
GOT: Aurion Targaryen

Aurion Targaryen ran with his remaining family after the Usurper took the throne. But he was born with a tenacity that hasn't been seen since Maegor the Cruel. With Blackfyre in hand, he will tame all Dragons and lay waste to those who oppose his reign. The song of ice and fire will be sung, and Aurion will fight the darkness.

HiroKoya · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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8 Chs


Aurion Targaryen

Age: 8

(290 AC)


My eyes are heavy...

Am I in my room?

There's too much light.

My chest also feels heavy, it difficult to breathe. Is this the weight of the world?

No, it's my sister.

I pushed Daenerys off me and rubbed my eyes. 

I looked to my left, and saw Mother sitting on the chair near the window. 

That's a safety hazard. She shouldn't be too close to-

Huh? What am I talking about? 

My head is still spinning. 

What was I doing before I fell asleep...?

My eyes widened and I rushed to the nearest bucket. I moved so fast that my head smashed on the wall, but I didn't care. 


Without missing a beat, torrents of vomit rushed out from my mouth. 

How many did I kill? 




My stomach is contracting upon itself. 

It hurts!

I know why I did that, but just how...?

I have never even swung a real sword before. 

I never trained to be a knight. If anything, I trained to be a scholar with the amount of books I read. 

'That' wasn't me. So, who was it?

I felt a hand on my back, rubbing up and down, comforting me. 

"Easy now, let it all out." 

I guess Mother had seen this before, a lot of times. She survived through a war after all. 

I don't know for how long I threw up, but it wasn't mere minutes. And my body felt weaker and weaker with every wave. 

By the time it was over, I couldn't get up on my own. 

I was helped to the sofa and Mother wiped my mouth with a cloth. She pushed some water near me and I gulped it down like it was the elixir of immortality.

I noticed that the entire room was weary, like there had been people sitting everywhere. Including right next to me. 

"Lyanna, Elia and Visenya were here earlier. They are all very worried about you. You've been asleep for over a week." her face was solemn, she missed me. "The Maesters didn't know what was wrong with you. No one did."

"I'm sorry." that was all I could say.

"No, don't apologize." 

Her expression had shifted to happy before I knew it, and she was hugging me close to her chest.

"You protected our family. You didn't let anything happen to them. I don't care how you did it, Aurion. I only care that you're all safe." she was trembling. 

She was scared about what would've happened if I didn't do...whatever I did. 

Well, it's understandable. I would be scared too if I was her. Her children almost got kidnapped. She has gone through enough already, she shouldn't suffer anymore. 


I heard Dany's voice from the bed. She looked terrible, like she had stayed up countless nights. My heart ached seeing her like that. 

I got up and went to hug her, tightly. I think this is the first time I have hugged her of my own volition. 

That reminds me, I always treat her coldly. It's because I don't know how to show my love for her. I care for her too much, and it's embarrassing. But she still talks to me, that too eagerly. She deserves better. 

She was crying in my arms, repeatedly calling my name. 

I thought back to when we were ambushed. What would have happened if they took her with them...

My body shuddered as I considered the horrors, and I held Dany closer to me. 

"Sorry...! Sorry, Aurion! Please don't leave me! I won't ask you to train or play with me anymore! You can even call me Dany, or whatever you like. Just, please don't leave me alone in this world!" 

My own eyes turned watery upon hearing her words, but I held it in. "It's okay, Dany, I'm here. I'm here with you." 

The door to our room opened, and two figures walked in. 

"Granny Rhaella, how is Aurio-...Aurion!" Visenya ran into my arms at blinding speed.

She mimicked Dany, crying and asking me not to leave her. 

Her mother was the other person to enter the room. Lyanna was also just as teary eyed to see me awake, but she held back from hugging me. She's always been hesitant to show affection to me for some reason. 

Actually, I probably know the reason. I just refused to address it until now. 

Anyway, the crying faces of Dany and Visenya...

I don't like them.

This feeling of resolution is so unlike me, but...

I'll never let anything happen to these two.


A few minutes had passed and everyone was now sitting in my room.

"Aurion, dear, do you know what happened?" Mother asked.

"No, I really don't..." I held my head in pain again. Every time I think back to that moment, my head hurts. "I just heard a weird voice, and grabbed the sword. I don't remember much after that, except the blood that I was soaked in."

I'm thankful that Dany and Visenya had also fainted, and didn't see me kill anyone. The scream that I heard before falling was apparently Lyanna's. She had found us because Visenya was missing.

"Aurion...thank you for saving my daughter." Out of nowhere, my sister-in-law kneeled in front of me. 

"Lyanna! Please get up! You don't have to thank me." This is really awkward, I don't know how to react. "By the way, where is Viserys? Is he also asleep like me?"

Dany scoffed, she was sitting besides me while holding my arm. "He's been awake since day one. He keeps getting angry whenever someone mentions that day. He wants to pretend it never happened."

"Well, I don't see a problem with that..." I murmured. Wasn't that smart?

Looking at Dany's expression, I'm guessing I'm wrong. Maybe there's something she didn't mention.

"Anyway, I have recovered enough. I'll go and see where Elia is." 

I didn't let anyone accompany me. I know they're still anxious, but they can't keep sticking to my side.

Elia was in the outer garden, along with Ser Arthur.

She seemed to be sitting quietly, which was quite unusual for her. 


