
Got Isekai'd with My Bestie in a Tragic Novel

"Say, Ronea... Would you follow me everywhere I go?" "Don't ask the obvious, I will follow even to your death." Claire managed to listen her best friend's last words before they both closed their eyes for real, after being hit by a big truck. "Where... Am I?" Claire realized that she entered into another world, and the village's name sounded familiar... 'Kadran Village'... But then she remembered about reading a book together with Ronea, titled 'Curse & Cure'. "Wait, if I reincarnated here as a poor girl in this cursed village, then maybe Ronea is here too! At least in this world." The journey of a poor girl to find for her best friend started that moment. Will she be able to find Ronea?

TrebleClef_ · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Chapter 11

He rushed to the king's room without hesitation. Seeing how bad the king was bedridden, Calamir almost lost his heart for receiving a shocking news.

"How is His Majesty?" His head turned to the doctor who's checking the illness record.

"My apologies, Your Highness. Your father's condition is indeed grave. His recent fainting episode is a result of a severe cardiac ailment. The stress and strain on his heart have rendered him bedridden and in need of constant care. As his son, your support and understanding during this trying time will be invaluable. We will do everything within our medical abilities to alleviate his suffering and facilitate his recovery. Your presence by his side will undoubtedly provide comfort and strength to him."

Calamir's expression changed as he heard the explanation, thinking if this will lead to a sudden death.

"Butler James, tell me why did he become like this?" He asked as soon as he saw James walked in to check on King Charles.

"His Majesty did receive a shocking news about Duke Atharis."

"The duke? What is it about?"

"Apparently, there's an incident at Count Devan's mansion which involved a kidnapping two of his middle children. But the son claimed that it's their wills to go with the kidnapper, as he's finally got to gain back his freedom that his father took it away from him. Since the young master insisted on telling that's what he wants, the citizens started to boycott the Allustors for abusing their children like that. Until the news reached His Majesty, he finally fainted after hearing of the one who behind those actions. It's Duke Atharis."

"But why would he do that?" Nyxon came in after standing for awhile at the door.

"I'm not sure."

"Duke Atharis is not someone who would involve himself in anything related to nobles or royalties." Added Nyxon. He stared at Calamir if he has an answer, but Calamir shook his head.

"Huh? Is that my problem?"

There were two reactions after Eclara was told that the king fell ill.

First was Calamir himself after telling about it, he made a disappointing face for expecting too much that Eclara might get scared and started to work hard in order to gain the throne.

And the second was Nyxon who bursted out laughing after seeing how blunt she was about the king's poor health.

"He deserves it. Think of everything he did to us, and mostly to our mother." She looked away to the window while munching some cookies.

"Well... It's your problem too since our little brothers will return soon." Says Calamir, sitting next to Eclara and cut the cake for her.

Of course that's what Eclara fears the most, even after she became Ronea, she still doubt that the two brothers might just interfere with the plots and ends up changing again.

"Heh, they might have hear about it already and planning to return as fast as possible. I bet that they're kicking their blankets out of excitement." Nyxon agreed to Calamir and sat in front of them.

"Collins and Reodh sure will try to take over the throne. Wait... Did any of you see Madam Claudia?" Ask Calamir, he stared at both of them.

Nyxon shook his head, while Eclara shrugged.

"That woman has been waiting for the king to fall. And now it's time for her to take action in playing her role as a supportive mother who will encourage her children to snatch the throne." She said. Calamir and Nyxon didn't reply to her, meaning that they agreed to the statement. "Say, Calamir. What would you do if mother is actually alive even after we found her?"

Calamir flinched by that question, he glanced at Nyxon who's already looked at him with a slight curiosity in his eyes.

"I will have to let her decide whether she will take back the position of a queen or not. If she doesn't want, she's free to do whatever she wants. But if she wants back the position, I will do something about Madam Claudia. There's a chance that she will be the one who let in a witch just to poison our mother."

Eclara and Nyxon focused on listening to him, only to feel frustrated about the incoming troubles.


The moment I opened my eyes, I saw a pretty unfamiliar luxurious ceiling. The softness of the bed material made me drowsy as I snuggled in a fluffy warm blanket, curling like that's my own bed.

"You're awake, My Lady."

The dream of being relaxing shattered when Sirius' voice was heard. He gave me a glass of water, knowing that I might get thirsty after waking up.

"Did I pass out? I don't remember though..." I took the glass and gulped it down.

"You passed out when I was carrying you to Lefka. And he made a fuss after he saw the bruise on your neck, anger took control over his mind to burn the mansion down. But luckily my master arrived earlier than expected, he took all of us here."

"I see... This body is too fragile, I'm sorry that you had to carry this heavy burden."

"Please don't sweat it, My Lady. It's my job after all."

