
Going In Completely Blind

And, as for those internet trolls, who are wondering, as to why I am not going to try to change anything in the anime canon timeline, by way of me messing with things? Well, that is because, this is my fanfic. And, if you wind up commenting, or leaving a review, that winds up channeling, even the slightest bit, of petty jealousy, or toxicity, James_Horn, Zero_Tempest_9159 and Mr_ZeroDagger07, this means you three as well. And as I have already stated to you three, that you are to refrain, from making anymore comments, or reviews, on any of my fanfics. However, if you insist on persevering, despite the aforementioned warning, then I will have no choice, but to report you to Webnovel. Want to think that I am just selling wolf tickets? Try me. And I will also be sharing your comments with my subs and followers. So that they are made aware of your quite sad attempts at toxic petty jealousy. But don't let my justifiable response deter your. Please do go ahead and try and call my bluff. Which is actually a clear promise. If you decide to attempt another comment, it will then be out of my hands. Credit to Supergnats for the drawing. Reviews are very much welcome and appreciated. Although Momoko Hanasaki made what she did in the anime look easy. Try having no information on future events like she did, only information on the main characters of the anime, and also experiencing the events of the Wedding Peach anime alongside her, as her best friend and ally, all while having no choice but to do so. But, what if there is more to it, then just a simple fight of good versus evil? For those who don't have a full understanding of the Wedding Peach anime, or are not aware what the characters look like. You can find out more about the Wedding Peach anime source material through this link ----> Wedding Peach Wiki Dedicated to Wedding Peach creator Nao Yazawa and Sailor Moon creator Naoko Takeuchi. A fanfic that converges with A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces and Going In Almost Completely Blind Contains A Lot Of Fourth Wall Breaking. And just so you know, that is deliberate in my fics. I am ファンフィクションとそれに関連する他の2つの作品を、使用を希望するアニメクリエイター、企業、漫画家に提供します。If you wish to discuss this further。Please email me at zachycards@gmail.com However, that is までメールをくださただし上記のいずれかに該当する場合に限ります。However また、これらのフィクションを使用することになった場合は、使用したことを私に認めてほしいと思います。結局のところ、これらのファンフィクションを書いたのは私です。 In which the self insert is thrown into the anime world of Wedding Peach and has to go through the entire series of the show as a love angel and ally to Momoko Hanasaki/Wedding Peach. However, there is more to the story then just that. So Wedding Peach what do you say that we show the viewers the power of The Four Aces Alliance?

zachycards · Anime & Truyện tranh
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137 Chs

Chapter 61: Pomp And Circumstance!: The Senshi Are Alerted!

"Damn you Heart!...How dare you hurt her!"

"You know, I have never used this yet, because it's not only designed to harm someone like you, but it's also designed to kill them as well. But since you've gone and pissed me off a good amount, I see it only fitting to use it...on you!"

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Lightning Sword...Slash!"

"Whoa, remind me to stay on her good side."

"What happened here, where is my Lady Heart!?"

"Oh, she's gone, I took care of her."

"Impressive, but it won't do thee any good."

"I am Knight, I am the 1st strongest ranked out of me and Lady Heart, and I find it in my best interest to end this immediately."

"Damn you Knight, I won't let you lay a finger on her!"

"Saint Sword Of Bluebell...Lightning Sword...Slash!"

Date: April 5, 1999 (Meanwhile While The Battle In The Park With Heart And Knight Is Going On Elsewhere)

"Alright viewers. Sorry, Shinko here. *proceeds to blush profusely while turning eyesight and head slightly away from addressing the viewers before quickly turning head and eyesight forward again to continue to address the viewers* Anyway, as I was about to say viewers. This is going to be a chapter that will focus on the rest of our soon to be allies. Not to worry though viewers, as we will get right back into the action in the next chapter. *smiles* Anyway, on with the story."

