
GOT: God of Horses, Sex, and War

Dothraki Empire

Player_Tenason · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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22 Chs

Change In Westeros Pt.I

Throughout the Fourth Moon of 298 AC,

"On the 28th day of the Third Moon, the Free City of Pentos, Like Norvos, was sacked by the Great Blood Fire Khal Zhano of the Dothraki Empire!" The Castellan of Sunspear announced to the City, "We are the first of the Seven Kingdoms to receive his letter to the King, Address to all Seven Houses of Westeros!"

"On the 28th day of the Third Moon, the Free City of Pentos, Like Norvos, was sacked by the Great Blood Fire Khal Zhano of the Dothraki Empire!" Lord Stannis Baratheon of Dragonstone announced to his people as copies were sent to his vassals, "We received this barbarian's letter to the King, Addressed to all Seven Houses of Westeros! And within it describes treachery of the highest order and the partaking of sin that threatens the stability of the kingdom! Most of all! It is an act of war against the great House Baratheon!"

"On the 28th day of the Third Moon, the Free City of Pentos, Like Norvos, was sacked by the Great Blood Fire Khal Zhano of the Dothraki Empire!" The Maester of King's Landing spoke to the Small Council, "This is his letter to the King, Addressed to all Seven Houses of Westeros!"

In House Tyrell of Highgarden, an old woman merely laughed and did nothing else. It was clear that the fight coming wasn't her own.

"On the 28th day of the Third Moon, the Free City of Pentos, Like Norvos, was sacked by the Great Blood Fire Khal Zhano of the Dothraki Empire!" The Lady Regent of the Vale announced to the City, "We have received his letter to the King, Addressed to all Seven Houses of Westeros! The Lannisters' betrayal will be known to all!"

"On the 28th day of the Third Moon, the Free City of Pentos, Like Norvos, was sacked by the Great Blood Fire Khal Zhano of the Dothraki Empire!" Tywin Lannister addressed his war council with seething rage. "This is Zhano's letter to the King, Addressed to all Seven Houses of Westeros. The other houses should be receiving similar letters from his envoys. Before this gets out of hand, Send a troop to the North and bring my children back! And all of the bastards of the King, slaughtered. Starting with Mya Stone in the Vale."

"On the 28th day of the Third Moon, the Free City of Pentos, Like Norvos, was sacked by the Great Blood Fire Khal Zhano of the Dothraki Empire!" Holster Tully of Riverrun had his loyal houses gathered with armed men."This letter to the King, Addressed to all Seven Houses of Westeros! Confirms what my daughter has told me. The Lannister's killed my son-in-law and Lord of the Vale. Most likely to protect their secret. His dying words and those similar within this letter must be investigated…

However! The Lannisters are at my daughter's home and we must expect the worst. Today! We ride to the north! Ned is no politician and he will definitely kill on the King's orders. It will be a bloodbath. We ride hard and hopefully, we can make it before the Lannisters and catch that Barbarian's envoys. "

-House Royce of the Gates of the Moon-

"Mya, Dear. How was your trip?" Lord Nestor Royce asked. Nestor is a massive, barrel-chested man. He is bald and wears a greying beard

"Fine as always, Lord." Mya replied, " Mules are a bit tired though."

"Good. Good. Mya, do you remember your father? Better yet, do you remember why Lord Arryn placed you in my care? Shortly after the birth of Prince Joffrey."

"No, Lord. All that I remember is that I was being prepared to leave for Court as the lady in waiting for Lady Arryn. Lord Arryn then told me it was best I remain at the Gates of the Moon."

Lord Nestor Royce sighed. "As High Steward of the Vale, part of my job is the protection of lineage. The Late Lord Arryn, thought of King Robert and Lord Ned Stark as his sons. Lord Stark specifically is his brother-in-law. So, when King Robert, ward and sworn brother of Lord Stark became king and fathered the Prince, His known children had to be protected from the Hand of the Lannisters. This was an order from the king himself."

"Good history, Lord. But…"

"Mya Stone. If you were born in your father's land you would be Mya Storm. After his ascension, you could have been Mya Crown. And very soon, you may be Mya Baratheon, Heir of House Baratheon, and the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms. Guards! Protect the lady! Escort her to Dragonstone immediately!" The Lord order and a troop of guards from Houses Royce, Waynwood, and Arryn entered the great hall.

