
Got Isekai'd with My Bestie in a Tragic Novel

"Say, Ronea... Would you follow me everywhere I go?" "Don't ask the obvious, I will follow even to your death." Claire managed to listen her best friend's last words before they both closed their eyes for real, after being hit by a big truck. "Where... Am I?" Claire realized that she entered into another world, and the village's name sounded familiar... 'Kadran Village'... But then she remembered about reading a book together with Ronea, titled 'Curse & Cure'. "Wait, if I reincarnated here as a poor girl in this cursed village, then maybe Ronea is here too! At least in this world." The journey of a poor girl to find for her best friend started that moment. Will she be able to find Ronea?

TrebleClef_ · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Chapter 15

He stared at the majestic figure in front of him, a boy who possessed such a great beauty. A fierce red hair and a pair of bright crimson eyes that became his favourite the moment he laid eyes on a 15 years old Nyxon.

"What are you staring at, My Prince?" He smirked while getting a bit closer, the sound of his shoes continued to echo the hallway they stopped by.

"You're too stunning, Nyxon. I bet many girls asked for a dance just now." Calamir chuckled as he flipped some part of Nyxon's outfit.

"Yeah, and I rejected them all. It's too tiring, right? By seeing you dancing with girls, they'll just stare at you till the music end. It's so freaking awkward!" He hugged his own body just by thinking what he doesn't like. While Calamir once again let out a small laugh and turned his head outside the big window. Witnessing such a lovely night sky that decorated with million of stars.

"Nyxon. It's been more than 10 years since we're together."

Nyxon looked at the glazing eyes of Calamir, there was an unexplainable emotion within them. "You make it sound like we're in love, you know?" He rested his chin on his hand while tilting his head towards his dear prince.

"Aren't we?" He laughed wholeheartedly until his wisdom teeth were showing, and Nyxon also smiled at Calamir. "Say, if I ever cross a wrong path, would you still follow me like you always did?"

The moon ray illuminated through the window and kissed on Calamir's face, his dark coloured eyes were being gazed endearingly by his life and death knight. Those bright red eyes softened as he smiled.

"Why would I?"

The heartbeat of Calamir was increasing as he didn't expect the answer, a pretty heartbreaking response that he wouldn't want to hear.

"I'd never let you cross down such path. I will take you back to where we were and we can start all over again. And I will do the same if it happens repeatedly."

The cold night breeze touched their faces as they stared at each other like an astrophile would gaze on the stars.

"My Prince!"

Calamir's flashback was shattered after Nyxon yelled next to his ear.

"What?" He stared at Nyxon whose clothes were splattered with so much blood, but not his. "Did they die?" Calamir stood up and went near the bodies.

While they ended the fight between them and the force, the mysterious men like bandits appeared and attacked them. Calamir told Joshue to retreat with the force, and he did so. While Nyxon and Calamir were enough to handle them alone.

"My bad. But they're just too weak. I didn't even unleash my demon." He snickered while kicking one of the bodies.

"Who are they?"

"I killed them all but I spared one. But when I asked him who sent them, he foolishly bit the poison in his mouth."

He scowled his face, feeling frustrated about not being able to know who was the mastermind. And he glanced at Nyxon who stabbed the dead bodies again and again, the blood would stop flowing and soaked the ground.

'I was lucky to tame this guy. Otherwise, my corpse would split apart even before entering a coffin.' Calamir sometimes would find it a bit too gruesome about how his dear friend murders people. He only thought of Nyxon's previous life was actually a wild beast.

"My Prince, let's go back. We must tell this to Uncle." He dragged one of the dead bodies together with him, and they went back to the duke mansion.

Lefka's jade green eyes were staring at me, of course he knew that I'm telling on him.

"So, did you decide about what to do with the witch?" He sat on my bed, while tucking me in the blanket.

"Do you know where she was heading to?" Asks Eclara.

"Nope, her power is beyond my control. Of course she's weaker than me, but I didn't get to recognize her full power. That's why I can't know her location unless I face her." Lefka twitched his eyebrows.

"Well, that's for the better. Because, if I ever meet with her and she actually meets you first. She will end up recognize your scent that's stuck on me. And she will treat me with hostility. That would make me difficult to approach her." I explained as the two were listening attentively.