"Where are Carl and Carlina?" My eyes were searching for them even though I know that the room was empty except for me and Sirius.

"They're in a discussion with master. I dare not to ask what is the discussion about."

I smiled at how polite Sirius was even when he's talking to a normal girl like me.


"You idiot sister!!"

Both of us startled by the door slam and Lefka's sudden entrance, dashed towards me and hugged while rubbing his head against my belly.

"I told you not to do anything stupid! Yet you let yourself be a bait?! If Sirius didn't come, what could've happen to you?? You're so annoying, silly sister!"

Even though he's mad and all upset about it, he continued to hug me while sniffling.

"I'm sorry, Lefka. By the way, how long did I sleep for?" I patted his head and looked at Sirius.

"You slept for almost 10 hours. It's 9 hours and 22 minutes, My Lady." He answered, his ruby eyes were looking at the small pendulum clock near the window.

"Good thing that I wake up now."

"What do you mean good? The queen came here, you know?" Says Lefka, he raised his head.

"The queen? ... Huh? You mean Meldia??"

Seeing both Lefka and Sirius nodded made me puzzled by what happened when I was asleep. "Why did she come here? I know it's normal, since the duke is her brother-in-law..."

"What do you mean normal? It's not normal because she would never come here whatever happens in case if the workers here would report about her appearance to the king. But she came nevertheless."

I froze as I don't have anything to reply, the brain seemed to not proceed properly...

"Then why did she come here?"

"She came to visit you, sister."

"Then did she know about Halcy-"

"Yes, she knows. She knows everything about how Halcyne doesn't enjoy the school life, that he hides in order not to make her sad, that he doesn't want her to stress over something like that."

Wha-... It's too much, as expected, my brain was about to explode...

"Lefka, would you mind to lower your voice and slowly explain. You're damaging her brain, kid." Sirius pulled Lefka away from me and treated him like a virus that was attached to me.

"What did you call me, you stupid knight!?" He struggled like a kid, so that he can get away from Sirius' tight grasp.

"Lefka, lower your voice. Lysandra is not feeling well."

We looked at the man who dressed up majestically handsome crossing his arms while staring at both of them that were busy brawling over nothing.

But Sirius changed his mode to an obedient knight as he saw Atharis entered the room with Carl and Carlina behind.

Strange, it's only for a day that I didn't see him but Atharis' whole aura changed from someone who doesn't have any life motive to someone who actually deserves a duke titled and he's the duke already.

"Lysandra, I owe you my life." Carlina stepped closer to me and held my hand, gazing at me passionately.

"No, you're not. It's Atha- the duke's intention to save you guys from your family. So, did you find the freedom you wanted?" I looked into her beautiful reddish orange eyes and shifted my eyes to Carl who only stared at me.

"Yes, I found it. Thank you, Lysandra." She genuinely smiled at me while there's no response from Carl.

"Anyway, Athar. Did Meldia say anything?" I looked at Atharis who's playing with Lefka's hair, maybe he's consoling him for telling him to lower his voice.

"She didn't. But she wishes that if only she knows, you wouldn't have to go through the pain like today." Says Atharis.

I see, she must had felt really bad... For not knowing about her son's school life and the hidden mission I did for Halcyne.

After seeing my better condition, they stepped out of the room, telling me to rest some more.


"Took you long enough to come."

He stood there looking upset, but he came closer to me and sat on the cushioned chair next to the bed.

"You seem to can see the future... How did you know that I would come here?" Carl asked.

"Well, I predict what I can. You're too obvious that you wanted to say something back then when your sister talked to me. So I thought that you might be coming to me to say something you're holding in."

He looked so mature like he's the actual heir of the count. If only Caroline dies, Carl would be the only choice for the inheritance.

"I'm sorry that I troubled you when we met, despite you coming just to save us."

My ears were recording every of his kind confession. I had a feeling that he's a very good boy, but his parent chained him down instead of letting him practicing his sword.

"I'm glad that you bear with my intolerance, I can't seem to control my anger when it comes to us."

"It's normal because the people around you made you like that. It's not your fault. It just means that you have gone through a lot of things, and there's no one would reach out their hand. And suddenly I appeared claiming that I was going to save you. Even after all this suffering time, where was I? Why didn't I come earlier? Right? That's your thoughts of me."

His eyes widened, those predatory burning eyes were softened as he was caressed by my sincerity.

"I abandoned my family name." He said after being silent.

"Huh?? So what's your name now?"

To think that he'd easily throw away the proud name he carried for life from birth. He's a real deal, maybe it's already planned by him from the beginning.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Carl Hellian Vla Cavierelle. The new Hellian, and the unofficial heir of Duke Atharis." His amber eyes stared at me softly, as he made a noble gesture for greetings.