A girl with wavy-teal hair and wore a white tank top and blue shorts leaned against her beloved. "Thank you Haruka, for bringing us here," she thanked as she rested her head on Haruka's chest.

"Heh, I should be the one thanking you, Michiru," Haruka replied as she stroked Michiru's soft teal locks. "You supported me during today's race."

"See viewers? Sorry, Shinko here again viewers. Anyway, as you can plainly see, both Haruka and Michiru are very far from being considered cousins as the DiC dub of the Sailor Moon anime perceived them to be. I mean, if I'm being honest viewers. Which I am clearly about to be...the DiC dub of the Sailor Moon anime, in my honest opinion...Was one of the worst dubbed magical girl anime that I have ever seen...if not the worst...Sure, some may claim that it is a good dub...maybe even a slightly good dub...But from what I have watched of it...it is just completely outright appalling...not what you would call a proper representation of what is actually the real canon timeline of events in the anime...*proceeds to put hand to cover face with a sweatdrop becoming visible on one side of face*...Anyway, I think that that is enough of me fourth wall breaking...at least for the moment...Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, fourth wall breaking aside for the moment. It was at this point that a familiar voice got their attention. "Haruka-papa! Michiru-mama! It's getting late! Setsuna-mama has been trying to call you for a while now," Hotaru informed, with a small tint of blush on their cheeks, so she looked the other way and began to 'fake' pout that they went to the beach without them.

"Ah, I am sorry Hotaru, we're coming," Haruka called back as she looked up from her position under Michiru and looked back to her. "Lets go, Michiru," she said as she got up and dusted the sand off of her and held out her hand to help up her lover. Michiru took Haruka's hand and was lifted up smoothly and gently by Haruka's strength.

Just as they met up with the two other Senshi, they felt something, through a link that the Sailor Senshi shared.

Each of them looked at each other shocked. "Something has happened to our princess..." Michiru stated, putting her hand on her cheek.

"I sense darkness, trying to enshroud her light..." Hotaru put in, looking at her three parents.

"Sorry, Shinko here again viewers...Well...isn't this a tad bit interesting...But...as I am sure I have said to all of you viewers in a previous chapter...there is no true higher honor, then getting the chance to work with a group like the Sailor Senshi...I mean after all, as you will be reading about in the next few chapters...they have been through hell itself and back...I mean after all, several of them did in fact wind up dead...as in they were straight up murdered by two certain evil magical girl villains...But, I still don't trust Haruka and Michiru for the actions that they made in that battle in Juban years back...Neither of them ultimately realized that when they decided to accept a certain evil senshi's offer...The only thing that wound up resulting from that...As I am sure that I have explained to you all in a recent and previous chapter...It only just wound up getting themselves, and two of their own teammates killed...Not to mention that it also ended up with the two of them having blood on their hands for committing that heinous act...But, as I am sure that they had a good reason for it...Though I still can't find a single iota of a good reason as to why they did it in the first place...And they didn't even bother to let the rest of their team know about what it is that they were doing either...nor did they explain why it is that they were doing it...I mean, what did the two of them think was going to happen when they decided to do all of that?...Not to mention that they are both incredibly arrogant...as I am sure that I have told all of you viewers in one if not several previous chapters...But, I honestly do think, as well as believe...that both Haruka and Michiru, or Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Neptune, as you viewers know them both more as...Are far more arrogant, then Angel Salvia...Or Scarlet O'Hara...as me and you viewers know her more as...would ever, or could ever be...*proceeds to turn eyesight and head slightly away from addressing the viewers while profusely blushing before once again quickly turning head and eyesight forward again to once again continue addressing the viewers*...Anyway, as I am sure that I have also said to all of you viewers in a previous chapter, or previous chapters...us love angels, as well as the Sailor Senshi, are not the only ones that are involved in all of this...I mean after all viewers...As I am sure I have been hinting as well as having told all of you viewers in a single or several previous chapters...You have to expect the unexpected...And...though I am sure that I have never told all of you viewers this in any previous single or several chapters before this one...I am not sorry for anything that I have said in any of these previous chapters...or any of my several fourth wall break moments in either this chapter...or any of the previous chapters...I have no reason to apologize...as I have every right to say what I want in these fourth wall break moments...within a certain line of reason of course...*once again proceeds to quickly turn eyesight and head away from addressing the viewers while proceeding to profusely blush again before once again quickly turning head and eyesight forward again to once again continue to address the viewers*...Anyway, I think that that is more then enough of my quite very lengthy fourth wall break moment...Let us finally get back to the story."

