
Golden Fate

Read the story of God resetting the world, and rebuilding a new world filled with humans, fantasy races and Golden Blessings. While also indulging in yourself with tales and adventures about Hydro the Beast kid.

Sora_Gemini · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

Chapter 15: Carriage Ride Pt. 3


When the carriage wheel was finally fixed, all the group of people entered the carriage. After an hour of long traveling, while the group were speaking among themselves. A certain word kept floating within the air, filling up Goldie's curiousity.

"What is a elf?" Goldie asked.

The whole group eyes lay upon Goldie in shock and disbelief.

"Do you understand what you are questioning about?" said a tall man wearing sliver armor.

"Is it bad that I don't know?" Goldie said sheepishly as he tried to quieten his voice.

"I am a elf," said Iris Monteverde as she pointed at herself.

"Okay... but what is a elf?" Goldie asked again.

The group gaze at each other before they burst with laughter.

"My goodness! You really don't know what a elf is, that's incredible!" cackle a thin man with a spear attached to his back.

"Indeed! Here I thought everyone knew what elves are!" chuckled a short man with a long beard.

Goldie buried his face into his knees as he tried to hide his blush.

"Enough! This is the Greece Terra. It's rare to see a elf here, so it should be common for this child to be unaware of my kind," yelled Iris with a stern voice.

Everyone went silent.

Iris turned her attention to Goldie with a angelic smile. "Elves are a race that most resembles to humans, however, unlike humans. Most elves possess powerful blessings and elves are also one of the races that are most connected to nature,"

"Humans? Elves look like humans?" Goldie asked.

"Unfortunately yes. However, there is a way to tell the difference between me and them," Iris said.

"There is? What is it?"

"The eyes," Iris said with a cold smile.


"That's right. Humans are the only race that possesses darker eye color, like brown or grey. Meanwhile elves have lighter eye color, similar to blue or gold," Iris explained.

Goldie saw Iris expression, he knew something was wrong. Iris smile seem so forced, Goldie didn't want to see Iris upset.

"Do elves also celebrate Génnisi Day?" Goldie said with cheerful voice.

"What's Génnisi Day?" said a woman wearing a dark cloak.

"It's the day when my kind celebrates the day God created us," Goldie said excitedly.

"Ah! You meaning Beast men celebrate a similar custom to Chūshēng day?" said the thin man with the spear.

"What's Chūshēng day?" Goldie asked.

"It's similar to Génnisi Day. It's a day when Shifters and Changelings will celebrate the day of our creation," said the thin man.

"What's a Shifter?"

"We are a race that can change our appearance by will,"

"So cool! That sounds awesome!" Goldie wags his tail excitedly.

"I know right? My name is Bùtóng by the way, it's a word meaning different," the thin man said before shaking Goldie's paw.

"Nice to meet you!" Goldie said.