My jaw dropped as I heard the name, people would never predict something like this. I bet that Atharis allowed him to take the surname...

"W-What about your sister?"

"She's the same too. Carlina Hellian Vla Cavierelle."

Unbelievable... They're ready to go against Allustors. Having Atharis as an ally, that's more than the greatest weapon. He's the only human being that people would immediately switch side if they know that their opponent is Atharis.

"Wait. What do you mean by an unofficial heir? Did Atharis put the 'unofficial'?" I lifted my left eyebrow, slightly wondered and curious.

"The duke himself entitled it to me, but without the 'unofficial'." Answers Carl.


"Well, it's not like I am his son. The duke still has a long life to go, he might be encountered with someone he loves and ends up making her a duchess, finally they'll have child to be called the official heir. Moreover, aren't you and the duke have that kind of relationship, like, lovers?Judging by how he treats you nicely."

My mouth was closed as I heard him saying that. To think that's how Carl sees us. I wonder if it's the same towards other people...

"We're not. He's just kind to me. I thought that you could at least be suspicious of Atharis and Lefka's relationship. Since their skinships are limitless."

He blinked his eyes twice and blinked it once again.

"Huh?! So they are the ones who actually what they call lovers?? I didn't expect that from the mighty and dangerous duke of Axteg!" He gasped way too hard that he almost got choked.

"No, they're not. There's no perfect word to describe their relationship, but just to be sure, they are more than friends but not lovers. Don't spread the false accusation about them having a romantic feelings for each other. Otherwise, I will be the one to end your life, young master." I faked my smile, thinking if that'd actually happen..


His sapphire eyes were staring at me wearing a light blue empire dress with long sleeves, while having my hair styled in waterfall braid with a few small flower claw clips on my hair.

"Sister. You're beautiful. Can I be your dancing partner?" He giggled, his small white teeth were showing.

I patted his head. "I can't dance, your highness."

"No! Don't call me like that! Say my name, sister!" Halcyne pouted as his eyebrows wrinkled.

4 days ago was a nervous day ever, a sudden visit from Meldia and Halcyne at Hellian mansion really scared me as she might get mad at me for hiding Halcyne's secret.

"I cannot pay you enough, risking your life just for Halcyne's peaceful school life... I'm not a good mother as I continue to age. If only I know about it sooner, you wouldn't have to go through the painful experience like that day." Her eyes became sullen as she held back her tears. While Halcyne was there looking down on his wriggling toes, started to feel guilty about hiding it from his mother.

"You're a good mother, Meldia. That's why Halcyne doesn't want to disappoint you for burdening you. Anyway, I was the one who chose to risk my life but Sirius was there to protect me. And I'm here safe and sound, the more experience I have, the more knowledge I get. My life doesn't matter, so don't worry about me." I said that only to lighten up the heavy atmosphere. But there's even more guilty feelings were showing in Meldia's eyes.

"How dare you said that about your life! It's precious and a treasure that no one else knows your worth!"

We turned our heads at the voice owner and it's Lefka, but... I glanced at Halcyne and Meldia. Their shocking reactions were a bit long seeing what they couldn't believe.

Lefka was in his adult form...

After they got an explanation about Lefka was actually the mythic dragon of jade, Meldia decided to tell Halcyne about their origin which was royalties. They promised not to hide anything from now on, while Halcyne didn't actually look surprised about their real identities. He's more shocked about Lefka's story.

"So now we finally let out our secrets. What about you, Lysa?" Meldia stared at me with an honest feelings of genuinely want to know what secret that I might hide.

"I... " I didn't stutter, but the answer wasn't there to begin with. Do I have to lie?

"She doesn't have one."

There's Atharis who opened the door, entered the room along with Carl and Carlina.

"Atharis..." Meldia's eyes were looking at both me and Atharis, she seemed a bit confused. Then she bluntly asked Atharis. "Are you two actually lovers?"

The silence was long, not only it's awkward but it's so much embarrassing by that question. First was Carl to question me about our relationship, now it's Meldia the former queen herself!

"If so, why don't you get engaged already? Since Atharis is almost hit 30s, there will be not only noble ladies that swarming towards you, but even widows might take turn to seduce you, Atharis." Says Meldia, she was a little upset that Atharis didn't tell her about his love.

"We're not." He made a disapproval face, while glancing at Lefka who's already side eyed me for taking Atharis from him.

Meldia became even more puzzled by that response. She looked at me for a confirmation, and I nodded to Atharis' answer.

"But why? I mean- When will you get someone you love?" She then looked at Lefka. "Is it Lefka that you're in love with?"

And once again, the whole atmosphere turned gloomy as the things got worst.

