
Golden Shores of Youth

This novel, narrated from the perspective of the protagonist Xiaoyu, chronicles her experiences and emotional changes from university life through to post-graduation. Xiaoyu is a woman who undergoes many ups and downs in her love life and personal journey, and her story touches on themes of friendship, love, loss, and growth. During her time at university, Xiaoyu becomes entangled in complicated emotional relationships with several male characters. Her relationship with her boyfriend Zhang Xiao is a mix of love and resentment. Zhang Xiao, burdened by his background in the underworld and a pessimistic view of the future, chooses to break up with Xiaoyu, hoping she can lead a better life. After their breakup, Xiaoyu experiences a period of confusion and loneliness, but she does not give up on searching for love. She later develops a relationship with another man, Muran, who, despite his status in the underworld, has genuine feelings for Xiaoyu and is willing to give up everything for her. Xiaoyu's friend Xiangxiang is also a significant character, sharing a deep friendship with Xiaoyu but also facing her own emotional setbacks. Xiangxiang is forced into an inappropriate relationship with Professor Zhang Cunzhen in exchange for academic success, causing her immense emotional trauma. After learning of Xiangxiang's ordeal, Xiaoyu tries her best to support and help her, but Xiangxiang ultimately chooses to run away from home, disappearing from Xiaoyu's life. In the latter part of the novel, as Xiaoyu faces Muran's departure and Xiangxiang's disappearance, she gradually learns to be strong and independent. She begins to reassess her life and future, deciding not to be swayed by emotions anymore but to take control of her own destiny. Xiaoyu's story is a journey of growth, self-discovery, and courage in the face of life's challenges.

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36 Chs

His Jade Pendant

"Why do you tell me all this?"

I couldn't help asking. Now I was sure what I should say and what I shouldn't say. His actions were totally detrimental to the police solving the case! "Because this is an objective fact."

Su Qiang's father paused for a moment, then took a deep breath and said slowly: "Before, I couldn't say it, but now I can, do you understand?"

I nodded. But I didn't quite understand. "Okay, don't tell anyone about it in the future. Remember, you are an outsider to the whole thing, don't get yourself involved. Now I have helped you get out, and you will have to go on your own in the future... Go to sleep..."

After saying that, he nodded to me good night, and continued to read at his desk. "I, got it."

I tried to answer as softly as possible, afraid of disturbing him, and walked out of the study quietly. There was no one in the dim corridor, but through the stairs, I could see the brilliant lights and shadows coming from the first floor. At this time, I couldn't help but murmur in my heart: Where would you be now? When can you enjoy the taste of light again? Touching the delicate and beautiful jade pendant on my chest, I think of the scene when I first met you. How could you, who was so stupid at that time, be associated with this man who gave up everything to protect me? I don't blame you. I know this is your love and you don't want me to be hurt. I hate him. He ruined our newly born love. It was his hysterical roar that night, his gloomy eyes, cunning and arrogant smile that made you feel a crisis for me. I blame you, why are you so stupid? How can you protect me when you are gone? What if someone bullies me when you are not around? What should I do? Yes, I should make you feel safe! It turns out that women can also make men feel safe deeply! And how can I get to you to give you the sense of security that I realized later? Xiangxiang and Su Qiang have never known the details of this matter. Later, my incident was characterized as: receiving a strange call for help, ignoring my own situation and rushing to call the police. For this, I was awarded the city's certificate of bravery and was nominated for the top ten college students. However, since I was not in the mood to write thousands of words of reflections, I was only nominated. None of this is the most important thing. The most important thing is that I met him when the semester was about to end and there were only two weeks left before the exam. To be precise, he came to find me. When I heard the old lady in charge of the dormitory announced my name on the corridor broadcast that someone was looking for me, I quickly leaned out of the window and looked down, but there was no one who was particularly obvious. When I ran downstairs in my light summer clothes and sandals, I saw him, who could not appear! "Hello, Xiaoyu..."

He said with a smile. "Uh... um, hello!"

I was also panicked for a while, wondering what to say. "It's been a long time..."

Yes, it's been a long time, a long, long time. "Well, you come..."