"Phew, what a night," Minako Aino, or as I knew her as, Sailor Venus, sighed and turned to the crew that helped set the stage.

"YEAH!" everyone cheered and went back to work.

It was at this point though that three familiar friends of hers decided to drop by for a visit. "Mina!" Minako heard her name called. Minako turned around and found the source of the call, who would call her "Mina" and not "Minako' or "Aimi" her stage name. Finding a group of familiar girls, all smiling at her.

"Everyone!" she smiled as she ran to her friends and gave them a group hug. "Why are you all here?"

"Well, we heard about your concert, and we all just ran into each other in the stands, so we just decided to surprise you," Makoto replied, gesturing to the gathered girls.

"Yes, and your singing was amazing Mina," Ami chimed in. "You've come a long way since high school."

"Thank you Ami," Minako thanked, smiling at her smart friend. "So, what have you all been up to?"

"Well, I got a job as a part-time sensei at a Mixed Martial Arts school and opened up my own shop and baker," Makoto replied.

"I'm now a first class doctor and I work part-time as a swim class and art instructor," Ami answered

"I inherited the Hikawa Shrine and help with local charities by singing," Rei said fidgeting a little in embarrassment.

"I'm so happy for all of you!" Minako said giving them another hug,

Minako said giving them another hug, then pulled out of it. "Oh, I've seen that Haruka is now a worldwide race champion and Michiru is an international professional violinist and places a close first for best swimmer."

"Yes, they're actually traveling together along with Setsuna and Hotaru," Rei added in.

"Oi! Aimi! The stage is getting ready to clean up. You can head out now," a stage worker called out to Minako.

"Yes~, thank you!" She replied waving back in response and conformation. She looked back at her friends. "Let's head out, we can talk more at my place."

The girls each gave a nod in response and waited for Minako to change out of her concert costume. Once she came out of her dressing room, they headed toward Minako's apartment. As they entered her home and got comfortable, they began to catch up more of what else they've been up to.

"I heard that Mamoru is on his way back from college for a visit," Rei informed as she took a sip of her tea. "I also heard that-" before she could finish what she was saying, she they felt the exact same thing that held been felt by Haruka, Michiru, Hotaru, and Setsuna.

There was a long silence that enshrouded the whole room, until Rei broke the silence. "Y-You all felt that too... right?" she stuttered, as she looked around the room, waiting for an answer.

"I-It felt like something happened to... Usagi..." Ami said, just above a whisper but the shocked group was able hear her.

"She... She felt like she was in pain..." Makoto added in, her eyes beginning to tear up.

"Something tells me, we need to go and see Usagi," Minako said, standing from her seat on the couch. "I have a bad feeling about this."

As a young man with dark hair left the food court and went to the area near the gate where a plane was headed for Tokyo, he took out his wallet and looked at the picture that resided in it. It was a photo of him and a cheerful looking girl with long blonde hair put up in an odango style, sitting next to each other.

"I'm on my way home... Usako," he said as he smiled at the picture. But as he was about to head to the line for boarding plane, he felt a slight bit of pain.

He put hand against his head, then looked back at the picture. His eyes widened, Usagi was slumped over, and her golden hair was dull, rough, and undone. He became light-headed and wobbled a little bit but regained balance, and glanced back to the photo to see it went back to normal.
