

Sunday mornings were the days Grace had come to love. It was when she'd get to be in church.

She was mostly invisible among so many people which was okay. She didn't have to interact with anybody or understand what the preacher must have been saying . She only understood that she was in sanctuary among many people which was comfort alone.

Sunday afternoons however was what she badly wanted to get rid off.

"Mum, how do you want me to set the table." Grace asked her mum who was busy in the kitchen cooking.

"Like you always do it honey, Andrew go help your sister." her mum said.

Andrew is Grace's younger brother, she couldn't say little brother anymore because he was getting brattier by age.

His grumblings would one of these days make Grace crack and destroy her self made anger management control.

The fact that Sofia Barton and her family were coming for dinner wasn't in the least bit helping. The girl and her twin brother were just intolerable. They were so infuriating. Their mother was so nosy, even nosier than her aunt Laura. Their dad could never shut up about sports making people like Grace who never tuned to a sports channel in their life feel like they deserved to go to hell. One time Andrew started taking notes on sports before meeting Mr Barton. Their three year old was the  worst toddler Grace's family had ever met and no she wasn't the just the type that wouldn't stop crying, that in addition to the fact that she wanted everything and everyone wrapped around her little pinky finger.

"Grace go freshen up and wear something really nice" Graces mom said.

"You too Andrew, you look sweaty" said her dad.

She trudged up the stairs wearily not liking this one bit. Freshening up was great and so was dressing up. She chose a green dress with flowers and a round neck. She didn't really wear make up only on special occasions when her mum just added some eye shadow. She was definitely thinking about broaching that topic later.

"Grace their here, come down quick" Andrew called, he too hurried downstairs. She wondered why they did invite the Barton's over. Oh wait, they invited themselves.

"Ugh that family is horrible" Grace murmured under her breath. She went to the door where her family was waiting to welcome them.

"And in 3,2,1..." Grace murmured under her breath.

" Oh hello Sandra, how are you doing..." Sofia's parrot of her mother was cut short by her parrot of a father.

"Oh Jim haven't seen you since that cricket game we went to the other day. Sofia's dad started with her dad.

"Mommy! Mommy! Where's my cute little bow, it's not on my head" that crazy shrill princess voice rang out, Penny. You see Penny was the worst toddler Grace's... Oh wait we've discussed that before.

"Oh my sweetheart, here it is, it fell on the floor when we were entering, here let me put it back on your pretty hair"

"Nooo! I don't want it anymore Penny said as she took it from mrs Barton, ripped it, threw it on the floor, stomped on it and sat down on it crying. Classic Penny episode.

"This is gonna be a long night" Grace said