
Good Luck Have fun

One day in the modern world, a strange tower appeared. along side of it everyone suddenly force into a system of an RPG game. Many people died and suffered. The world as you know it is gone. and the only thing that can bring it back is the inhabitant itself. they have to finish the game in order for it to disappear and return to the world that they knew before.

kurofu21 · Khoa huyễn
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1 Chs

The life as I know it

it was like any other day in my life, very plain and repetitive as always, there was never any suspicion that I can lose everything that I took for granted in a blink of an eye.

I was an freelance artist back than, working from home, away from traditional human's interactions, but deep inside I really wanted to rejoin normal life that I once had when I was still in high school.

Day by day past, and my life is always the same.

Waking up in the morning I usually went to the bathroom and after that eat a breakfast and then proceed to work as usual.

It was a really pleasant job at first, but when days turns into months and months turned into years, and after nearly a decade I had enough of it.

It was once my biggest dream, but now It seems like it is just a boring everyday in my life.

The passion of my youth has already burned down, leaving nothing left but suffering in my works.

Never had I thought that I had it really easy compared to other.

Never had I realized that my boring yet peaceful life is a blessings that many other yearn to be be blessed with.

And never had I thought of wanting to go back to the life that I once taken for granted.