"That's right. I think that the two princes will fetch the witch sooner or later since they have two women who get on their nerves. It's alright, I can sense her- Wait." Lefka stopped halfway and looked at me with his eyebrows frowning. "Did you just say that you're going to approach the witch? For what, you silly child!? Don't tell me you're going to risk-"

"Where is Athar?" I made an innocent face while ignoring Lefka's scolding.

"Did you just cut me off?? I am speechless!" Lefka pinched his forehead, seemed disappointed and sighed. "He's with the prince and the crazy knight."

"Oh, did they return safely?" I giggled when looking at the door as if waiting for someone to open it. Eclara also smiled while dropping her body on the mattress.

"Yes, they did." He shook his head, giving up from making me listen to his scolding.


We stared at them entering the room while looking drenched from the rain. The first to get to us was Nyxon who only had his eyes landed on me from the moment the door was opened. While Calamir and Atharis were standing by the door, they only grew proud of how the cold and blood thirsty knight actually can fall in love with a random poor girl like me.

"You're drenched. The prince too, don't you think that he'll catch a cold if he stays in those clothes for so long?" I glanced at Calamir's guilty smile as he looked at his friend. And Nyxon just sighed before he dragged Calamir out from the room to change the clothes.

"Athar, did they report something to you?" Asks Lefka, waving his hand for Atharis to come closer.

He walked near us. His eyes fell on Eclara who stared at him. "Did your father scold you again?"

Eclara shook her head and leaned on my shoulder, her hands played with my hair. "He didn't, but he told me to rush the marriage. I didn't tell him about my plan to annull the engagement because I know the consequence."

Atharis listened to his niece venting her emotions upon being an obedient daughter to the king which was his brother.

"How come you didn't tell this to your mother?" He asked.

"But... I'm not her daughter anymore. In this body, I caused too much trouble that I afraid she might disappoint in me."

My gaze fell on her genuine sad eyes, she was thinking about it the whole time but she didn't have a courage to approach the queen as of Eclara's mother.

"She would want you to meet her. She didn't know that you took over her daughter's body, but she still thinks of you as her only daughter. That will only make her love towards you become stronger." Says Atharis, his eyes coldly stared Eclara but the warmth was filled within it.

A smile crossed my lips as I looked at Eclara who finally understood her situation. When the world was turning its back on us, there would be only one person who wished us for the best. It's our mother.

Ronea wasn't the type to get absorbed by something emotional, but this time was all about her and the body's mother. And it's related to her somehow since she had the same problem with her family in our world. Truthfully, I wish that Ronea finds what she deserves in this world.


The sky turned dark as the sun was finally gone, and the stars also were hanging on it to help the moon spread the light through the world.

"Did you eat already?"

I looked at Nyxon who entered the room, wearing a training clothing and looking exhausted.

"Yeah. What about you? Your energy must've been sucked out after training, right?" I said while my hand patted on the mattress right next to me. And he sat there comfortably. "If you're tired, why bother to come here?" I gently caressed his red hair.

"My medicine is you, that's why I should at least take it once a day." He snickered naughtily, his hand climbed onto my waist. And he drowned his face in my arms.

"Nyxon. I heard from Lefka that people of Shagan will come tomorrow to settle things. And he said you will be swamped along with Calamir and Eclara too." My hands didn't stop from brushing his hair, while his eyes were closed but when I mentioned that, he twitched his eyebrows.

"That kid... He mustn't spout something he shouldn't. Yeah, even by night, there's no a sliver of time for me to see you. And they will wonder what makes my mood foul tomorrow."

I slightly giggled, but I actually hid my sadness. It's so bitter that it hurt me, just by thinking about Angela who will continually to seduce Nyxon. I had to control myself before doing something like going there to stop the flirting between them, nope, I'm not crazy enough to create troubles.

When the sun finally rose, I woke up and noticed that Nyxon had already gone from my side. By now, the meetings must've started already, and they will meet each other.

I rubbed my tired neck and stared at the ceiling, thinking that I fell deeper for that man, only love can make someone drives to a jealousy.

Now that my health was back to normal, I was thinking of getting some fresh air after being inside this room for so long.

I walked by the training field and saw the soldiers were so into it. Sparring with each other even Calamir and Nyxon were not with them. And that time too, I met with Calamir II, stood by the tree while eating grass. When I went there, I found a leash on her and it was tied to the tree.

Did Nyxon tie her here?