I tried my best to calm my mentality and expression. He quickly took over my conversation: "I'm here to talk to you about something, you know, about him."

"Okay, Zhang Han, wait for me to go upstairs and change clothes and come down."

Golden Coast KTV, everyone with a good memory must know that this is the place where Su Qiang took us to play when we first arrived at university in Chapter 01. Later, he applied for VIP gold cards for each of us. Zhang Han said he wanted to go to a private place, and I chose this place. No one in the room ordered songs or drank wine. We sat side by side, but not touching. "Have something to eat!"

I pushed the fruit plate towards him, and he shook his hand to refuse. "Xiao Yu, I came here today to talk to you about something."

"Yes. What is it, tell me."

I nodded. Zhang Han ordered a song "Red Sun" and played it loudly, then leaned close to my ear and said, "Yu Ran's limelight has passed."

I looked at him in surprise and was speechless for a while. After a long pause, I calmed down and asked Zhang Han, "What did you say?"

Zhang Han looked at the door, then put his hands in my ear and said, "The gang knows about him. We haven't heard from him for a long time. He has been on the run for more than half a year, and he has no money. He is afraid to sleep on the street at night... He often encounters bad guys, and I was about to collapse... Then half a month ago, he showed up at Huabao's place with tattered and scarred body. He asked someone to find Huabao, but was beaten by Baozi's younger brother. Later, Huabao thought he was a troublemaker and said he came to check the situation before recognizing Yu Ran. At that time, Huabao picked up Yu Ran and stuffed him into the car without saying a word. One of the younger brothers immediately took Yu Ran to the newly opened nightclub of the boss to meet the boss..."

"What happened next?"

My heart ached, and I twitched with pain. My eyes were red and wet. I asked weakly. "Later... everyone knew that he had escaped, so the boss told him not to be afraid and to sleep with two girls first. Haha, this guy arranged two young sisters to serve the boss, but he still didn't go..."

Zhang Han laughed, but his laughter was so dry, his eyes were full of tears, and he had to swallow his Adam's apple to prevent himself from crying. "He is always so lustful... Why doesn't he want a beautiful girl now..."

I also wanted to join in the joke to ease the atmosphere, but just as the corners of my mouth curved, I couldn't hold back the tears anymore, and collapsed on my legs like a limp "Woo, woo, woo..."

I started crying with a sob. Zhang Han patted my back gently, then raised his head and blinked hard, and continued: "Later, he announced that he had left the gang. The boss arranged a route for him to escape. The choice might be in Thailand, or it might be in Lisbon or North America. No one really knows the details. The boss took three envelopes for him to choose a route, which contained the corresponding procedures and documents. Then everyone sent him to the airport and he took two flights in China. He left Hong Kong alone... After that, we never heard from him again. No one mentioned him to the boss. I only know that Cowboy told me that the boss was very sad for a long time after Yu Ran left. The boss often remitted money to him. You don't have to worry about his death."

I nodded, biting my lower lip tightly. Seeing Zhang Han's look of comforting me and asking me to be strong, I closed my eyes and nodded slightly, indicating that I could do it. Zhang Han handed me an envelope and said, "The boss asked me to come and see you. Here is your living expenses. He hopes you take good care of yourself."

"He? Which he?"

I looked up and asked, without taking the envelope. Zhang Han stuffed it into my bag. "Boss. But Yu Ran has something to bring to you. He said, he loves you very much and wants to love you very much... He said that if you miss him, just say I love you to his jade pendant, and he will come back..."

After Zhang Han finished speaking, he looked at the watch and said, "I should leave too. I'll go back to see the changes in my hometown during the holidays. This is Yu Ran's room key. I'll give it to you."

I reached out to take Yu Ran's key and found that my hands were shaking badly. After pursing my lips, I asked what I had been holding back for a long time: "Zhang Han, do you know why Yu Ran wants to... why..."

Zhang Han waved his hand, interrupted me, and said after a moment of silence: "Don't ask about this matter anymore. Wang Qin's uncle is not a simple man. He has many enemies on the road and owes a lot of debts. Yu Ran was asked to do it. The other party is very satisfied. It can be regarded as establishing prestige for the gang on the road. But this is just a legend. The people below us don't know the specific situation..."