Mya's head was still spinning as her vague memories of her father overlapped with the characters of the king described in the old war stories of the rebellion. Before she knew it, she was dragged away as a troop of red armored men rode hard for the Gates of the Moon.

"Charlus!" Lord Nestor Royce called.

"Yes, Lord!"

"Lead the troop to the sea and take the ships to Dragonstone. If those fucking Lannisters manage to follow, you have Lady Arryn's permission to burn down the port. Your ship should be the only one leaving, all others are hostile."

"Yes, Lord!" Charlus replied then rushed.

"Everyone else! Take up arms! On me!" Lord Nestor bellowed as he unsheathed his greatsword as big as the Stark's ancestral weapon, Ice.

Finally, a full moon cycle had come. On the 29th day of the fourth moon, Most of Westeros was moving. While House Baratheon and its vassals along with the loyal houses of Kings Landing ceased and locked down both territories of Crownlands and Stormlands.

As for Dorne, they were awaiting orders from Essos while their troop was formed at the southern border of Crownsland, not to attack the throne, but to await the Lannisters.

Mya Stone was taken to King's Landing to be at the side of her uncle, the safest place in the kingdom at the moment. If rumors proved true, She would no doubt be legitimized for quick stability of the region. Meanwhile, The Lannisters, Tullys, and Arryns lead by Lord Yohn Royce converged on Winterfell a day after the King returned from his hunting trip with Eddard 'Ned' Stark, Warden of the North.

Seeing Two Lords and a Master at arms appear quickly sobered, King Robert. He was forced to ride out with Ned Stark as the situation was tense and confusing. It appeared that the two lords were protecting Dothraki horsemen.

"How the fuck did Dothraki horse fuckers get here?" King Robert growled.

"Stand down! Stand down, now! Ned, the first man to swing his sword dies!" King Robert roared.

"Of course, sire," Ned replied.

"Now what the hell is happening! These many Houses haven't come north since the planning of the Rebellion! Is that with this is?!" King Robert shouted.

"Are you King Robert? My Khal has ordered me to place a letter in your hands and the hand of the king's who seems to have killed over recently, and Lord of House Stark. If one letter is ceased we have several more."

"Your Khal?" King Robert asked, "The barbarian burning down Essos?"

"The Great Blood Fire Khal is no barbarian. If I speak freely, which I can as none of my cohorts speak the common language of Westeros, Khal Zhano is probably the most educated and ferocious Khal of the century. And he knows things, Sire. Take it from a man who's lived his life guided by the gold coin. I watched as he rode an eight-legged horse, I watched as he set fire to exiled Taragaryen siblings and sir Jorah Mormont of Bear Island with his mind. I watched as Daenerys Tarageryn walked from the flame unburnt. And by the reaction of your people, I'm sure the words of a man who has never set foot in Westeros come with heavy bearing. Sire, please take these letters and see them in the hands of the appropriate persons."

The envoy moved and the Lannister's master-at-arms sought to Intercede. Ned Stark drew Ice like a five-pound saber and slit the throat of the man's horse causing him to tumble to the icy earth.

"Ned Stark, you dare!" A golden-haired man shouted as he rode at full speed to the gathering. He drew his sword and for the first time since the rebellion, King Robert Baratheon moved like a warrior on the battlefield. His mastery over his horse impressed even the Dothraki as a tug and kick caused his horse to turn and leap in a single motion. His sword came out and one motion disarmed his King's Guard, Jamie Lannister.

Jamie was flabbergasted.

"You little shit, you dare attack one of my lords for a house you have no claim to! You are my guard! And Lord Stark, not Eddard or Ned, Lord Stark was acting under my orders! And you want to fight him because he's the best? I've been crossing blades with him since we were fostered in the Eyrie! Move again and I'll take your fucking hand myself. See how much of a swordsman you are then." King Robert growled.

"Give me those goddamn letters. Ned, you take yours too. Bronze Yohn! Holster! I'm assuming you agree with the words in the letter. Tell me now! Once I read it, there are no changing opinions." Said King Robert.

"Sire, we believe the words should be investigated. I also have a letter from my daughter, Lady Regent of the Vale. Sire, the words and context are distressing considering the dying words of our good friend Jon."

