
The demon himself has arrived...

The Demon seeing that his pawn has become useless came to the kingdom himself to fight against the Golden Knight and Royal Princess who seems to be quite troublesome for him.

As he descends from the Dark world, clouds turn black and Air becomes heavy...

But it didn't stop Golden Knight from attacking the Demon that was descending on their kingdom.

As the demon fiercely defended itself, it launched a series of powerful attacks towards the Golden Knight and the Princess. Its razor-sharp claws sliced through the air, aiming to tear their flesh apart. But the Golden Knight, driven by determination and the instinct to protect, skillfully parried the demon's onslaught with his gleaming sword.

With each clash, the Knight's blade sparkled, filled with the essence of light, while golden armor shimmered like a beacon of hope. The Princess, though initially terrified, found her will to survive and fight alongside her valiant protector.

She unleashed her hidden potential, tapping into her royal lineage, and amassed celestial energy within her palms. Conjuring a radiant sphere of energy, she hurled it towards the relentless demon with a resounding blast. The impact caused the demon to stagger and momentarily divert its attention from the Golden Knight.

Sensing the momentary advantage, the Golden Knight swiftly maneuvered, strategically positioning himself behind the demon while it recovered its balance. With a swift strike, he thrust his enchanted sword into the demon's exposed back, unleashing a brilliant explosion of divine light.

The demon writhed in agony, shredded and weakened by the combined might of the Knight and Princess. However, even in its weakened state, the demon was far from defeated. Summoning its dark powers, it conjured a swirling vortex of malevolent energy.

Knowing that they had to act quickly, the Golden Knight and Princess had no time to waste. They coordinated their efforts seamlessly, their bond and trust in each other growing stronger with every passing moment. The Princess took aim at the demon's weakened form and released an intensified beam of celestial energy, while the Knight charged forward, his sword ablaze with bright flames of justice.

Their combined attack struck the demon, engulfing it in a radiant inferno, a blaze of light that melted away its dark essence until all that remained were the fading echoes of its malevolence. The Golden Knight and the Princess stood victorious, their bodies tarnished with the signs of battle, but their spirits undaunted.

Knowing that their journey was far from over, they shared a knowing glance. Together, they embarked on the next chapter of their adventure, strengthened by their triumph over the malevolent demon. Their bond, forged in the crucible of battle, would serve as their greatest weapon against the darkness that lay ahead.


Just when they thought the battle had come to an end, a sudden silence fell upon the battlefield. The smoke cleared, revealing a faint glimmer of the demon's essence swirling in the air. With a wicked grin, the remnants of the demon's dark energy converged and began to seep into the body of the small prince who had been watching the intense battle from afar.

The Golden Knight and the Princess gasped in horror as they realized the prince had become the vessel for the demon's essence. His eyes turned a haunting shade of crimson, and an eerie aura enveloped his tiny form. The innocent child they had sworn to protect had become a conduit for darkness, a puppet under the demon's control.

Fear gripped their hearts, but they could not falter. Drawing upon their unwavering resolve and unbreakable bond, the Golden Knight and the Princess prepared themselves for the ultimate test of their strength.

They braced themselves as the possessed prince unleashed a barrage of malevolent energy, his attacks fueled by the demon's dark power. The Knight deflected the onslaught with his trusty shield, while the Princess summoned her inner light to erect a shimmering barrier around them.

Undeterred by their resistance, the demon-possessed prince lunged at them with incredible speed and unmatched precision. The Golden Knight's sword clashed with the prince's dark-infused claws, their struggle echoing through the air. Each strike of the knight's blade came perilously close to the possessed prince's heart, but at the last moment, a sinister force deflected the attacks.

As their battle raged on, the Princess realized that they needed to break the hold the demon had over the prince's body and free his innocent soul. Setting aside her fear, she channeled her powers to create a brilliant beam of pure light. With one swift motion, she directed the radiant beam towards the demon-possessed prince, hoping to sever the connection between them.

The beam pierced through the dark aura surrounding the prince, its divine light illuminating the depths of his being. The prince let out a piercing scream as the demon's essence within him struggled to maintain control. The struggle intensified, causing an incredible surge of energy that threatened to engulf them all.

In the face of this overwhelming power, the Golden Knight and the Princess poured every ounce of their strength and determination into banishing the demon once and for all. With a final, concerted effort, they unleashed a united attack, combining the Golden Knight's swordsmanship with the Princess's celestial energy.

The blast hit its mark, and a blinding explosion of light erupted, disintegrating the demon's essence. As the radiant glow subsided, the small prince collapsed, gasping for breath, his eyes returning to their original innocent hue.

Exhausted but relieved, the Golden Knight and the Princess rushed to the prince's side, holding him close. They had defeated the demon and saved the prince from its clutches, but the battle had left its mark on them. Determined to protect their kingdom and loved ones from any further harm, they vowed to continue their fight against the forces of darkness, knowing that their unity and unwavering resolve would always shine brighter than any demon's shadow.