
Chapter 1 - Rude God

I am, or well, was a normal, atleast in my perspective, a normal 19 year old. I had friends, girlfriends, parents (not an orphan this time), and a place to call home.

I had some very...abnormal facial features, not bad ones, although it might've been better if they were bad, I had absolutely silver hair, with red ends (highlights?), and I had purple eyes. It was all natural, even though you may not believe it. I was born like that. My father thought my mother cheated on him, since both of them had brown hair, and where my mom had green eyes, my dad had blue.

She didnt cheat on him as a matter of fact, it was a genetic mutation (pulling this outta my ass~~). The doctors told them all about it, they didnt tell me anything more than that (plot hole covered).

After my parents had gotten past the difference in features, we had a pretty straight path, I had a normal childhood, although my strength was pretty abnormal as well, and was almost 2x that of a normal child, as I grew up, the difference decreased (nerf) to 1.2x that of a normal 19 year old.

Other than those traits, and the fact that my luck was absolutely amazing, to the point where if a car was supposed to crash into me, it woyld curve and hit a pole, I was pretty normal. Had a great childhood, but ofcourse, some people did avoid me, or call me 'different' (derogatory), it was pretty fun.

Sad thing it would end so fast.

I had gotten a job, so I could get money to save up for college, and on my way to the job, a truck, tried smashing into me while I was crossing the road to get to my job. It was pretty cliche, and I didnt feel like it was my time yet, so I ran.

Please note that I got first place in every single 400 meter, and cross country races we had in high school.

I ran as fast as I could, so as to cross the road before the truck could hit me. I managed to reach the other side, just as the truck drove past. One thing wierd was that it didnt have any frikin driver. Then I knew some higher being, wanted me dead, but since I didnt wanna die, I did the smart thing and ran. It seemed training my legs was pretty useful, right where I just was, was an asteroid, about as big as a basketball, but much, much heavier.

I ran, and ran, dodging trucks, and asteroids, but as all humans that try to go against a higher being aiming for their death, I still died. It was another asteroid, but it was as big as the fucking Earth. That higher being learned from its mistakes, and actually wanted to destroy Earth, just so I could die. I couldnt run past an asteroid as big as the fucking earth, so I just stood, I stood still, and watched the collision. It was beautiful, if anything.

The last thought sailing through my head at 180 miles an hour, was 'Gg my guy, you won.'




I got transported into a room, a very messy one, with a flat screen tv using up a whole wall in the room. There was a man in the room, reading a bood titled "How to Reincarnate Humans, for Dummies"

He saw me, and waved, pulling me towards him. I felt pretty angry at him ofcourse, maybe because it wasnt my time, not to mention the fact that my parents were more than likely, dead along with me.

"No, they arent, the whole thing was a simulation in your mind, so as to make you die of shock. The pain was as real as it could be, of course, to cause the best effect." He said, more than likely reading my thoughts.

"Now, lets get this over with, I have been watching the 100, and i've gotten about 5 episodes in, Ill be bingewatching the rest after this, but I decided to see what would happen if I sent you, into that world. Oh well, if anything happens dont worry, It wont affect the tv show. Now then, CYA" He said, not allowing me to say one word, and throwing me into space.