
Got You! from the first sight

Isabelle Ronallo lost her parents in the most ruthless way possible. But she tried her best to prevent this from ever happening again.  Her tries were futile when the same thing happened to her uncle and his family who sheltered her. As an heir to the Ronallo Mafia, she was expected to be vicious, she was expected to be powerful. But that couldn't help her save her family. Now she wants revenge, she wants blood. She is looking for the most hurtful way to avenge her family and the plan was to form an alliance with a powerful Italian Mafia which happened to be The Donovan Mafia. But how could she survive a partnership with a godly, arrogant and narcissist don. Especially when that narcissist is her ex-fiance.  Asher Donovan is the only person powerful enough to help her get revenge as he came from the same background as her. The man doesn't remember her and the love they had. Most of all, he doesn't know about the fruit of their love, their son Kevin. He was in a terrible accident seven years ago which resulted in him losing most of his memory. When she started living with him for the sake of partnership, he started remembering her. Remembering their love.  "Sometimes, never is better than late." Isabelle would say. Asher tries to discover the reason behind the collapse of their love. What he discovered made an enormous impact on their present. But the damage is done. There's no reversing it back.  Would they forget everything that happened to them and choose to live with guilt while choosing Love? Or will they get the most desired revenge. Love is great, love is powerful, love is unstoppable. But so is anger, so is depression, so is guilt. It is love against all odds.

ramunay321 · Thành thị
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11 Chs


"Mamma? When you return, will you bring me a big cotton candy?" Kevin asked gesturing his hand in the size, he wanted the candy to be.

"You want candy?"

"Yes, and a lipstick to Jin." he added.

We were in my bed room, early in the morning. I was preparing my suitcase which I'll be taking to Paris.

The auction will be held tomorrow evening in Paris. And Kevin is telling me the thing he wants me to bring him from Paris and not only did he tell me what he wants, he also told me what Jane wants.

"OK, I will get Jane a lipstick." I said and sat down on the bed. Kevin was standing in front of me and I am now on eye level with him.

"You have to be a good boy, now Kevi. Don't make aunt Louisa mad. Alright?" I said to him. Aunt Louisa is a our maid who raised me and all of us from early age. She is more like a relative to us. Now she is raising my Kevin.

"I promise mamma. I will always be a good boy." he said bending his hands behind his back and looking at me with those adorable blue eyes of his.

"Come here." I said as I hugged him tight, but careful not to hurt him. I don't know what I will do in these two days without him. There was a knock on the door that interrupted my bubbling emotions, and I break my hug from my son.

"Get in." I said and the door opened. It was Jane. She peaked her head from the small opening of the door and smiled at us.

"Hello, mother and child. I am sorry to interrupt you but, Isa will you come here quick?" she asked.

"What is it?" I asked as I walked to ward where she is and she got out of the room and closed the door behind me. I was confused.

"We have guests." she said in a shushed voice. "The Donovans are here." she said and now I see why she wanted me to come quickly. My mood turned sour int the mention of their family name. The name which I was going to share.

"I will be there in a minute." I said and went back inside my bed room.

"Kevin?" I called and he looked up from his car toy and looked at me.

"We have guests. I want you to sit here, play but don't get  out. OK?" I said to him and he nodded with all seriousness.

He knows when I'm serous and when I'm not. He knows when to obey and when to object. He is smart. I left the room with that.

I was wearing a ripped jeans with a simple white t-shirt and a black hill. I would be in a flight with in three hours thus, I got to finish this as soon as I could.

I was deep in thought of what our conversation is going to look like, when I heard a voice of a girl.

Oh God.

I walked in the hall way to the living room with my heels clicking on the marble floor. When I got in, I saw two familiar Donovans seated on our sofa.

"Isa?" I heard my name. It was Nancy. The only person from the Donovan family that I adored ,that is still alive. The other person was her father and he is dead. A gruesome death at that.

"Nancy?" I said with a voice full of love. She got up from her seat and came towards me with open arms. "Oh, I miss you so much." she said as buried her head in my neck. I also wrapped my hands on her back and patted her.

I could see Asher. He was on his feet, looking at us with confusion written all over his face.

"How have you been?" she asked as she pulled away from me.

"I was well. How about you?" I asked.