King Robert nodded and he shared a look with Ned. Together they opened their letters and began to read. The moment Ned Stark covered his mouth and stroked downward on his beard, everyone who knew the man, knew that he was shocked and mentally preparing to cross swords.

"King Robert Baratheon the First of His Name. King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm of Westeros, and the head of House Baratheon of King's Landing. I, the Great Blood Fire Khal Zhano of the Dothraki Empire, have sacked Pentos. The city is mine. I have killed the Targaryen boy and taken his sister as my wife. Fear not, I will fuck her until the night grows old and she bears children till one kills her. From this day forth, the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros will never have Valryian traits with its royal lineage. Only the classical traits of the mighty House Baratheon, tall and powerfully built, with black hair and blue eyes, as well as strong, square jawlines. Keep your seed strong, like Mya Stone, a young woman serving House Royce of the Gates of the Moon. She is after all the eldest of your bastards. And may your Kingdom prosper.

Signed, the Great Blood Fire Khal Zhano of the Dothraki Empire, Emperor of Norvos and Pentos, Heir of the Imperial Forgers Zha Family of the Yi Ti Empire, and Lord of House Targaryen of the Dothraki Sea. Dated, 28th Day of the Third Moon of the year 298 AC."

King Robert read allowed.

"Sir Benedict Broom." Said King Robert.

"Yes, Sire." he responded firmly though the pain of his leg due to falling off his horse bothered him.

"You haven't left Casterly Rock since the Rebellion. I should have known something was up. And though I act like a drunken fool. I am not a fool, just a drunkard, but now I am sober and you should be scared. So answer me honestly. Mya Stone? If I go to see my daughter, It's no secret that she is. She's the only bastard I've claimed because she was born before I took the throne. Will she be in the Vale, alive and well?"

"I do not know, Sire," Benedict replied. "I was sent to retrieve the young Lords, Lady, and the children until the claim was settled properly. You know rumors could be deadly."

"What orders were given by your lord? Once I leave the north, and I find out displeasing news, yours will be the first head to roll."

Lord Royce and Tully remained silent and allowed Benedict Broom to save himself. It was the honorable thing to do. After all, they all served at the pleasure of the crown. So Broom was given the chance to serve one last time.

"Sire, please…"

"I will not ask a third!"

"Broom, just tell him," Ned Stark spoke.

"Be silent, Ned!" King Robert roared, "Broom!"

"Sire, A troop was sent to the Vale. But I have no idea of your daughter's condition. Orders were also sent to King's Landing to round up your bastards."

"You mean kill them. Good. Good. That old dog still has teeth and spirit. It'll make for a bloody good fight! Even if the rumors aren't true, the Lannisters have actively attempted to cover up potential Heredity Fraud. It may have tarnished the Lannister name a bit, but I would have put no stock in the tauntings of a savage horsefucker. Smoke without fire was what these letters were. Cease the Lannister men and put the Queen under house arrest!"

Sometime later, the lords Tully, Royce, Stark, and King Robert sat in the main hall of Winterfell.

"Rob --King."

"Call me, Robert. We're all friends. We all fight to the death together." King Robert interjected.

"Robert, we all know why the lords acted. No one likes the Lannisters and everyone owes a debt. The matter has to be investigated. Put your pride aside. Your brother will also not stand this slight and I'm sure he is ready for war right now."

"Stannis and Renly have taken control of the Crownland and Stormland. Lannisters have been killed. The Martells stand ready at the southern border and House Tyrell is dormant. Soon, Tywin will leave Casterly Rock." Holster spoke.

" We're talking now for damage control," said Robert.

"Then it's time to start acting like a king, boy. I promised Jon I wouldn't run mah mouth. But he's gone now! Lyanna Stark is dead. In the blatant neglect may or may have not led to Heredity Fraud! That is how houses fall, boy!"


"No! This is companions talking, so let's talk! Think and think hard. Beginning, middle, and end. I want a solution because my son-in-law and dear friend is dead. And I think he died trying to warn us about this!" Holster slammed his letter on the table.

"Aye" Lord Royce seconded.

