
Chapter Three:

Chapter Three:

“There’s no village or town near our location, your highness. This man may be a traveler or a fugitive.” That was what Naneya said after some time of investigating. After the mysterious man fainted, the prince gave orders to patch him up and tie him down to a pole. He was such in a bad state with cracked ribs, bruises and wounds all over his body. A knight kept watch until he woke up and informed the prince and his captain.

“I am a traveler. Never in my life did I ever tried to do something bad.” Grumbling under his breath the man adjusted his sore wrist from the tight knot. “Can you at least loosen this? I’m in no right shape to escape anyway.”

“Tell us your name first. We do not know if you can be trusted.” Stellan said from the spot he was standing. The man rolled his eyes at the prince. Naneya made a move to draw her sword that Stellan stopped.

“My name is Ivan. I am a traveler who gathers information. I am from the West side of the world, left my own country to try my luck---”

“You gather information?” Stellan became interested in the man. People who gathers information are considered important in every country. They are the people who knows everything at the country they live in. Information gatherers are stealthy people and can blend in with the people well. Wandering information gatherer on the other hand are being hunted. Because they travel around the world gathering information they knew of every dark secrets of each country making them dangerous.

“Yes, I do. Been to all countries besides Quelle. I was on my way there when Mindu knights knew of my identity. They tortured me to try to sell them the information I have and when I refused, they left me in this forest that was the home of the creature you just killed, thank you for that by the way.” Ivan said casually to them. He was still wiggling against his restraint clearly uncomfortable.

“Trade with me then.” Stellan said without hesitation. He knew this was dangerous. Trading with an informant who he knew nothing about may endanger him, but he was willing to take the risk.

“I like trades. Tell me, what can you give me for the information you want?” Ivan’s cunning nature came out as he heard the word ‘trade’. Information gatherer does not accept payment. They call it ‘trade’ instead. Anything in same value for the information you want. Naneya is skeptical of this man, but she was in no position to interfere.

“Information for information. Let me introduce myself, I am Prince Stellan Quelle of the Eastern kingdom and I believe I have the information you lack.” Ivan stopped from wiggling. He was startled by the information he just heard. As far as he knew, royals of Quelle does not like to travel out of their country unless it is very necessary. They tend to stay out of war and remain neutral. The quite people of Quelle, traveling? How bizarre. Ivan chuckled to himself interested by this trade.

“Tell me then, what kind of information do you seek for, your highness?” This man does not recognize him as a royal, but rather a customer without title.

“Song of the Gods, do you know any of it?” Recognition passed on Ivan’s eyes upon the mention of the magical object. It passed too quickly that if you were not paying attention you will not realize that it was even there.

“Yeah, nope. Never heard of it.” He shrugged off the question the prince asked while he averted his gaze. Naneya is a very skilled knight who knows deception from truth and she saw the recognition that briefly registered on the traveler’s eyes. She had enough. Drawing her sword without warning, she slashed her sword and made a small cut on the travelers’ now clean face. Dark aura surrounded her as she points her sword towards his throat once again.

“You tell lies quite too quick, traveler. Perhaps you need to realize the situation you are in?” Her every word were sharp. She has lost the patience for the man.

“Lower your sword, captain.” Stellan try to subdue the anger Naneya was feeling. This may be the first step they would have on finding the magical object that would save his sister. They need him and his knowledge.

“His disrespect towards a royal is not acceptable, your grace. Let me at least cut off one of his fingers as a punishment.”

“Hold your shoes, you violent woman! I do not even know if you are who you said you are! We informants do not trust easily and besides respect is earned not asked! And I quite like my fingers, thank you very much!” The traveler defended himself, glaring at the captain who has the same emotion in her eyes.

“I have no evidence to prove that I am indeed the prince aside from the Quelle crests on our clothes and flags. All I can tell you is that we need you. My sister is sick. Many skilled doctors visited and saw her and yet no one have the knowledge of what causes her disease. She’s getting weaker and weaker every day. She gets cold even when the sun is scorching hot. She loses her breath for every five steps she takes and when the evil decided to play their tricks, she gets bed ridden with high body temperature. Writhing in pain that no one can cure. So, please. Help us. Help my sister.” Silence. Stellan waited for the informant to speak. To say anything. He was bracing himself for the possible ridicule the man would throw at him. People who were sick with unknown diseases are considered cursed and is being ridiculed. Seen as someone who’s existence the Gods do not accept.

“How old is she?”

“Seven years old.”

“I hate this responsibility sometimes. Fine! Untie me so I can give you the information you need and get a map of the world.” Stellan disregard the informants’ whispers for that spark of hope. He was delighted that finally after a month of travel, they will take the first step of finding the Song of the Gods.

“Order the missionaries to bring the world map here.” Captain Naneya nodded at the prince’s order. She sure does hope that this is the first step that they need. She sees the princess as her own sister. It always breaks her when the princess shouts for help because of too much pain. Although everyone heard her call for help, no one can do anything to lessen her pain. She too wishes to find the magical object.

“I’m telling you, I lost track of that thing when I arrived at Mindu. It’ll take months to track it back.” Ivan twisted his wrist when Stellan finally untied him. Its sore, but still bearable.

“All we need is information on where to start.” Determination shines on the prince’s eyes. Ivan sighed massaging his temple. He hates it when his good side gets the best of him. It always put him in a situation like this. Helping people because his conscience is bombing his thoughts.

Naneya reentered the tent with a missionary at her side. She instructed the missionary to unravel the map. They all stood around it as Ivan kneeled in front, looking for the places he seeks for.

“Here, this is where the family who have that thing you were looking for once lived. It’s a small land in the middle of all the kingdom. They moved here, on Quelle five years ago. Two years later, they moved again in the western kingdom, right here. The last place I knew of them is here, in the capital of Mindu. They move very frequently and quickly. Its hard to track them.” Ivan explained to them about what he knew on the magical object they are looking for. Pointing at every location he knew of their living.

“How long was it since you last knew their location?” Naneya asked him. Ivan sat on the ground looking up at the three people around him.

“Three years ago.” Stellan felt his shoulder slack. Three years is a long time. They may have move anywhere from a country to another country.

“They have been in Quelle five years ago? The princess was just two years old back then.” The missionary spoke out of turn which Naneya glared at him, silently telling him to shut up.

“Cheles showed signs of her sickness when she was three.” Stellan ruffled his hair. That information did not help. He became frustrated knowing that the magical object that can help her sister was within their grasp five years ago. If only they knew that Cheles would become sick, they would have saved her from all of those pain years ago. The family that has the Song of the Gods.

“The family. What is the name of the family?” The prince asked Ivan.
