

It originally took Ryu a month to make it to the Heavenly Dew Pavilion's outer territory. This time, however, it didn't even take him a week. Had he used the Quivering Spectral Wings, he might have been able to complete the journey in just three to four days. The amount of speed he had access to right this moment was simply ridiculous, he practically glided through the air, not facing the slightest wind resistance.

'This should be enough time for news to have spread and for others to have a general understanding of what's going on here.'

Ryu had realized that the little woman had been silent for a very long time, but he also wasn't the type to randomly start a conversation with someone he knew so little about, so he hadn't cared enough to pay great attention to it at all.

He walked into the city slowly, and as expected, there was an odd air to it.