"My lady?"

I turned at him, Yorin. He smiled at me before untying the leash. "I was taking her on a stroll." He said, his hand brushed her hair coat.

"I see. Then can I take her?" I opened my palm meant that I was waiting for Yorin to give the rope to me.

He smiled and nodded, and gave me the leash. "Well, I shall take my leave."

I watched him leaving before started to walk with Calamir II.

The wind was not too strong and it's suitable for a light stroll. My hands sometimes would stroke Calamir II and she would nuzzle to me. The way she became more comfortable with me made my heart jumped out of joy.

Then I saw a woman in black, her pink coloured eyes seemed to focus on something. And I looked at what she was looking at.

Oh, crap.

It's Collins. She was talking to Collins, that meant... That woman's actually the witch Lefka talked about!

Of course Collins won't be at the meetings since he was grounded by the king, but he escaped in order to meet a witch. I can't let go of thema anymore, but what to do? My brain suddenly turned blank as they started to leave together.

Then, I could feel the brief wind and someone was landing in front me. I actually got scared, thinking that I was caught and had to be killed. But that man put a black robe on me tenderly and I got to see his face.

"You should cover yourself, My Lady."

He's Sirius. His ruby eyes stared into mine as he's done with covering me.

"How are you here, Sirius?"

"I followed you all the way here. In order to keep you safe. Do I make you uncomfortable?"

"Not really, I didn't even know that there's someone tailing me."

"That's the problem. What if I am not Sirius? Instead, I am somebody else's pawn. You're in danger by now, My Lady. So make sure to be alert to your surroundings."

I nodded to his calm voice that told me a sincere advice.

"Do you wish for me to get rid of them?"

I turned my head at him, widened my eyes as he asked that. Seriously? He just asked for my permission to kill.

"Don't. Just lure Collins away from that woman."

Sirius delayed before answering. "Yes, My Lady." And he disappeared in a second, then a minute after, Collins seemed distracted when that woman was still talking to him. Finally, he ran without looking back at her, as if he's chasing something that making him mad.

What did Sirius do?

But I didn't waste my opportunity, and I pulled the woman far from the crowd, until we stopped at the back of small store. She didn't blink her eyes at me, meant that she's not surprised. I was just a piece of puppets that succeeded her plan.

She cunningly smiled and stared at me up and down before touching my face.

"You're not someone I expect, but you're reek of that person. Could it be that you're actually related to him somehow?" Her bright pink eyes were as if trying to hypnotize me, she kept her innocent smile while she observed my body. "Are you the jade dragon's child?"

... Huh?

Jade dragon... Lefka? Did Lefka have a kid with a woman?? Or was it a female dragon before the final war started? But he didn't say anything about it.

I didn't reply to her as I was drowning in my own thoughts, and I felt her hand tried to sink into my chest. The immense pain I felt, drove me to throw up.

Suddenly she quickly pulled back her hand out, looking at me in baffled.

"You... Who are you?"

I didn't expect the question, but I grabbed her hair and made her eyes focused on mine. That's when she struggled.

"Remember me, I, the lady of Nightshade shall warn you. Do not come near the princess of Axteg, if you do not wish for such a heavy disaster comes on you, Geanna the witch od the most cursed nightmare."

Her eyes widened and shook in shock, the trembling she couldn't hide from me only showed of how much she feared my presence.

I left her there, kneeling on the ground while hugging herself to calm down.

I didn't expect that my cringe speech would frighten her so much, but I think she will soon forget about my warning and proceed to follow Collins' instruction.

Geanna... She's the hidden villain that most reader failed to recognize. Maybe Collins and Reodh were enough as the true villains that readers wouldn't dare to add one more person as the antagonist.

Her cruelty knows no bounds; her malevolent allure draws people into a web of suffering. With a heart as black as night, she inflicts unimaginable torment, using a myriad of deadly poisons to prolong her victims' agony. Her twisted methods include gouging out eyes to ensure her potion ingredients are flawless, demonstrating a callous disregard for human life. She manipulates the vulnerable, befriending them only to exploit their weakness for her sinister experiments. Her wickedness stains the very essence of magic with darkness and despair. She used everything she had just to make someone fall into an endless darkness, that's how the tower magician entitled her with 'witch of the most cursed nightmare' as she's meant to not having any feelings of stepping back from her despicable hobbies.