"I am good. I am really sorry for your loss." She said, her mood turning sympathetic.

"Thank you. Now sit, have something to eat." I said and went to greet the man standing and waiting for my acknowledgement. He looks just as stunning as always with his black turtle neck and a black coat on above.

"Good morning Miss Ronallo." Asher said outstretching his right hand for me to shake. I took it in mine and shake it well. "Welcome to my home, Mr. Donovan." I said and stood there for a good half a minute but he doesn't seem to let go. He was looking at me with his intense blue eyes and they rooted me on my ground like a spell cast.

I cleared my throat and break my hand from his. He seemed to realize just what he did as he retract his hand away quickly and sat down on the sofa. I also looked around the room and found Ronald and Alice seated side to side on the opposite seat to the Donovan siblings. Jane was seated with Nancy and they are talking about something that I didn't quite hear what it's about.

I took the only open seat close to Asher and sat on it. It was close to him, not close as in 'side to side' close but close enough for me to see his side profile.

"How is Mr. Antonio?" I asked as the room turned silent. Ronald seemed as if he would freeze Asher with his stare. His cold aura was not as cold as usual, it was freezing! Alice on the other hand is holding Ronald's hand trying to keep him calm. But I know on the inside, she is fighting the urge to stab Asher's cold heart.

 Now that I noticed, the people around in this room are sworn enemies, the reason why Asher isn't beaten to pulp or dead is because of the only innocent Donovan saint he brought beside him. Smart.

"He is alright, he had to take care of the business, he couldn't make it." Asher said and I nodded.

"I hope you are doing well, so? why do I owe this visit?" I said in a monotone. I know, he thinks I would behave differently because Nancy is here, but no. Her presence would only be a reason for me not to kill hm, nothing more.

Ronald shifted close to the end table and looked at him with eyebrows raised.

I saw Asher form a smug smile looking at the floor. He raised his head and pulled out a wrinkled black paper out of his coat and handed it to me. I looked up between him and the black paper. My eyes widened at the sight of what's on his hand.

NO! There's no way! That- that black paper is a death message I got form when I found my parents dead! It can't be! How did that thing got in his hands?

I took the paper out of his hand and stood slowly looking at the contents of it. God please!

"When? When did you receive this?" I asked looking at him after I read what inside it and giving it to Ronald. He also looked at it and his brows furrowed.

"Yesterday, after the werehouses exploded, my grandfather got this." Asher said with a grim expression.

They have Nancy on their next kill list.

Nancy sat with Jane silently. Jane took her hand in hers and try to show her that she's not alone.

She is a kid for fuck sake! How could they aim at her? She doesn't deserve to die because of her family. But then, none of us deserved what we are experiencing. I have to do something about this.

"Jane, bring sie in mein zimmer." I ordered and she took Nancy out of the room.

[bring sie in mein Zimmer: take her to my room] German.

Just as they went out, Aiden came in the room confused. "What's everyone doing here?" He said and I could see he didn't notice who is here.

"Aiden we've got guests-

"What the fuck is he doing in here?" He roared launching at Asher. Ronald took a swift movement and take him by the hand pulling him away from Asher.

I could see Asher surprised and excited by  this. "How dare you? After what you've done to Isabelle? You show yourself for what?!" He screamed and Ronald is having it hard to keep him at bay. "Calm the fucking down Aiden!" Ronald yelled at him but for the first time in my life, I saw Aiden mad at Ronald.

That snapped something in me. If I don't get in this, bloodshed will follow. Aiden is unstoppable now.

"CALM DOWN, DAMN IT!" I pulled my gun from my behind and shot behind Aiden and Ronald. everyone stayed put. I was nowhere playing and they knew. Aiden looked at me with terror and calmed down at once.

"Aspettami sul campo....Bald! " I said dangerously and he went out of the living room reluctantly after giving one last resentful glance at Asher.

[aspettami al campo. bald! : wait for me at the field. Now!] Italian.

"You stay here." I said to Alice and followed behind Aiden getting out of the living room. If Alice doesn't stay in the living room to calm her husband, I know what will happen. They will bite each other.

"Hey Aiden!" I yelled behind him but he didn't stop.

