

Ryu's speed only seemed to grow faster. Unfortunately, his progress wasn't endlessly fast nor without bumps. He was finding it more and more difficult to constrain himself to the power of his bow. 

One would have thought that after entering the Heir Realm, it would have become easier. But, it was the exact opposite. Using a bow now gave him an added boost to his strength, a strength he had to put even more effort into supressing now. It was a fascinating change. 

There were several times Ryu almost snapped his body in two. It was simply incapable of keeping up with him. The fact he was killing Immortal Ring level threats with a Black Grade treasure was testament enough to just how potent his pupils were. 

Ryu suddenly missed Ailsa. By now, she would have probably said something that would have enlightened to him what felt like the next several dozen steps he would need to make. But, without her, he could only stumble around on his own.