Robert exhaled. "For starters, Winterfell becomes our fort and we hold the Lannisters. Send word to all the lords of the seven houses to convene here. And we also send for the Valryian link Maester. No, two Valryian link maester. A hereditary test is in order. Only the citadel has the method."

"If they fail," said Holster

"Execution as the law decrees." Said Ned.

"No." King Robert barked, "The king who knows the situation of his kingdom would use this opportunity for the better of all. The crown is deep in debt to the Lannisters. It needs to be wiped clean. Cersei will be divorced and the children disinherited as bastards. Jami will be exiled as there is no home for any man after the king's guard. Mya will be legitimized and her marriage will sure up alliances, under the condition that Baratheon remains the ruling house name."

"A matrilocal husband," said Ned.

"It's not that simple," said Lord Yohn Royce. "We're all forgetting about the biggest problem of today. Jon Arryn must be investigated. And without royal protection, The Martells will go to war with the Lannisters. They want blood for Elia and her children."

"Not if we put them on the throne," said Ned.

"Ned, no."

"You want Mya betrothed to my son. That's what you're thinking. But it can't be. Prince Doran has a son. And the Dornish believe that women have the right to rule. Arianne Nymeros Martell is heiress of Dorne. A matrilocal husband is a good price to be on the throne again. You make that betrothal on the grounds of peace. And that problem is settled." Said Ned.

"He's right." Holster seconded. "We have to avoid bloodshed."

"And if nothing comes of this, Lannisters must still be pushed out of King's Landing and replaced with Baratheon guards. They have too much power, we need to cut them off." Yohn added.

"Aye." Ned agreed.

"Finally, the Horselord and his Targaryen whore." said King Robert.

"If anything we owe him," said Ned.

"Aye." the lords agreed.

"There's a perspective of this that can be considered a trade for peace. He helps you prevent heredity fraud and keeps the Lannisters at bay. You leave his wife alone. House Targaryen of the Dothraki Sea will not come back to Westeros. It will die where it was born, Essos." said Holster.

"How can we be sure?" asked King Robert.

"We can't. But he has sacked two free cities. Key cities. If we move, he will choke our trade during a time when Pentoshi refugees are swarming to our country. And if we assume the worst. Within two years, we will claim Braavos and Lorath. Or worse, the port cities to the south. With Yi Ti supporting him, the red waste and slaver's bay is as good as subjugated."

"I got word that he is also a kind devil. He kills you softly. He makes slaves but gives them hope of freedom by proving their worth. He is smart and very manipulative. If slavers bay or the red waste falls, his numbers will rise astronomically and Westeros will have a dangerous enemy. Let's not forget that Dothraki Horselords are currently in Winterfell. He got Dothraki to cross the Narrow Sea" Said Yohn. He Lorded over a port city in the Vale and has crossed many refugees. His information was amongst the best of them to date.

"Robert, we should let it go."

"So be it. Bring in the Envoys of the...House Targaryen!" King King Robert nearly choked.

When the envoys entered, they bowed as did the sellswords. But the Dothraki were oblivious to such customs.

"Tell your Khal, that we have received his letters and thank him." Said Ned.

"We also invite him to King's Landing along with his wife." said King Robert, "I'm sure she would like to see her home after so many years away."

"Which wife?" the envoy asked. But he was just having subtle fun with the green King. "He has two, and two concubines."

"Tell him to bring them all. The more the merrier. We must talk of trade and Westerosi assets in Essos." said Robert.

"Prince Illyrio of Pentos can handle the talks. By the time I return, the Great Khal would have set off to Unite the Dothraki Sea at Vaes Dothrak then on to the Gathering of Phoenixes and Dragons. If you have words for his ears, it's better to go to him."

"Hmm, so it's like that. Go on. You're free to go." Said King Robert.

Once the Envoys were gone, King Robert said, "Get me, Lord Velaryon. They have the closest ties to Yi Ti. Once this business of law is finished. Lords Tywin, Tyrell, Baratheon of Dragonstone, and Holster will go to Yi Ti. Two have the most assets in Essos and supply the country. The other two are two that I trust."

"Then it's settled. Now I must go and check on my boy," said Ned.

"What happened to my grandson?" Holster asked.

"Climbing the tower again and fell. That's all I know for now." Ned replied.

"Come, come. You have to see him now! My daughter is probably distressed." Holster got up and rushed Ned along.