

It was the irony of all ironies. Just a few months ago Ryu was thinking about Yaana and how she was in the perfect situation to reaffirm her comprehensions. Not only would she gain the strengthening of relearning what she already knew, but she also wouldn't have the hindrance of her previous memories slowing her down. It could be considered the best of both worlds.

Somehow, though, Ryu had been in the same exact situation. And yet, rather than benefitting, he was being punished. 

No… It wasn't that he was being punished, but rather that his comprehension had oscillated so many times that what once was 'easy' became decidedly less so. By his calculations, he had broken past the Ruler Realm into the Small Realm level several times already. But, each and every time, not long afterward, his comprehension would regress. 

On top of that, he would also somehow forget that he had had this breakthrough and go about his day as though nothing had happened.