
GOT lion with antlers

This story is of someone selfish and narcissistic with an unbreakable will who has no hesitation in doing the things necessary to achieve what he has in mind. The story will be based as the son of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister. A guy who was chosen by a god so that his faith rules the whole world and gives him gifts to help him on his way to conquering faith and more than just a game of thrones

hector_ramirez · Ti vi
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7 Chs

Cap 4 Meeting the storm lords

I entered the room surrounded by lords and their heirs in front of me a painting of the most important Baratheon that existed until now of course, my father spoke to me I walked next to my mother until I reached him I introduced myself everyone began to whisper why I was wrong identical to the one in the photo only because of the hair color and that I was finer and the one with rougher features was heard from sir that it was because of my Lannister kinship my father threw me to the wolves saying

-My son and heir will say a few words for me

I turn to see him with anger and he only series of me

-Hello, my lords, I introduce myself as Baratheon Leonidas first, it is the only name of his heir because he will not see another, I am sorry for my brother, but he does not have the anger to govern as he should

pick up my hammer

-Today I make you a promise while you follow the Baratheon greatness awaits you because there is a world out there waiting for us for your children my lords followed my father and won a kingdom, but it is only one I will give them an empire that the world is sweet my words because the world hears me roar with the anger that represents me because the anger belongs to us Baratheons

-For the true god for the faith of the Baratheon by Rahert

-Because I will rule the world and whoever doesn't like it can try my hammer

pick up my hammer again

Suddenly some gentlemen of about 18 laughed and said that only empty words

I looked at the 5 gentlemen and said

-hahahahahaha look at a, but barking, but if he has guts let's have a duel don't worry I can with all 5 at the same time hahahaha or is he afraid of facing a true heir to the crown

robert scream

-Well, if you want to fight so much, let's go to the training camp

when I saw Robert talking with his brothers I don't know what

Cersei came over saying that she wasn't going to leave me

-I told him that I couldn't do anything to stop myself because I was going to win this without a scratch that they were only losers and that I needed to have loyal allies with me

Cersei doesn't understand why she needed the Baratheons if she already had the Lannisters.

Robert seems that the letter said the truth will be known once he finishes this game

In the training field, choose your weapons, girls, it's time for me to show you how real men fight, once a gentleman arrived who was going to act as a judge, the fight began

I took a few steps back

they started to insult me I ignored it hoping they would make the first move

finally one of them got desperate and came running like crazy towards me with sword in hand as if he was boxing I jumped to the side and hit him with my hammers the others threw themselves as if they had their chance, but I started to dodge with my footwork hitting them every time I had a chance and if they spent 10min seeing that they couldn't touch me the judge declared me the winner.

The other men began to cheer Baratheon Baratheon Baratheon Baratheon Baratheon

Cersei was just dumbfounded by what she saw she couldn't believe that those who laughed at my time are on my side

robert scream

-well done brat it seems that you already trained for today rest tomorrow we will go to king's landing

-I'm going with some men to see your lands

Robert with his brothers passed as said in the letter

-we'll see what happens we'll come back when I'm 15


-Get ready to give a good show to make your intentions known to your loved ones

"2 monks preachers of faith Rahert"

-Earn the respect of the Lords of Storm's End

"a loyal man and 5 nemean lion cubs"

System how will I know my progress with the faith

'the afrito just asking the one from is known only by 4% of the world and those who follow it is 1%

the Baratheons in ancient times were followers of the faith that is why in your speech there were no problems with your speech

one of your gifts will be the lions and their variants such as fences completing the missions you will be given or you will be asked to find them be lucky things will only be told to you when you advance in your mission if you want to know the progress your skills you can see it saying Condition'.

ok let's see status


Name: Leonidas Baratheon

Blood: 50% Baratheon 50% Lannister


-lineage of warlocks: linear aura and oppose your will to the weakest of character, resist fire magic from the sun or light and healing "lineage like the shining sun"