Just maybe... Maybe I was the most twisted one between all these novel characters. That's why Geanna was almost fainted from my empty threat.

Urgh... My stomach was empty after I throwed up when she tried to do something to me. I swear, I just can't get used to that nausea feeling...


"You shitty lover of mine!"

He rushed towards me and wrapped his arms around my head while pulling me into his chest, rubbing his head in my hair until it was messy.

"Why did you chase down a witch when you have me now, darling? I just can't take a break from worrying about you..." Nyxon tightened his hug as he grinned in angry. It's his way of telling what I do wrong.

"I'm sorry for worrying you. But I came back safely, right?" I patted on his back to relax his muscles from choking me to death.

"Of course, silly. But... Have you ever heard of 'what if' theory??" He loosened his muscles no more than 5 seconds, then he strengthened back the hug till I tapped on his arm, meant that I admitted it wrong. "What if you're not back yet and I find you dead somewhere?" He finally let go of me, his hands were placed on my shoulders. "What if I receive a news of you being captured?"

I stared at his concerning eyes, the crimson eyes that used to burn people actually were gazing on me with fulled of anxiety.

"What if I can't find you no more?"

He continued the 'what if' talks until I hugged him back and patted on his back gently, assuring him that nothing will happen. "It's alright, my lover. I will not die until I see Eclara's full freedom. That's my promise to you."

We ended the drama with our eyes locked on each other's.

"Ahem, can I speak now?"

Calamir was blushing as he watched us getting more intimate day by day.

"It scares me to see you're being all softie to her, but you were a menace when we're in a meetings." He said while getting closer. "Claire, your lover didn't cheat on you. He didn't even turn his head at Angela that made her upset the whole time."

I smiled awkwardly as it's embarrassing when people can actually see my jealousy.

"Anyway, I heard from Sirius that Collins made his way out secretly from his confinement just to meet the witch. Did you know what he's talking about with her?" Asks Calamir. Nyxon also looked at me.

"I don't know, but his face looking for a satisfaction after a revenge. Maybe he aims for..." I glanced at Eclara who's staring at me. "... Me? It's just between me or Eclara."


We looked at Nyxon walked away, turned out the sound actually came from his unsheathed sword. That's when Yorin held him back from going for Collins.

His eyes were bright red, ready to kill Collins and the witch. But then Lefka entered the room, he smacked Nyxon's face with his palm.

"Calm down, your rage won't settle things, Soul Devourer."

Everyone landed their eyes on Lefka who's more furious, his eyes didn't lie when they turned glowing jade colour. "I will be the one to rip them apart."

"... Well, of course the world will turn upside down if Eclara would get poisoned and killed. But as for me... Nothing will change, since I was a nobody to begin with. So make sure to keep Eclara and Ronea safe." I smiled unaffected by my own sad words, in fact, I was too nervous that what will happen if I actually die. Will people forget me?

I expected them to nod to my statement, but both Nyxon and Eclara jumped on me, cuddling aggressively.

"Who said nothing will change if you die??" Eclara raised her head and looked at me with teary eyes.

"Who said you are a nobody?? Who dare said that??!" Nyxon shook my head as he seemed so upset.

"Nobody said that. You're more than a treasure to us, Claire." Says Calamir as a smile was carved on his lips.

Lefka was there only to watch all of us getting much more closer, as the time passed by, we're inseparable. He stood there before getting out from the room, and his legs led him to Atharis' office.

"Did she upset you or something? I hope you didn't wear that kind of face when you're with her. She often blames herself." Atharis put down the pen he was holding. "Your face is so scary right now, Yvalaefkar." Atharis didn't blink his eyes, in disbelief after looking at Lefka being so angry.

He finally relaxed his brain and sat on the couch. Pinching his head, trying to think rationally.

"If Eclara dies, Axteg will be set on fire. But if Claire dies, this world will once again shall taste my wrath."

The duke was speechless as he heard that, meant that Lefka was afraid of losing someone named Claire. Someone whose her existence itself was a lie, a soul that will have nowhere to go when the death comes to her.

"Lefka, I promise to assist you when that happens." Says Atharis.

The two living myths actually were frightened by the thoughts of losing someone who wasn't from this world. Only they know, how much pain it was to lose someone they love after 6000 years passed. They finally learned to love but the risk was too much, losing the beloved one will never have a cure.