

   Detention was awful, that is until I realised I could get my much needed sleep and took a long nap, even Mr Morris had to wake me to go home but before that I had quite a time.


I closed the door behind me heaving a huge sigh. I looked nervously at my hands as the whole class of juvenile delinquents looked at me probably thinking what this average height girl in a wet floral dress and purple sandals doing. The teacher looked at me recognising me as the daring student.

    "Well, what's your name and what are you in trouble for" I almost hissed as he asked me this, I mean seriously you don't know my name and Evans had already found a seat at the back apparently he had a friend there, I'm not surprised.

"I asked you a question" He said with his stupid look.

"My name is Grace Gilroy and I'm here for..." I trailed of not actually sure of what I was here for.

"Well aren't you going to have a seat?" Mr Morris said. I knew he was enjoying my suffering. I wobbled awkwardly to the first seat I saw and and accidentally pushed it to the floor, I heard some people snicker and embarrassed I picked it up and sat down feeling my cheeks burn from the heat of humiliation.

"Miss Gilroy, would you be as kind as to put the do not disturb placard on the door" Mr Morris said with a pointed expression holding in his hand the 'do not disturb' placard.

I swear this man is evil, I mean what do we need a do not disturb placard the school is half empty by now and nobody tries to 'disturb' Detention and he couldn't have told me to do this before I went through the ordeal of sitting down.

"Miss Gilroy I believe I just spoke to you or has your hearing disappeared along with your fine motor skills" 

"No sir" I stuttered uncomfortably. I stood up with great effort because until a while back I didn't know I was so clumsy. I walked over to him and took the placard and I got the weird feeling someone was looking at me in an inappropriate manner, I looked back and sure enough I saw a dark haired boy staring at my you-no-what. I cleared my throat loudly and gave my best scowl he got the hint and scowled back. What a jerk!

I hung the placard and as I started back to my seat Mr Morris interrupted.

"Miss Gilroy I prefer you seat there where you can avoid distractions and meditate on your faults" He said pointing to a chair just in front of pervert boy. Great.

   I walked over there and made sure to smile at him before sitting in front of him.

5 minutes later

I felt a piece of paper thrown at the back of my head. Startled I bent down to pick the paper not bothering to find the sender. Nervous, I opened the crumpled paper and it read

'Hey Girlie wanna date'

The note read in a surprisingly clean and fine handwriting which was ironic cause well,  you know, considering the situation. I felt many things:

1) I was appalled.

2) I was amused.

3) I was offended and lastly;

4) I was confused

I figured I just leave it alone until about 10 more dropped at my head but I left it cause for all I know It could be blackmail and I have this theory about blackmail. So I decided to take my long deserved nap and I drifted of to sleep.

            End of flashback

Hey guys, I posted this chapter as a token of apology for the mistake with chapter 4, make sure read it. Things get interesting, I promise. ♥ ?

Omamuzocreators' thoughts