
Golden Fate

Read the story of God resetting the world, and rebuilding a new world filled with humans, fantasy races and Golden Blessings. While also indulging in yourself with tales and adventures about Hydro the Beast kid.

Sora_Gemini · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

Chapter 24: All Abode The Rail-Way

"Hydro! Are you ready?" Jesse said as she stood onto a glowing platform.

Hydro nodded. "What are you standing on Jesse?"

"It's a transformation device, or by the term the locals called it: The Rail-Way Stop." spoke a low and cold-hearted voice.

Hydro gazes up at the tall man carrying him. He didn't knew why, but to Hydro there was something about the man that didn't seem alive. Not only that, whenever Hydro's near the man, his nostrils are filled with the scent of metal.

"Bob's right, this is indeed a Rail-Way Stop. Can you guess why we have to stand on these stops?" Jesse chuckled.

Hydro shook his head.

"It's because the Rail-Way is also nicknamed the "Infinite Train", which means the train never truly stops." Jesse chuckled again.

"That's why the Rail-Way Stops were invented. To have passengers enter and exit the train in the most safest manner." Bob spoke again as he stood on the platform.

Hydro wagged his tail as his ear perked up. The sound of a loud horn was heard from a far distance. While an engine rushed towards their way, as soon Hydro saw the side of the train. All sight went black for a moment before Hydro found himself on a squishy seat.

"What?!" Hydro gasped.

Hydro scanned his surroundings as he saw plush seats, sparkling clean tables, long and luscious carpet floor and windows along each wall that revealed the great outdoors. Hydro gapped his mouth in awe along with Cairo and Artty.

"Wow~" Hydro awed while he wagged his tail in excitement.

"So what do you think kid? Impressive, no?" Hydro than snapped his head to the seat in front of him.

"Well~?" Jesse grinned widely as she wore a proud expression on her face.

Hydro vigorously nodded his head. "It's amazing! Thank you for taking me along Jesse!"

"No problem. Hopping on this train is one time opportunity. Besides that, I like you and I want to know you a little bit more." Jesse chuckled again.

"The travel will be a total of eight hours. We will have plenty of time to spare until we reach our destination." Bob said bluntly as he sets next to Jesse.

"Eight hours? That so long~" Hydro whimpered.

"Not at all, in fact if you compare riding on the train to walking. It would take several days to get there on foot, or weeks, months even." Jesse said with melodramatic voice.

"Four months to be specific. Six if one's ever go off road or decide to follow the train tracks." Bob said again with his blunt voice.

"Really?! That long?!" Hydro squealed before being pecked on the head by Cairo.


Jesse giggled. "The bird is right. There are other passengers on this train so keep your voice down, alright kiddo?"

"Pardon for the intrusion, but may I ask for permission to sit along with you people?" Hydro turned his gaze and gasped at the person in front of him.
