
Golden Fate

Read the story of God resetting the world, and rebuilding a new world filled with humans, fantasy races and Golden Blessings. While also indulging in yourself with tales and adventures about Hydro the Beast kid.

Sora_Gemini · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

Chapter 9: No means NO

"Please marry me!" said the Beast woman who wore pink clothing.

"No," Isaac coldly replied before trying to walk away.

"But why?!" the pink woman whined, still clinging onto Isaac's leg.

"Not interested." Isaac bluntly replied.

"What would make you interested?"

"Nothing that you have."

"Please marry me."

"Hell no!"



Isaac and the woman continued babbling back and forth, the conversation was only filled with repeated pleads from the woman while repeated rejections from Isaac. Hydro remained silent, because he rather not get involved with Isaac's current situation.

"Adults are so weird..." he whispered, as Artty agreed with him.

Hydro pulled out the olive stuck on Cairo's beck, giving him freedom to speak.

"Adults are always seemed to do the strangest thing?" Cairo coos quietly, trying to avoid the situation from himself.

A hour has passed, the woman has not left Isaac's side. Isaac tried shaking the woman off his leg, but she ended clinging onto Isaac even more. Isaac did threatened to crush her if the woman didn't let go, however, she took no mind to it. Isaac felt his blood boiling, he was so close to cutting off his own leg to just get away this over obsessed Beast woman.

Cairo was getting annoyed himself, until an idea flooded into his head. He smirked as he flew out Hydro's hood, Cairo flew over the Beast woman.

The Beast woman stared up at red flying above herself, until her sight was blinded as something was splattered upon her face.

"AAAAAAAAAH!" screamed the woman as she finally let go her grip on Isaac's leg.

Cairo immediately flew back inside Hydro's hood, before feeling the rush a wind crashing his face.

When Isaac felt the Beast woman's hands were finally off him, it took him less than a minute before Isaac dashed away.

"Great job there, Cairo," Hydro said while he grips on Isaac's shoulder for dear life.


"I'm free!" Isaac cheered as he ran towards Hades District's central square.