-super soldier serum


-after having sex with a woman you will mark her as you already, she will be in your command and as long as you live she will not be able to betray you or disobey the orders of her alpha "a woman depends on her will or on the conditions if you can resist herself that you will have to have sex with her more times if she has a weak will or is in love at first she will be in the herd but if she hates you you will have to do it 5 times with her so that she enters the herd each time it has to be on a day they differ for what counts"

-Men below you will submit if you beat them in a fight or if you have their respect or if they are weak-willed. "The men who are in your coalition will be loyal as long as you prove yourself worthy of the position of alpha if they did not seek to take the position for themselves"

'thank you boy have your Harem without fear of being deceived or betrayed by God'

-Immunity to poison: no poison can kill you, but it can weaken you depending on the poison

-****** "not activated"





I see my lineage only got stronger I think because of the Baratheon and Lannister blood I see that everything is very useful and with that we carry it I would be ungrateful if I didn't thank you for the alpha thing I should check the herd


"Only relatives or women that I take the host"

The women are not a danger, they will only have a characteristic of if they were already taken, it will appear * and if they were not taken, only the name will appear "it is recommended to take all the women of the pride remember that the lionesses are the work force of lion"

Cersei Lannister

Myrcella Bartheon

Men if they are loyal will put *

Roberta Bartheon "name alpha lost that title after Jaime fucked his wife"

Joffrey Bartheon "wants to take the place of the alpha"

Tommen Bartheon "cub without ambition"

Jaime Lannister "strong lion, but no alpha traits"

Tyrion Lannister "clever lion"

Uuuuuuummmmmm As they say before leaving home you have to put your house in order.

A man with a Lannister emblem came in and told me that everything is ready, I'm in the carriage when I see a man with lion cubs I tell the guard to give it up they stop when I go down trying to stop, but just with a look I make them stop shut up and keep going when i get in front of the man i say

-What is your name

Excuse me my young sir.

a soldier says they are talking to you he answers when i was going to hit him i stopped him with a sign the man spoke

-excuse me young sir this humble man is called Simba

-how many for the lions ask

-I can not sell them my lord

The soldiers got upset, but before they could do anything I interrupted them with a sign to stop.

-why not

-It is that a nobleman took my daughter and if I don't give him the lion cubs who knows what will happen to my daughter

-I see, where did you stay to see him and here for hours

-out of town in two hours

-I see I will accompany you

-but I tell myself to go alone

-Only you and I will go

and a signal was given to the men to withdraw and prepare for the road the man told me he wanted an animal caretaker when we arrived we saw the man laughing the men surrounded us and said

-I told you to come alone, but it doesn't matter anyway I was going to let you go, I have a gift for you to see how I fuck your daughter and see how I take her purity is not great


-I don't think that's possible

-Who do you think you are, brat?

-that you don't know who I am is stupid, but it doesn't matter because soon you will be dead

Suddenly they were surrounded by soldiers both Lannister and Baratheon in a moment they had killed all his men except him he began to scream in panic

-wait I'm a noble because you're here

a guard spoke

-He is under arrest for Intact Assassination against Crown Prince Leonidas Baratheon

then the noble turned to me when i tried to apologize, i gave the signal for him to be knocked out

-Simba I will keep the lions as a payment, but I have another proposal, he works for you, he will have to take care of my animals, clean and feed and take care that unwanted people are made to

-but my daughter

-your daughter can also work for me as one of my maids I give you my word that no one will touch her she will be under my protection if you accept

-It will be an honor my young lord


-rewards obtained

soon you will be given new quests

-Well, follow me, tomorrow we leave for King's Landing.

Back to the fortress I went to my quarters when I went to bed I began to think that it was time to put my brothers in their place and it's time to tame a lioness if I don't care about incest I don't consider her as my mother or much less do I consider these guys my brothers so why not getting Cersei's obedience will be the easiest things than having her involved in everything I do