
Got Isekai into Pallet Town

Within Pallet town, a family of two moved they're at the edge of town but still within the boarder. They are the parents of our future protagonist Amythest and Jade Saisei. It was a miracle that Amythest got pregnant because she has a condition that makes her get pregnant much harder than the average female on Uta, but little did they know that their first child was made not of their making. *I do not own Pokémon or any of the OG characters except my OC's*

comicsans_1500 · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs


Within the edge of the forest near a certain small town, the sound of screaming can be heard but if the person waited and listened then they will realize that it is the sound of a family screaming in joy and excitement.

Soon, a young woman came out running while having a young male running with her, and behind them is a young child riding on a Arcanine. The Arcanine is average height and build is it could easily support the weight of a child and it seems like it was smiling while panting from how much Arcanine ran.

???: "Lav dear can it's almost time for lunch soon so it almost time for us to stop."

Lav: "But MMooommm"

???: "Know don't you Mom me you do you want the punishment~"

When she said this, it sent a shiver down both the males spine. The mother in question is a 5.8ft tall woman who has nice shoulder length blonde hair and lavender colored eyes that hold nothing but mischief and love in them. She has a hourglass figure but is on the smaller side but what she makes up physically, she makes it up personality wise.

???: "Amethyst darling, let's punish him shall we. I'm sure we will stop now right Lavender."

The male in question is 6.1ft and has an athletic swimmer's physique with short black hair that shines in the suns light while having greens eyes that starts out as a light green but gets darker getting near his pupils.

Amethyst: "Fine Jade, hey honey let's go to lunch now, we are having sandwiches with some Oran berry pudding on the side."

As soon as she said the word pudding, the child and Pokémon alike got extremely excited about the sweet.

Lavender: "YAY, come on Arcanine, let's beat them to the house, quick let's ggoooooo."

The small child is none other than our protagonist of our story, he is 1.7ft tall with night black hair and eye's that are purple but same as his farther, they go from a little purple color towards a much dark color the more it turns towards his pupil.

This is the start of our characters story, now we shall see it from his now from now on, ROB out.


I was currently enjoying a very nice cup of Oran pudding next to my bud Arcanine, who is my father Pokémon. Ever since I was born my love for both of my new parents has been slowly getting stronger day by day to the point where I can't even remember where I would be without them. During my infant and baby years it was both boring and peaceful, also now I know why baby cry most of the time.

I figured out that I have an extremely bad sweet tooth that I was surprised about, probably from centuries spending within the void with no other sensation besides my own emotions and ROB. As soon as the first sweet thing got put in my mouth as a baby, my eyes went wide but my parents thought that I didn't like it so when they try to get some different baby food, I whined and w=did the grabby motions with my hands. What? I was a baby then and liked I ask ROB, I may be wise and smart thanks to my past life but I didn't let it mess with my current life so I can be a immature as a baby, spoiled as a child, or a hormone filled antsy teenager. Speaking of my baby days, we are EXTREMLY sensitive to outside sensations like sound, touch and even taste.

I figured out that when I was born, I was in constant pain from having a very high functioning soul that could register half the pain with the oversensitivity made it were I cried constantly every time I was awake, so I mostly slept. Also, some new information that learn when I was one, both my parents are from influential family's but either didn't make the cut or didn't want to join them.

My Mama Amethyst came from the Joy family and surprisingly, none of the females looks exactly the same but get the same title as the Nurse Joy's from Pokecenter 's around the world, most females anyways. As you can see, Mama is not a Nure Joy but did learn the medical knowledge and was even able to bring some of the clan's books to see if any of her descendants wanted to be a doctor or Nurse Joy in the future but with the condition that she can't share herself can't share any of the clan's knowledge of healing but purposely left out that I could if wanted.

Now my Papa was originally from Kalos with his own family that was very wealthy and rich. My father was supposed to lead the family business there that can produce the best herbal medicines in Kalos region but sadly some crappy things happened. A group of raiders and poacher were coming through and decide to raid my father's home for extra money, from what I heard from my father when he thinks I don't understand a thing, his parents were brutally murder right in front of him and what made it worst. He was raped, badly, like so badly that if the officers didn't come in when they did, he would have died. Now my father has some really bad trauma, mostly with being alone cause his nightmares make it think he was alone during that.

You would think it was already bad that had happened but no it got worst. Since his parents were dead now, his family company went under, and he was left homeless on the street of Luminose City in Kalos until he met Amythest. At that time, there was no law stating what age you have to be to travel around the regions and she was 14 with my Papa being 16 respectfully. When my mother saw father in nothing but in beggar clothes and was passed out from malnutrition and exhaustion, she decided then and there to help him out by giving him one of the rarest things a Pokémon trainer wants, a poke egg.

With that small action, things slowly got the thing called the ball of love rolling and slowly ended having me, Lavender Saisei.

Amethyst: "Sweety what are you talking about."

I stopped mid eating and look at my mother amused face.

Lavender: "Just thinking the story of how ya'll met."

Amethyst: "Really now, well Jade wanna show him again how much we love each."

I saw them with wide eyes and groan in disgust when they kiss.

Lavender: "Yuck that so icky, why do you do such icky things."

Jade: "Well did you have fun riding on Arcanine, we certainly ran for a while, so I hope it was worth it?"

Lavender: "Yup and Arcanine is the Pokémon from that you gave him right Mama."

Amethyst: "Sure did but less talking and more eating young man or else you get that pudding taken awake."

I sent what little glare a 2-year-old can muster and sent it towards the now title monster that is Mama for threatening my food. I really hate it when someone takes or mess with my sweets.

Jade: "Now now honey let's not make the same mistake as last time."

What Papa was talking about is that Mama thought it was a good idea to take away the sweet I was eating as a funny punishment and I'll say that for a one-year-old, I sure a hell can perform a right hook to her eye but I got punish for no sweets for a whole month but it was worth it in my opinion at the time.

I can see Mama having a shiver sent down her spine, most likely never expecting a sweet and polite kid reacted so violently to something a stupid as this to them but not to me.

While I was finishing the Divine Item known as Oran Pudding, I just had a sudden thought and decided to ask it.

Lavender: "Hey Mama, Papa can we visit the berry farm?"

They both looked at each other having a silent discussion that even in my past life, couldn't figure out the meaning or how to do them.

Jade: "Sure son but let head inside and you go take a nap so that we can continue playing."

When he said the word nap, I yawned and realized how sleepy I was.

Lavender: "Sure, Lav want nap nap." Not realized that I talked in third person when I am tired and never will until much later and life.

Lavender: 'I hope some sweet berries at the farm.'

I really hope enjoyed the very firt chapter of the novel, I do not have a scedule of my cha[ters but I will try to not make it last longer than a week for a chapter. Please leave comments in the chapter and reveiw on how I'm doing and once again I do not own Pokemon or the characters but the OC's only.

comicsans_1500creators' thoughts