

Selheira spoke about her parents. It turned out that her mother actually wasn't a Crystal Dragon, but was rather a Fire Dragon, an odd union, to be sure. 

Usually, it was Fire Dragon men taking hold of Crystal Dragon women. This was probably the most common union across the entire Dragon Clan. 

Selheira didn't see her mom often. She was quite a proud and arrogant woman, as one might expect. Even so, she was quite gentle around Selheira and coddled her as much as her husband did. 

So as one might expect, Selheira's childhood wasn't filled with much hardship at all.

"How did your parents meet, then?" Ryu asked, a bit confused. 

The banishing of Crystal Dragons shouldn't have been a recent matter. 

Selheira smiled, pressing her cheek against Ryu's. 

"My father went to get her."