A man dies, but a man gets reborn
(Gerold Lannister's Private Quarters, The Daybreak, Starfall Port, Starfall Dorne, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros)
(Gerold Lannister POV)
Gerold sat at his chair in his Private Quarters on the Daybreak a much larger Man'o'War than the others in the fleet by at least two to three decks All the figures of the relevant ships were in place on the Map at Starfall, Gerold held a single Toothpick in between his teeth while observing the map before him.
They'd gotten word that Dustan Drumm was part of the Raiders, that meant Red Rain was up for grabs. Rather fitting since Red Rain was House Reyne's Ancestral Blade and he was the current Lord of Castamere.
Most people didn't know this, but Gerold was actually born before The Reyne-Tarbeck Rebellion happened, and when he was named Lord of Castamere Tytos yet lived still, but his influence had been dramatically marginalized. So If Gerold got his hands on Red Rain he'd be able to Pass on a blade Worthy of House Lannister down to his heirs.
If he got his hands on another Blade then his children who'd Inherit Castamere would have their own Blade to inherit, unfortunately the only other Blade of Valyrian that Gerold could probably get his hands on without major incident was Nightfall the Harlaw Blade. But Harris Harlaw wasn't born yet and Rodrik Harlaw wasn't one to make a stupid move like Drumm did.
Gerold picked up a a Tyrell piece and held it in his hands before drinking from his cup of Dornish Red and Double Malt Whiskey. It was an unpleasant combination, but it kept him on his toes. Truthfully Gerold was more a Arbor Gold with a slight hint of Dornish Red or a Dornish Red with a slight hint of Arbor Gold kind of man, but Gerold needed just a few more ships in order to execute his pincer strike, whether or not his future in-laws would prove amenable remained to be seen.
As if on cue A knock on his door just as he was wondering where Ashara was revealed her entering his quarters aboard The Daybreak.
''My Lord.'' Ashara says in curtsey.
Taking his last sip of his Wine, and placing the Tyrell map piece back in it's place. Standing at his height of 6'2 over the 5'9 Ashara Dayne he takes in her appearance from her already growing bust to her childbearing hips. But he's most taken with her eyes, he can now understand her alias of; ''The Maiden with the Laughing Purple Eyes''.
(Ashara Dayne POV)
Ashara shifted slightly uncomfortable with the brief ogling of her breasts, but she didn't fail to notice that though his eyes held lust in them, they held respect inside of them too.
''Your a thing of beauty my lady, it's a shame we bowed to the Dragons, in me marrying you, I'd be able to provide you a suitable title had we retained our Crown's, because one so beautiful should only ever be a Queen.'' Says Gerold bringing a hand to her cheek.
''I'm starting to regret promising not to sleep with you unlike you want me to, because I really don't want to wait now.'' Ashara feels a great deal of worry at this, but Gerold scoffs. ''But a promise made is a promise made, and I would rather disembowel myself than break a promise....to you.'' Says Gerold.
Ashara notes that the lust in his eyes has been buried.
(Gerold Lannister POV)
It was sooo difficult not to reach out and feel Ashara's breasts. But Gerold knew two people he'd be able sate himself on until Ashara or Janna were ready.
Now Tywin wouldn't let him get it on with just any woman, especially before bedding and impregnating an heir into someone, but Gerold chose Stepstones for one reason, they were the Gateway to Essos, and if they had a legitimate reasons to take them, the Free Cities couldn't do shit. Getting control of them would also help Gerold's plans to create a pipeline into Essos.
Gerold wanted three cities to act as his entry into the Essos pipeline; Braavos, Pentos, and Lys. Gerold would start with Braavos.
Turning to the map, Gerold motions Ashara over.
''If you had to decide in place of me, where would you focus the attack?'' Gerold asks.
''Bloodstone is the weaker Target. But Grey Gallows is closer, and while more heavily defended, if you can cut them off from Grey Gallows long enough to secure Grey Gallows and the other islands Bloodstone won't be able hold out for very long.'' Ashara says impressing Gerold with her strategy skills at play.
''Smart AND Beautiful, alright we blockade Bloodstone and suppress the other Islands.'' Says Gerold. ''Congratulations Lady Ashara, you just became my advisor.'' Says Gerold, with a hint of mirth slipping into his voice, causing Ashara's cheeks to flush red slightly.
Okay, I barely got this out, Gonna briefly scratch a new story itch that haunted early progress today and I don't want have that haunting me again before next chapter so we'll see what happens