"Why am I the heir when my father is still alive." I asked, looking at maester vandalf with a serious face that shouldn't be shown on a 6 year old, necause when i first heard the people of this house call me young lord I've had my suspicions.
Maester vandalf's smiling face fell with the stroking of his beard stopping and suddenly laughed "Gyahahahaha, no need to be so serious young lord."
"Then tell me I'm waiting." I said with a sigh since this is literally an important question and a matter of what my position in this wretched world would be since I can either be a bastard child or the rightful heir to this house, because my new body is only 6 years old so he basically doesn't know if he's actually a bastard or not which is something I should know since it's my body now.
Maester vandalf started stroking his beard again and sighed while saying "your to young to be involved in this but I'll tell you anyway but keep this between us, your father has gotten himself involved with the lannisters because of a bad trade deal with their house and your grandfather is still cleaning up the mess your great grandfather has made."
"That doesn't really tell anything all your telling me in the end is that we're involved in utter bullshit." I said straightforwardly since that's what he's basically telling me.
"Then young lord let me phrase it like this, your grandfather sent your father in his stead to test his business sense as a strickland but instead of it going successfully it resulted in your father killing the trade team of house lannister, leaving your grandfather with something else to clean up and is why he made you the heir since despite being young you displayed intelligence beyond your age." Said maester vandalf while still stroking his beard with a smile.
I sighed and massaged my forehead and asked "And where is my grandfather now."
"He's in his office young lord." Said maester vandalf with a grandfather smile while getting up slowly from the chair with me also getting up from the one i was sitting in.
"Thank you for the information." I said with a smile since it was useful and I need to see my grandfather anyways.
Maester vandalf smiled and bowed a little while i took my leave from the library.
(Maester Vandalf's POV)
Vandalf watched as i left and thought with the smile on his face fading "Sorry young lord but sometimes lies need to blend with the truth"
Vandalf slowly made his way to the library door and locked it and went to the back of the the library and moved a book, suddenly the bookshelf started sliding open revealing a dark staircase.
Vandalf slowly walked down the staircase with one hand behind his back and the other holding his staff for support with a echo from his voice lingering behind as the bookshelf slowly started closing "Many that live deserve death and some that die deserve life, can you give it to them if not do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement for even the very wise cannot see all ends young harry.''
(Harry's POV)
I was currently walking towards my new grandfather's office while thinking of what maester vandalf told me which were obviously had some lies in it which made me sigh and thought "it's actually understandable since I'm only 6 years old so I shouldn't ask to much questions that would make it obvious of what I'm trying to find out but at least I know I'm not a bastard and that the former owner wasn't labeled demented unlike my father who from what I'm being told so far is a battle junkie"
While i was still lost in thought, I arrived at the door of my grandfather's office and knocked on it.
"Come in." Said a deep refined voice from inside the office.
I opend the door and walked into the office and seen my new grandfather sitting at a desk with stacks of paper on it and had a very luxerious attire on and thought "Yea i was right this family doesn't play about their outfits"
"What do you need harry." Asked my grandfather calmly who's name is william strickland.
"I wanted to know where father is at." I said while walking up to his desk but not to close since I'm short and won't be able to see his face if i did.
William just stared at me for a moment and sighed and got up from his desk which made my mouth almost come open from how luxerious his outfit is and had to look up even more since the man is about 6'3.
William knelt in front of me and put his hand on my head and said with a smile "Your father is in essos he should be back in soon."
I nodded while still looking at my grandfather who despite being 49 from what my memories tell, still looks young just like my grandmother who is the same age.
William got of from his kneeling position in front of me and went and sat back down in front of his desk and said while writing on a piece of paper that he was working before I came "What do you want."
"Damn he's keen." I thought while still retaining my calm look on the outside.
"I want advisor darion to train me in the way of the sword." I said with a serious face, knowing if i showed a hint of weakness he would reject me.
William glanced up at me from his work with stern eyes, only to see my determined face and said "Very well and when you do start training you need to work hard, I'll even consider lending a couple of my golden company men to you when your older."
I was surprised and nodded quickly and bowed and said "Thank you grandfather."
"You don't need to bow to me and find time to go see your mother she seems to be having a hard time lately." Said william with a sigh while looking back down at his never ending work.
"Ok." I said and took my leave from the room, intending to go see my mother like my grandfather said and in case your wondering about who all my family members are in the strickland house it is my grandfather william strickland, my grandmother elizabeth hightower strickland, my father henry strickland, my mother anastasia arryn strickland, me harry strickland, and my little sister Isabella strickland.
As i left my grandfather's office i was walking down the hallway lamenting about the information i gathered and thought with a serious face "Something is definitely not being told"
I arrived at my mother's room and knocked on the door.
"Mom it's me." I said while cringing inside, since my voice sounds kinda whiny.
"Come in." Said a elegant voice from inside the room.
I opend the door and walked inside and seen my new mother was laying in her bed with a sloppy appearance, still in her nightgown with red puffy eyes.
"What happened now" I thought while sighing internally, remembering most of the bad I've heard today.
Anastasia wiped her eyes with a handkerchief and looked at me who was lost in thought and said with a gentle smile and her arms out "Come here."