
Chapter 3:- First Meeting

Clara:- Hey !

Ava:- Clara!! Hey

Clara:-Ava! You finally come to college HuH have you moved on from that jerk?

Ava:- Clara let's go shopping with me after college to buy some clothes and shoes.

Clara:- eh? Are you going somewhere?

Ava:- Yup, I will attend an event. I think my Ex-boyfriend will attend that event too I will dress up and make him deeply regret it .

Clara:- your are not over it at all. It can't be that you mean that sample game event?

Ava:- That's right, I think there's a high chance that he'll come there.

Clara:- Ava listen carefully.Do whatever you want but remember not to hurt yourself in it.

Ava:- l am fine I just want him to regret that he dumped me for some other girl.

Clara:- ( sigh ) ok, if you say.

In the event


Anoucement :- Thank you for coming to the forest of Savioures event today hope you all enjoyed it.

Ava:- Oh .....

(It's surprisingly lively.There are a lot of people.) (Huh? Wait am i going bankrupt this month....)

Reality hits flashback ( 1000yen in shopping ,1000yen makeup, 120yen in massage)

(Internally crying ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ)

??:- Robin!!! ( Ava ex boyfriend)

(Robin! did i hear right ) turns around to see

Ava:- Rob...

??:- Let's go to there

Robin:- Okay

Ava:- WAIT.....

(Ava runs towards Robin and bump into someone and fall down)

Ava:- It hurts...🥺

People saying:- I was surprised, what's happened, A girl triped, she looks awful

( I am such an idiot. I want to disappear.I can't even . I just want to cry.)

??:- Are you okay MA'AM?

Looks up from the ground

( Wow,so good looking)

Ava:- yes,I am fine. Did i bumped into you!? I am sorry.

??:- Ah, yes we'll....

Ava:- I am sorry!! I was kind of in a daze I am going through something and I was thinking of it so I didn't notice my surroundings...

??:- .....Ahh, I see Ma'am

Ava:- I am sorry it's irrelevant.

??:- Ahh.. we'll , I am not interested Ma'am

(Huh? This line I recently hear somewhere)


Levi:- I am not interested MA'AM


Ava:- .....Levi? Levi the afro?(character)

Levi :- Who are you ?