

Her full name was actually Aragracia. It was shortened to Grace which ironically was what she lived by at school, at home, everywhere. She felt she slipped out of unfavourable circumstances only by a hair's breath. Sometimes she wished to just skip some days or relive some over and over.

Her life was simple yet complicated.

"Grace, are you done with the dishes" her mom called from inside the house.

"Yes mum" She said hoping for no more conversation. She wished she had a friend to talk to but she didn't really have any. Her dad advised her that if she couldn't make friends with the old students then she might as well make friends with the new students. So, she basically set up a new student radar. Many came and many went away. Some go popular and some got bullied. At a time she started waiting for the perfect new girl who would come and be her 'bestie' and they'd go everywhere together but that was on one hand. On the other hand the new girl will get popular and be among the queen bees. The third hand was that she'd be a timid naive girl and then find love, defy her parent and get caught up in her own fairytale like most of them do. Her own life was never like any of these because fortunately and unfortunately for her, life wasn't a Quotev story so she loses again. Sigh.

She took a bath and put on nice clothes hoping for an adventure then again, who did she have to visit or go with. Sometimes she wondered if she should just rebel against her parents and actually go find herself out there, but that was also stupid. If she couldn't go out now, when would she be able to go out, at the end of time ?. Then again, it was useless giving this speech.

She wished schools were on holidays so that she could have the perfect holiday which entailed only four things; waking up, eating, watching TV and sleeping. She hated going away for the holidays but nobody ever understand her. She so badly wished she was in college. She would be free to just be free. She would cook her own food , make her own decisions, basically have her own life, but then she heard her mum wanted to send her to a convent university which broke her heart, soul and trust (but later she changed her mind though, phew 😌) . Though her trust had already been broken and mended so many times that now it was more of stitches than actually trust. She would wonder who or what actually hated her; is it life, is it people or was it the whole world. She was dying to know so she could ask one simple question; WHY?