
Got re-married for revenge

Tamara's life is turned upside down when her husband Dixon decided to divorce her after one year of their marriage. After a month passed, she lost her child and blamed it on her husband. She was shattered and wanted nothing but revenge. She got re-married again for revenge She came back five years later to Country K after everyone thought she had died. She came back being feared by people because of the person supporting her "Axel Vitale". Which one more dare to offend because of the rumors about him. She became the new CEO of Villin's Enterprise, leaving Dixon jobless. Read to find out more about the twist and turns that is going to keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

Lou_ha · Thành thị
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44 Chs

Chapter 8

The paparazzi remained dazed seeing Fiona and Tamara walking flawlessly on the red carpet. The media took pictures of them walking. Tamara's dress revealed her back making her looking even better. "I think I over did". Tamara said nervously, seeing they way they were looking at her. "No you didn't, who knows maybe you're going to see your Mr Right". Fiona said playfully.

When they got to the party. Fiona excused her self saying she needs to attend to some things. Tamara sat down scanning the hall with her eyes. "Ma'am have a drink" a waiter said holding an orange juice in a wine tray, without too much thought Tamara smiled at the waiter and collect the juice and drank it.

Suddenly, she started experiencing sharp pains causing blood to come out from in between her legs, before she knew it she passed out and everything went blank. She woke up the next day in the evening and the first thing she asked was for her baby from Fiona. Hearing no response from Fiona she tears started rolling down from her eyes. "T..h..they... couldn't save your child Tamara, am sorry" Fiona said sobbing quietly.

She couldn't believe her ears, "No Fiona it can't be, my baby can't just leave me like that" she said crying out loud. "I'm sorry Tamara, I shouldn't ve forced you to go". Fiona said apologizing to Tamara. Tamara couldn't believe her ears it was a setup someone planned to killed her child, innocent child and she wasn't going to allow the person to get away with it. She knew it was Dixon that harmed her precious child and she swore on revenge. " I want to be alone". She said

Without replying, Fiona left the ward. Seeing Fiona leaving, Tamara managed to escape from the hospital.


In Dixon's house

Dixon!!!! Dixon!!!! Tamara yelled out his name. It was already 8pm in the night and Dixon wasn't at home. Tamara sat down in the sitting waiting for him quitely. After waiting for close to an our she heard the sound of the door opening and closing "click". Dixon was surprised to see Tamara in his house but what even surprised was her sitting in the dark.

Tamara stood up clapping her hands together for Dixon saying "Wow Dixon, I never expected you to stoop so low to the extent of you harming my child. Why did you kill my baby, why? What did my innocent child do to you". She said with tears rolling down from her eyes. Dixon stood there smirking and enjoying the show Tamara was putting up for him. "Your child?" He asked. Don't forget I am the father of your child, oops your dead child before he could continue Tamara landed a tight slap on his face making it red immediately.

With rage in his face he wanted to return the slap but luckily for her she managed to step back on time. "Remember this Dixon Villin, I swear to you on my dead baby I will hunt you down and destroy you, I will make you pay for every little tears I shed, I will take everything away from you right under your nose, mark my words". Tamara said in a serious tone. "Hahahaha...ohh my innocent little ex wife". Dixon said laughing. Who do you think you are?, you are just a nobody" he continued coming closer to her touching her face," I dare you Tamara, I would love to see you try" he whispered to her right ear.

Tamara left Dixon's house heading straight to Fiona's house, without making any noise she entered her room and took the contract papers and left the house without looking back. She dialed the number written in the paper on her phone. "I am ready" was all she said. I will send someone to pick you up she heard a man voice at the other end of the phone and knew it was Axel.

Now the story is taking another twist. Please comment and send reviews. Thanks in advance.

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