
GOttA GEt AWAY (An After Death side story)

After Arianna's injury, her father decides to take a break from the group and The Circus. He takes with him his two daughters and together they drive away from California. They originally planned to go home to Minnesota but their plans don't work out and they end up in Oregon. A herd of the dead force them to stay in the city ------- This story is to fill in the questions as to where Rudi, Airi, and Juna went when they left. I feel it would be beneficial to the reader to have read After Death to be able to better understand the story. Warning: This story consist of sensitive topics that may be upsetting to some viewers

RudyGasparrini · Kinh dị ma quái
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14 Chs

Chapter 6 (The Mall)

Chapter 6: The Mall

Rudolph Alinsky

Estimated, May 2025

About 36 months after outbreak


Season 1


It felt like I wasn't the one controlling my body as I began to slowly follow behind Aubrey, holding Airianna even closer than before. I wanted to deny the woman's request, something about it seemed off. This wasn't safe.

We pushed through the dead. Aubrey killed a few, slicing through their stomachs and letting the blood cover our scent. The way she did it scared me but in a way this was to protect us.

Juna didn't like the blood, her face was scrunched but she went along with it because she knew she had to. Airianna didn't care. She was fading in and out of contentiousness. We needed to get somewhere soon.

The guilt set in more than ever before. What the hell was I doing to my children? What kind of father was I? How did we get here?

"It's just a little further. You'll know when you see it."

"What are we looking for?"

"Washington Square. Best place in the world. Though I may be a bit bias."

"A mall? You live there?"

"We all do. We have been since the start. We collectively decided not to live a life of sleeping on the ground, scrounging for food, and complete misery. It's nice, you and your kids will love it."

I didn't respond, I felt there really weren't any words worth saying. I wanted this to be good. I wanted safely and a place to be happy, but I knew we couldn't live here forever. This isn't where we belong.

The Mall was huge, bigger than I expected. There were no walls surrounding it, the dead gathered around a dead coyote in the parking lot, faint lights shown from inside. Aubrey had a smile on her face when she noticed my amazement but now, looking back, I was not amazed. I was terrified.

A strange man wasted no time as we approached to walk through the massive front doors. I know I wanted to kill him. I wish I didn't want to but I didn't like this. Not at all.