
GOT/ASOIAF: Break the Wheel

The Main Character is a Male Targaryen who is named Eragon Targaryen, he is Daenerys Targaryen's twin brother. This is tagged Yuri because girls in his harem will get intimate during sex with the MC and people cry when they aren't warned. (people also seem to cry when they don't instantly see Yuri sex if it's tagged Yuri, you can't make people happy.) This is AU - This is an Alternate Universe of George's world. Expect people and things to be entirely different because of small changes butterflying out. Alternate Universe! Like how The entire first 25 chapters is a 'Time skip' until Eragon is 14 years old. So the first 25 chapters are just random POVs of others and him to build up the world and show changes. Instead of just saying "he was born and 14 years passed." I wrote out the 14 years in a 'fast' way and showed some character build-up for different people. Now that the easily triggered have been warned I can let you know more about the story. World exploration and conquest will be a big theme in this over the many chapters it will eventually be. So far he hasn't gotten around all that much but it's only chapter 70 out of like at least 1000 if I estimate it right. And that might be shorting it quite a bit as I will be making this a very long fan fic. Dragons are in this, new ones. Magic will be touched quite a bit, nothing like altering reality but definitely a cool flaming sword. I like to think I build up the characters pretty well and have them stick to their personalities pretty well. I said it before but world exploration and diving into the lore of new places are one of the things I look forward to the most so it's a pretty big part. I don't know what else, try it if the world of ASOIAF interest you, if it doesn't then this wont be something you like in the slightest.

Pretending_Author · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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189 Chs



298 AC

Stormlands - Blackhaven

Eragon Targaryen


"Ser Barristan once told me about the time he entered a tourney as a mystery knight at the age of ten at Blackhaven. He was doing well until prince Duncan Targaryen defeated and unmasked him and that is how he earned the name 'the bold'. I wish a tourney would get called sometime so I can enter as a mystery knight and win, would be better if it was the usurper's tourney so I can take his coin." I ride next to the red priest known as Jamleo, he doesn't talk much but he listens well.

It's been almost two weeks, we had to go a path that would get us there but also not get us caught in case Doran sent out word to find me. I don't think he would since people might use me to get gold from Robert under the table but it's a possibility. Ravens are much faster than we ever could be, so we went up the Greenblood and past Godsgrace into The scourge. Then we traveled to Yronwood and took a ship up the coast toward the Stormlands.

We made it to Wyl and then traveled up the Boneway to Blackhaven, we are now making it across a bridge to pass and so far we haven't had any problems. A man on the ship we traveled asked if I was a Targaryen jokingly and we all laughed it off. I won't lie and say I didn't sweat when he kept taking glances at me so I eventually used my cover story to ease his mind.

My name is Liyan to strangers and it's been a fun person to pretend to be. It's hard to get to Brightroar as I have to keep it concealed because a shining golden dragon on the end of a high-quality-looking sword would attract eyes.

It's early morning and if we are making good time we might arrive late into the night or sometime during the day tomorrow. That is if we are making good time as these horses I bought us with my coin aren't endurance trained, they tire easily and I am just hoping we make it tomorrow at all before they fall over.

"That stupid cunt charged me an arm and leg for these horses and they aren't even worth a toe." I complain for the fifth or sixth time and get a grunt from my companion, he is dressed in common clothes now so we don't attract attention.

I sigh and reach into my pocket and grab the commandeered lock of hair and run it through my fingers like a snake. I wonder how my sweet sister is today, no doubt furious with me at this point as I am with myself. The sadness should be buried under anger with how long I am gone, I tuck the hair back into my pocket and grab the reins to correct the horse.

She will forgive me, but it won't be without a price.


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Rhaella Targaryen


I brush Daenerys hair as she fiddles with her hands in her lap, she has been sleeping with me since Eragon left. She wouldn't tell me anything once it was confirmed by Doran that he is missing, until a day later I noticed something wrong with one of my chests.

When I saw the eggs missing I wasn't even sure of how to react, I didn't feel a loss of their value or what it could have afforded us. I just hope he isn't trying something stupid put into his head by some fire-obsessed witch. He is smart but so was my grandfather and he almost burned the whole family alive because of those cursed stones.

"He will be fine." I hear Daenerys comment and when I look up she is looking at me in the reflection.

"Just a few moments ago I was telling you something much the same, glad to see your starting to believe it." She gives a smile I haven't seen since Eragon left and nods.

"He will be okay. Because if he doesn't come back then how am I going to kill him myself?"


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Rhaenys Targaryen


"You know if you were going to go look for him you should have done it after we learned he was gone and not after he has been gone for this long. Leaving now would just be stupid, you have no way of tracking him and there has been no news of sightings. At least none that Uncle Doran has cared to share with us." Aegon says as he leans on a column and watches me look off at the stables. I know it would be hard or near impossible but what if I could find him?

"Shut up Aegon, I was only thinking about it anyway. Like you said it would be too hard to try to track someone we have no idea where to start at." Uncle Doran wouldn't tell us even if he did know and would just send some men to look since he knows we would go ourselves.

