

Ryu exhaled a breath, feeling the swaying flames within him. 

This white flame that went by a name even he could still not pronounce had always had a mind of its own. Regardless of what he did or tried, it never seemed to listen to him. But now, it suddenly had blossomed and gained a mind of its own. 

It wasn't lost on Ryu that this white flame had saved his life once before. And, it also wasn't lost on him that its fires were likely what made the Phoenix Sky God Spiritual Foundation so unique and amazing. But, if it didn't want to listen to his commands, there was very little he could do about it. 

Thinking back through it all, this white flame was even the reason why his soul had gained a fully elemental form, laying the foundation he needed to improve it to the Indestructible Soul Realms. There were so many mysteries surrounding this flame, mysteries he hadn't even begun to tap into just yet.