I nodded and didn't dwell on this issue anymore. "But, Xiaoyu..."

Zhang Han frowned and said: "He did this not only for you, for the gang, but also for you..."


I pointed at myself in confusion. "Well. If Yu Ran wants to be with you, he has to leave the gang... He wants to pay back what he owes the gang, and it can also be regarded as a reason for himself... Don't worry, if he can come back, it means that he has emerged from the cocoon and has truly become a man!"

"Emerge from the cocoon and become a butterfly..."... After bidding farewell to Zhang Han, I opened the envelope, which contained a bank card and a piece of letter paper. I put away the bank card with the password on the back, opened the letter paper, and immediately smelled a fragrant smell. It was written by Yu Ran: "Dear Xiaoyu, I miss you, I miss you so much. In every lonely night."

But now, my longing for you can only be hidden in my heart. I don't care about your past, because I want to have your future. I guess, I will live a happier and better life with you. And has your heart been open to me? Even once... I will eventually be unable to suppress it. The images in my mind are full of you. It is you who let me know that a girl's voice can be as clear as a silver bell, a girl's skin can be as smooth as silk and jade, and a girl's breath can be as intoxicating as Finland. You have explained to me what a woman is, and I am willing to give my youth to tell you what a man is. If you are still wearing my jade pendant when I come back, then no matter whose wife you will be, no matter whose woman you will be, I will hold you tightly in my arms, because you will never be able to get rid of my mark, just as I have engraved you in my heart. "I love you."

Yu Ran's letter ends here, without too much explanation, too much concealment, and too much pretense. I wiped the tears from my eyes, went to an ATM, and put in the card. "Remaining balance: 150,000" 150,000, is the living expenses that Yu Ran gave me? How can I, a student, spend so much money? 150,000, this is what Yu Ran exchanged for me with his youth... What he paid, is more than just youth? So, by doing this, can he officially leave the society that he shouldn't be involved in? Just when I was feeling upset, I received a call from Su Qiang. "Hello, Su Qiang?"


"What's the matter?"

"Xiao Yu, can you...can you come out for a while, in..."

Su Qiang asked me to meet him at a coffee shop. When I took a taxi there, he was waiting for me at the door. He came to pay for me and took me in to sit down. But Su Qiang didn't say anything. After ordering two cups of coffee, he just sat there bored, scooping coffee one spoonful at a time. I kept looking at him, not knowing why he called me here. After a long time, he finally spoke: "Xiao Yu..."


"Xiang Xiang, she, she has a scandal with Teacher Zhang again..."

Su Qiang seemed very distressed, but he had to face the reality of powerlessness. "How could this happen?"

I felt dizzy for a while. There is no smoke without fire. Didn't Xiang Xiang explain it to me? Why did she do something that caused gossip again? It seems that her case is not as simple as imagined. "I don't know why she is like this. She won't tell me when I ask her. Now the two of us have become more like a physical match, and we haven't been together for a long time..."

"Su Qiang, don't worry, Xiangxiang is not that kind of girl..."

"But, Zhang Cun is the teacher of our major course, and there is a scandal with him. I... I find it hard to accept such a thing in my heart..."

Su Qiang sighed deeply, closed his eyes and shook his head in pain. "Su Qiang... you, don't be sad, okay?"

I tried to comfort him, but I really didn't know what to say. Then Su Qiang suddenly opened his eyes and said to me: "Xiao Yu, I like you, okay?"

"Ah? What..."

"Xiao Yu, okay?"

"This... Su Qiang, don't joke, okay? I..."

I almost said that I have someone I like, but I was worried that Su Qiang's questioning would make me reveal Yu Ran's existence, so I hurriedly held back. "Am I not good enough..."

Su Qiang looked at me pleadingly. "No, no... Su Qiang, you, calm down, okay? I'd better go first..."

After saying that, I picked up my bag and ran out... Three days later, I returned home. Three hours later, I inserted the key into the door of Yu Ran's residence and turned it gently. Even though I knew that miracles would not happen, I still prayed silently in my heart thousands of times... The world behind the door would give me a big surprise.