆̒͐̊̔̆̒̍͌̿͒̌̀̅l̮͇̭̥͂̆̋̈̔͛̐̃̋ s͓̥͎̩̄͌͗͋́́̌͋͐͂̈́̓̉̅e̖̖̫̭̊̾̔̓͆̇͒̾e̗̮̬̭͛̿͂̈́̈́͂̈͌̋̉̾̐͗k̝͚̥̪̤͎̮̩͑̑̋̄̈̉̒̍̾̍̓͒́̓͌̃ͅ t͉͔̥̩̣̠͈͙͎̝̙̘̠̖͛̄͐̚h̫͕͍̭̯̒̈́́̇̋͛̄e͇̘̭̖͒́͑͛̿̒ͅ r̥̲̮̩̜̞̪̙̄̊̎͌̒̎̄̏͊͑é̗̩̲̘̉̀̀̚v̖͎̜̬̰̤͓̟͚͍͖̰͉͍̎̈͆͑͗͂̉́̒͛̊̀̄̾̍̍ͅͅè͓̮̩̯͎̬̩̭͈̯̞̀̈́̓̎̂̒̀͗̆͑ͅͅl̜̥̭͙̓̂͋̓̅́a͔̬͈͍̬̭͍̘̬̣̣̭̯̠̬̲̍̍͗͆̃̓̿̈͗̒t͉̗̳̯̯͙͂̐̿̇i̙̜̙̜͓̗̣̞͎̲̐̔̍̈́́ỏ͉̙̬͕̙̫̗̯̟̟͖̞͗̔̌̔̿̆̽̽͐̊̀̚ñ̙͖̯̙̙͉̫͎̩̏̽͂̃̀͛̀͑̿̅̀ͅ.̜̬̰͍͖̯͖̰̤̞͇̣̖̬͛͗͌͗͒̀̾̓͒̋͊͂̓̃͛̃ͅͅ"̘̥̬̦͉̲͇̤̳͋̔̽̈́͒̾̽̊̋̿͌ͅ

He suddenly started falling into the void the room has become, and it felt like joined the eternity.


The same day, a little astronomical magazine on the TV reported a sighting of a very bright comet, that wasn't registered by any computers. Coming mysteriously, lighting up the sky, the scientist have been thinking about that phenomena, wondering how could an object appear, not being detected by any device.

One of the observators watching thought the telescope could swear he saw a falling angel instead of a comet. But no one believed him anyway.


Having a pure heart in this world costs a loss of austerities. The most expensive ones being their own lives. With the greed of power, consuming souls at an appalling pace, the page of this city's future seemed to be covered in a dark ink.

As the chains fell of the demon's king hands, and the angel was torn of his wings, not only they were freed from the eternal cage, they were supposed to stay in…