"Aiden stop it, right now." I said running behind him. I got no idea how he could walk this fast. I was running with high heels to catch up, obviously its hard.

"What do you want from me Isa?" He spat at me furiously.

"First, look at this." I said and gave him the black paper we both know too well and his expression fall to terror.

"What is this?" H asked, his eyes widening.

"You read it." I said and he took the paper out of my hand to look at the contents of it.

"You must be kidding. They only lost a man from their family?" What he said shocked me.

"What? Aiden are you even listening to your self?"

"So what? we lost a whole family! I lost my father, Mother, My sister! Now you are saying you will help them to protect a girl from their family?" he roared at me with watery eyes but furious.

"Aiden, please." My voice soft, but he wasn't buying it. I know what he is felling. He is hurting much. He turned his body to the other side. Now I am facing his sulked back. I walked slowly close to him and hugged his back. I could feel his body shaking uncontrollably.

"I am so sorry, Aiden."  I said and that made his shaking body turn limp as he fall down to the  ground on his knees.

"I lost Trice, Isa. I lost my sister." he said still on his knees. I know he has been sleeping in his sister's study room, but I let him  have space. The wound is still fresh in his heart and it is tiring.

The thing that tranquilized my aching heart was my child. Alice got her husband, Ronald beside her to share her pain. Aiden, he got no one beside him. In times like this, He used to spend most of his time with Trice. But now, she is no more.

"Aiden. I will help you sooth the pain." I said to him and he turned his face to the side to look at me. "No, you can't. Can you bring back my family, Isa??" he asked.  I know he might probably be thinking of me as a person trying to console him, but little did he not notice, I didn't get the name WAVE for nothing.

 "Revenge!" I said and walked around to his face and stretched my hand for him to take and he did. I pulled him up and he stood looking at me with his wet eyes.

He pulled both his hands to dry off the wetness form his face and looked up at me. I could see a soulless boy standing in front of me.

"We will rip. them. Limb. by. limb. and make them pay in the most horrid way possible." I said slowly and I could see as a fire lit in his eyes. "Do not forget who you are Aiden. You are a Ronallo. You never give up, that's not in your blood. Get up and do what a real Ronallo would do. Look hurt but do defeat." 


"What do you want from us?" I asked Asher as we all came around in one table and sat with a mutual respect between us.

He was cool like Ocean at night. His blue eyes not ever leaving mine for once. It has been an hour since they came in my house and now Nancy and Kevin are in my room with Jane. Lucas is in the company doing the assignment I gave him.

Now it is me Ronald, Alice, Aiden and Asher in the living room.

"We want to reconsider the partnership you offered." He said, still looking at me in the eyes. But  I am not shying away from it.

"The offer is no more on the table." Alice  spoke.

"Oh is it not?" He turned toward her and she looked at him with the same mocking glare. She doesn't try to claw his face doesn't mean she doesn't hate him.

"OK, then I would like to propose another partnership with my family. We both need it." He said and deep inside I wanted him to propose the idea again. The phone call I have got the other day when I was returning form their mansion is still haunting me in my head.

"I will agree to that. Any thing else?" I cut to the flesh. Both Ronald and Alice looked at me surprise. I want to finish this as fast as I could.

"That is good then. Even though I am so against it, my grand father suggested Nancy would be safe with you.  Thus she would be staying here, if you allow it of course." He said satisfied with my response. His excitement is shown a little on his face but I could detect it from afar. 

"I have no problem with that. She will be Taken a good care in here." I said but he stopped me "Oh, but she can't stay here with you and us with no guarantee. You will be with us, Miss Isabelle." he said to me.

"It is not happening." Aiden spoke. He was cold.

"It is not open for negotiation. If we partner, this is a must ." 

"Again, I would have said yes but I swore not to set a foot in that mansion." I said. Just as I said that, I saw him smile secretly at me. "You don't have to. You will stay at my other houses. Now you can't say no." He said and that made me shiver. Did I get in to the trap he prepared for me?

"It is your decision to make now." Ronald said looking at me with those cold and calm brown eyes of his. And I know what I have to do to make this right.

"I agree." I said getting up from my seat. Asher got up from his chair too, and we shake hands.

A hand shake that will destroy our enemies. Hopefully, this wouldn't end up for the worst.