
Sad ending- The End

As news of the demon's defeat spread throughout the land, heavy darkness settled over the demon's ravenous family. Filled with rage and grief at the loss of their bloodline, they vowed to seek revenge and unleash their fury upon the kingdom that dared defy them.

The Golden Knight and the Princess, their spirits weary from the arduous battle, were resolved to protect their kingdom from any further harm. But little did they know that the demon's family was plotting a sinister plan, one that would bring about unimaginable destruction.

Under the cloak of darkness, the demon's family crept toward the kingdom, cloaked in their malevolent power. Silent as shadows, they infiltrated the castle walls and tainted the air with their wicked presence.

As the sun rose, casting its golden light upon the kingdom, the unsuspecting citizens went about their daily lives, unaware of the impending doom that loomed overhead. Suddenly, a blood-curdling scream pierced the serene morning, followed by the chilling sound of a demonic laugh echoing through the air.

Panic erupted as the kingdom was thrust into chaos. The demon's family unleashed a relentless assault, their dark powers decimating all in their path. Buildings crumbled, and the once-thriving kingdom was reduced to ruins in a matter of hours.

The Golden Knight and the Princess, filled with a mix of horror and determination, fought valiantly to protect their people. But the demon's family was merciless, fueled by a desire for revenge. Their twisted abilities surpassed anything the Knight and the Princess had ever faced before.

Though they fought with all their might, the Golden Knight and the Princess found themselves overwhelmed by the sheer power of their enemies. They watched in despair as their people fell, one by one, victims of the demon's family's insatiable thirst for destruction.

In a desperate attempt to turn the tide, the Golden Knight unleashed his most powerful attack. His sword blazed with golden light as he struck at the heart of the demon's family. But his efforts were in vain, as they merely laughed off his attack, their dark energy swirling around them like a protective shield.

Seeing their kingdom crumble and their loved ones perish, the Golden Knight and the Princess refused to succumb to despair. They locked eyes, their resolve unbroken, and with a silent understanding, they made a fateful decision.

Clasping hands, they began to channel their combined strength, their love, and their undying bond. A brilliant aura surrounded them, their very beings merging into a radiant and unstoppable force of light.

With synchronized movements, the Golden Knight and the Princess unleashed a blinding torrent of energy upon the demon's family. Their combined attack shattered the darkness that shrouded the land, tearing through the demon's family's defenses with undeniable power.

The demon's family, caught off guard by the intensity of their adversaries, faltered for a moment. It was all the Golden Knight and the Princess needed. They pressed on, never wavering, until the last of the demon's family lay defeated, their malevolence dispelled.

As the dust settled, an eerie silence replaced the chaos that had consumed the kingdom. The once-vibrant land now lay in ruins, an agonizing reminder of the havoc that had been wrought upon it.

Heartbroken but undeterred, the Golden Knight and the Princess surveyed the wreckage. Their shoulders heavy with grief, they pledged to rebuild the kingdom, honor the memories of those lost, and ensure that darkness would never again tarnish their cherished land.

Hand in hand, they embarked on a new journey, their resolve fortified with compassion and unwavering belief in the power of love and unity. Together, they would heal their wounded kingdom, and with each step forward, they would carve a path toward a brighter, more resilient future.


The kingdom of Avaloria which was moving toward light faced with deep wounds suddenly felt silenced as Time and space seems to be stopped...

A mysterious Balck figure arrives above the Kingdom of Avaloria tearing apart the space and void...

Sir Alistair and Princess Alara didn't have a good feeling about this as their kingdom have suffered many wounds since the betrayal of Archer...

Looking at the black figure who emits a fearful and sinister aura, Golden Knight knew at once he wasn't like the other demon they have fought till now.

The demon in front of them currently was completely in a different league, just by standing in mid-air he could pressurize the golden knight to the point he found his body unable to move.


Princess also doesn't have a good feeling about this as she swallowed her saliva as the demon looks into her...

She felt extremely disgusted as Demon looks at her body which only belongs to Sir Alistair.


The Demon laughed magically as he looks at 'Princess Alara'. Recalling a Past when his lover betrayed him and he fall into the path of dark eventually becoming a demon.

As a demon who could see one's soul, he could see Alara was the reincarnation of the girl that betrayed him. His interest in Alara increased more and more.

Suddenly the Sky turned completely Dark as lightning struck here and there killing people in the Kingdom.

One could tell by glance this lightning was controlled by some magical spell cast by demons in front of them.

As once again Danger befalls the kingdom, the golden knight Wears his Golden armor that shines brightly under the Dark sky...

The demon looks at Golden Knight with eyes of interest and curiosity but soon shows eyes of disappointment as he wasn't even an ant in front of the demon.

' oh, Alara... You will be my Alara from now on ' the demon says while launching a black energy towards the golden knight.

The Golden Knight looks at the princess with his gentle and beautiful eyes making the princess feel safe as they have suffered many hardships together and their Honda wasn't something that a mere demon could break.

Just as they thought, it wasn't a Bond that could be broken by a mere demon but The Demon in front of them wasn't a MereDemon,

He was ArchDemon 'Zeldron' who was a powerful demon of hell that even survived the attack from Gods of Heaven.


The hopes of the kingdom shatter as Golden Knight falls to the ground when the Dark energy collides with him...

He screams lightly as he could feel intense pain in a rainy and thunderous environment, he slowly watches in horror as Demon slowly moves towards Princess Alara.

Seeing that everything was over, the kingdom was destroyed, and her husband was dying in front of her vision starts to back out, it wasn't something one could imagine happening.

Princess Alara who was falling to the ground was suddenly caught by Demon Zeldron... He slowly removed the dress she was wearing trying to do something unimaginable...

Golden Knight Alistair watches as her unconscious wife gets raped by a demon before his Golden Armor finally stops shining and he leaves the Mortal world.


Years have passed... Alara's eyes have lost their beautiful shine as she is now just a breeding tool for Demon Zeldron.

After the Death of her husband and Son, Zeldron has violated her every night for countless nights and it results in her bearing 4 sons for the Zeldron.

The End.