
GOT- Elf between worlds

The MC reincarnates in the world of Game of Thrones 5000 thousand years before the script, he has as his goal, to explore the known world and the unknown. What he doesn't know is that this world is more dangerous than the one in the series. English is not my native language. I ask the readers, do not get stuck only in the original GOT story

ThurNTC · Tranh châm biếm
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New people

POV: Arthur

We finally arrived after 3 months of travel in Na Volantis, this city was founded 20 years ago by the Valerians, looking at the huge city, I can see malicious energy coming from the city center.

Arriving at the port, I ask Arvid to chain the ship to the city port, entering the city, I can see people vomiting on the ground, malnourished children, and mothers of children crying.

I am a little perplexed with so much misery in this city, I see from afar in cages several slaves, men, women, and children, and looking into their eyes, I realize that they have no more life.

Entering the city with Alex, Brandon, and Arvid, people look at us with a look of fear and reluctance.

I look at Arvid and speak: " Arvid hire or buy 30 ships to take these people to the island, if each ship fits 40 people and we hire 30 ships, we can take 1200 people to the island and start the empire. "

And I think: ' I know it's only a few people, but we don't want to build an empire quickly, we need a structure. '

Arvid leaves towards the port and we start looking for ideal people, on the island we need women, men, and children, we need blacksmiths, builders, and soldiers.

We need people to work as farmers, hunters, and tailors to make clothes for the people.

We split up and have a deadline of one month to find these people.

I go towards the center of town, and walking there, I see several people lying on the ground, passing by people I see a man and his family, he is trying to feed his daughter, and around him is his son who looks like he is 10 years old and his wife are looking with pain at the girl.

I approach them and ask "Do you want help? The man looks at me in surprise, but he looks at my clothes and becomes afraid.

He says "Please don't do anything to my children, they are innocent, please take me, spare them.

His family begins to cry and I realize that he has mistaken me for someone else.

"Rest assured, I'm not here to take your children away, I'm here with a proposal."

He looks at me suspiciously and asks " Please speak sir "

'' I want you and your family to come with me, where I live has food and safe housing, we just want your total loyalty to the empire. ''

"Only loyalty? Will you separate my family?

'' "Yes, just your loyalty, we're creating a safe place, I want your family to come and be a part of it too.

He looks at me with a look of fear and anguish, he has no options, his family is starving, his daughter is dying and he lives on the street, a father and a man would not let his family stay in this place.

Okay, I'll go with you, but I ask that I can take my daughter along.

"Sure, I would never let her stay here.

I conjured a healing spell and cast it on the family, they looked at me startled but soon felt their bodies healing, and their pains going away.

The girl who was lying in the rags opens her eyes and they hug her smiling and shouting with happiness

"Let's go, I'll take you to the ship.

/1 Weeks Later /

After only one week, we found all the people necessary for the empire, we brought blacksmiths, builders, farmers, and tailors.

We brought whole families, single women and single men, children, and teenagers, we are bringing people of all ages.

/2 months later

POV: Baelon

After 5 months, we finished building 400 houses, which are on the side of a lake inside the peace wall, a quiet place where people can fish and live freely.

If I need more houses, I will build more. I asked Atlas to make a spell that could only invoke one house, and Atlas did.

The houses are made of reinforced wood and hardly catch fire, the door is at the entrance and has a number on it for people to know which is your house, inside it has three bedrooms and a kitchen.

It already comes with beds, so far I do not know how Atlas did it, but probably it was with the help of the spell of, with this spell I can create a non-magical item, that is not something big. like a grenade or a pistol.

I increased my light soldiers from 280 to 860.

Some are giant bears, giant wolves, and giant moose, some are up to 5 meters tall.

Most of these soldiers are level 1, and the strongest is a level 3 giant bear, which is 5 meters tall and has a strength of 50 strength points, 14 tons, its bite has the power to crush metals like steel.

Sophie has started sleeping with me and Illyana, she already calls Illyana " Mom ", Illyana is very happy about this, Sophie is starting to learn basic spells, and Illyana is teaching her, Illyana has learned spells very quickly, so I asked her to teach Sophie.

I am inside the base talking to mom and I get a message from Atlas telling me that my father's ship has entered Summer Sea.

'' Mom Dad's ship has arrived in Summer Sea, I will escort the Navians to the island, there are too many monsters in the sea, and Arvid, Alex, Dad and Brandon couldn't protect all the people. "

'' Tell Sophie and Illyana that I will return quickly ."

I go to the hall of statues and jump on Munin, I send a command for my soldiers to wait and clear the beach of monsters, I don't want people to get scared.

Looking down I see my light soldiers running toward the beach, from above I only see white dots running through the forest.

I ask Munin to fly as fast as possible, I want to reach them in a few hours, according to Atlas I am 5000 km from their ship, Munin flies at 800 km/h, and his wings have the power of the wind element, so the wind helps him to fly faster pushing him forward, so doing a basic count, I will arrive in 6 hours.

/6 hours later /

I can see dozens of ships from afar, counting them all and seeing that there are 30 ships on the horizon. Going closer, I see the main ship, where I see Arvid, Alex, Father, and Brandon talking to several people.

They look up and begin to prepare to fight, I see my father say something to calm down.

I jump out of Munin and spread my wings, and go towards their ship, coming close to the ship I see people looking at me with respect and with adoration.

I land on the ship and my father comes towards me with a smile and speaks: " Always making beautiful entrances ."

He looks at the people on the ship and speaks: " This is my son and your emperor, he was the person who welcomed you and your families. "

People are surprised and begin to kneel, looking at the surrounding ships I see all the people kneeling, from old men and women to children.

"All of you can stand up" I speak using my voice with mana, my voice was loud enough for the 30 ships to hear.

The people stand up and I cast a great healing spell using my connection with the light dimension, the great pulse of light spreads through all the ships, and I see people see that their previously injured bodies are healed.

Father, can you tell me what happened there in Volantis?

" Of course, Arvid first looked for available sailors and ships and asked if the sailors wanted to move to the empire and after Arvid told them what it was like there they accepted, and they and their families gathered to go to the empire.

" Then we looked for people willing to go to the empire, it was easy to find, Volantis is a poor city with people who would do anything to move to a better place ."

"What are you doing here? ''

"I came with Munin to escort you to the island."

It's starting to get dark, tell people to go inside the ship, only people training or who can handle weapons stay here.

Using my voice with mana I speak: '' Get inside the ship, only people who know how to fight stay on deck ."

I look at the ships and see people quickly get inside the ship, there are few people left on the deck of the ships.

I spread my wings and fly to the skies, ask Munin to stay alert to enemy attacks and receive a message from Atlas that thousands of Fishmen are approaching from the east.

I fly up there and conjure hundreds of light lances at them, and begin to see the dead bodies begin to float on the water.

I throw hundreds of light spears again and Munin attacks using his blue fire, the smell of blood and burnt bodies begin to spread and I see that there are none left.

These monsters are too weak.