"Hey no reason to get angry at me for trying to help you out, I am still shocked that he up and left though. I thought that he liked it here from how he was always smiling and carrying on with everyone like it was normal." You and me both little brother you and me both.


I walk into Rhaenyras room after knocking a few times and find she is not alone.

Shiera and Daenerys and also Morgana and Visenya, I purse my lips when they all turn and look at me. Shiera waves me over to sit beside her and Morgana and I smile at her and walk over.

"Hello Rhaenys, how are you doing today?" Shiera asks and I adjust the pillows behind me to get comfortable before responding.

"I am fine thank you, how are you." She gives the same smile as usual but it doesn't seem to convey the same feeling as before.

"I have been fine, just the same as the days before and wondering and worrying all day long." Shiera tried to do some fire-looking and see if she can find something out but all she was able to see is bits and pieces fading in and out.

She said she saw him on a raft the first day and then a few days later he was on a horse and then back onto the water on a ship this time. Where ever he is going about getting there in a hell of a way, you could almost write a story about his journey according to her.

"Anything else in the fire?" I ask curiously as there is a brazier on the balcony and it is going.

"Nothing today, it's not exactly convenient to use this kind of thing to watch people. If I had one of those Valyrian black candles I have heard about in books then I would be able to watch him easily... as long as I could figure it out." I have no clue what she is talking about black candles for but they should be some kind of magic thing from what I can tell.

I look over at Daenerys who is curled up and leaning on Rhaenyra, she has been slowly improving. Well, she isn't crying randomly anymore and I see that as an improvement so there is that.

I am going to punch him in the nose as hard as I can for causing all this unnecessary stress for everyone. It seems he is going to miss Viserys and Arianne getting married as that is a few days out. It was supposed to be a happy event celebrating their union and be the real 'start' of the war.

The marriage will be when all my uncle's banners come to talk to Viserys personally and after this, they will be 'preparing' to go to war. They are already prepared and are only waiting for the signal and it won't be long.

The Boneway and Prince's pass are both going to be locked down after the wedding and will be fortified and ready for invasion. Things are going to start to get bloody when Robert hears about it but I guess that's what uncle Doran wants.

Draw him in to fall on our spears and open his back for the Blackfyres, then when he is out of the way we can focus on one enemy.


298 AC

Stormlands - Ruins of Summerhall

Eragon Targaryen


"My Prince you have made it." Hearing Melisandre's voice fills me with both excitement and fear that I have finally arrived.

I am honestly surprised that there aren't any people around, is this how it normally is? It feels like the very air is depressed and stagnant, this is gloomier than I thought.

"Hello again Melisandre, it's good to see you." I am sure I don't smell the best from all the camping and riding but it won't matter soon if I smell bad as the flames won't care. "Is everything already prepared?" Her hands are interlocked and she looks extremely pleased as she nods.

"Everything is prepared and was only awaiting your arrival." So he is here and I am going to kill him, not sure how to feel about that but I guess that's the nature of things. Dueling and injuring someone or killing them has a different feel to it as they have a weapon in hand and you know in your heart they wouldn't care if they killed or crippled you.

"Alright sounds good, there haven't been any people around or anything like that?" She looks behind her and I follow her eyes and see a hunched old woman who has a black cane and white hair and red eyes. "Who is this?" I ask and walk with Melisandre toward the old woman who is looking at me with piercing eyes.

"My name isn't important to you boy, I came only to watch what is about to happen. I only came to see my friend finally find rest and you will give her that with what you are about to do. After that, I will return to my hill and we will never see each other again." The rude and snappy old lady is something I wasn't expecting to see here but for some reason, I feel like it's right for her to be here. I wonder who her friend is that she has come to see off and how it is related to me. "Wait for it to turn dark before you try anything if you don't want to just burn alive like the rest of them." She turns off and makes her way toward where the fires looked to have burned the worst.

"I believe she is the Ghost of High Heart who was said to be a friend of Jenny of oldstones, she is said to be able to see the future." I look back at where the old woman went and wonder what is really going on.

"And you believe her? She doesn't seem a follower of the Lord of Light and that should contradict your beliefs."

"I don't believe her but she also said that she had seen the prince who was promised come from Aerys and Rhaella who are your parents and that gives me pause. Just because she doesn't pray to R'hllor doesn't mean he doesn't act through her, maybe it would be wise to wait until the night it's not a long wait anyway." I sigh and accept, walking in the flames right this moment or in a few hours makes no difference to me anyway.

Mom said that Rhaegar would come here and play his harp and even sleep in the destroyed building while gazing at the stars. Might be nice to see the same sight as him before I walk onto the pyre anyway. I feel the bag holding the eggs burning hot as I adjust the strap.

Hold on in their little guys, I will see you soon.

( Recommend names and stuff here! for the dragons obviously but also suggest some looks if you want, I was just going to have them look like different forms of dragons from between the two shows.)

Thanks for reading!!!

Pretending_Authorcreators' thoughts