"Yes, Your Majesty. Since Lefka is a dragon, there's an oath that Atharis did towards Lefka. An oath that no one can break, and a bond that will lead to no end. Only death can separate them, but that's not the end since the oath itself is a power to bring them to a happy ending."

They stared at me in surprise, including both Lefka and Atharis.

"Sister, I think I almost fall for you..." Halcyne hugged me and laughed.

"I see, I'm sorry, Atharis, Lefka. I'm afraid that you're not happy if your lives aren't filled with your love lives." Meldia bowed towards the both of them.

"Sister, thank you."

She smiled as he heard Atharis called her 'sister', for so long he hadn't call her like that.

Of course we understand what Meldia tried to tell. She's afraid that Atharis might die alone without anyone by his side when people finally leave him.

"So, is it true that Carl became Atharis' heir??" She looked at Carl who's giving a friendly smile.

"Yes, I will make it official by throw a banquet later. The world must know about Carl being my legal heir to my Hellian position and heirlooms." Says Atharis, he tapped on Carl's shoulder with a proud expression.

"Banquet? Will I be the main character too?" Asks Carlina, her eyes were filled with stars out of excitement.

With a nod from Atharis, she gasped in happiness.

"Both of you will be the main characters as of becoming my new family." He patted on Carlina's head, showing us how he started to feel attached to the siblings that we started from strangers to families.

"A banquet? Then, I have something to give you, Lysa."

I looked at Meldia smiling.

Back to present...

"My... I'm glad that my dress actually fits you, Lysa." She giggled as her eyes observed my body.

Right, this dress was Meldia's when she's still a queen. That's when King Charles fell for her beauty. But now that I wore this, I might as well become Calamir's new mother.

"Sister, you're so gorgeous tonight." Lefka came to me, his green eyes nailed on mine as he kissed my hand. He's a handsome adult wearing a green and black exclusively royal outfit that obviously was bought by Atharis himself.

"Lefka! You look cool!" Halcyne's eyes sparkled as he saw the shiny accessories on Lefka's coat, and they went outside to play. I almost forgot that the two of them were best friends.

Many of aristocrats entered the banquet hall, they're greeting with one and another. They wouldn't miss the invitation to this party since this was only the second time Atharis held it. That man just didn't like to do things like a normal noblemen would do, that's why they received the invitation to meet with someone as mighty as him. An opportunity that rarely comes.

The first banquet he held was to celebrate his inheritance of a duke position that was entitled by King Charles.

"He might come."

I nodded unconsciously but then I startled when I looked at Lefka by my right, enjoying the view of the guests from the third floor.

"W-What do you mean? Who are you talking about?"

He grinned at me while raising his left eyebrow. "Your love interest."


"Well, didn't you cry because of him the second time we met? Poor my sister." He patted me as he snickered.

Of course, that's a big possibility of him coming here, since Calamir is Atharis' nephew. They're not that close, but who knows, because Atharis and Calamir seemed to change.

After all, Ronea might be frustrated of me being away from her again. But I bet that Calamir will drag her along since she's a niece of Atharis.

"I heard that His Majesty the king will come too!"

"Of course, they're brothers after all!"

So, will there be some dramatic scene? Like at the previous banquet, with Joshue being Joshue and Natasha being obsessed with Nyxon. What a pain to remember something like that actually happened to me who just wished for a peaceful life, but again, the mission itself was going to bring me chaos.

Ah, there he was...

Ba-thump, ba-thump, ba-thump...

The feelings continuously to linger even though it's been a week since we last met. To think that I would hear my heart racing again. He's the man who I mustn't fall for, but the way he appeared only when I need time to be alone, made me helplessly drowned in the unwanted feelings.

He's attractive as he wore a maroon knight garment that almost looked like a prince, his hair was like his usual style with side bang. He walked in like he owns the mansion, the powerful gaze that would bring dominate anyone, also the aura that made people fear him.

"You're staring at him too much. That will leave a big hole on him."

I snapped out of my thoughts, flinching at Lefka who's side eyeing me.

"How could you forget about your best friend?" He said while his eyes were focusing on someone down there. I tried to look at who he's looking at and that person was my most beloved out of all.

Her wavy red hair was combed into a relaxed updo hairstyle with some glitters, while she wore a fuchsia off shoulder dress and a pair of red heels. Her beauty literally caught people's attention and gradually interested in her even before the banquet start.

There's Calamir too, wore all black prince garment but still looking handsome. The three of them should be symbolized as a true beauty.

"We're starting now."

Both of us looked at Atharis who's the owner of the mansion, he's all handsome as he put on a royal blue clothing.

"Make a way, the king walks through!"

The three of us watched King Charles entered the hall with a whole red royal garment covered his body, by his side, there's Claudia, the only concubine he ever had.