
Going for the mean girl

Aria was this mean bad girl that hates almost everybody and loves only one guy but he hates her because she makes his life a living hell find out from from this love story if this mean girl and her mafia boss lover boy .

Fathiat_Ayomi · Thanh xuân
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2 Chs

New Beginning

Aria's pov

I believe this morning to be a good one . Only God knows how I hate the street bustling ,to be sincere with myself ,I think I just hate people naturally .Ahh some people are so gross . Especially my Dad staff that behave as if they own all the problems in the world they act to pathetic . I don't know why people don't own up to their mistake especially my Dad . I

don't want to say this but I don't like my Dad he makes me want to puke .


Third person POV

Lucia opened Aria room door

"Aria are u awake ".

"Mom why do u have to open my door without knocking ".

"what's with the frown I just wanted to check on my baby girl I was worried about u after what happened yesterday ".

" Mom to me yesterday was no different from any normal day u know " Aria scoffed , with a pledging look Lucia said " my love I think it is high time u forgive ur Dad , u know it was not his fault at that time , he hurt me too and I forgave him. Seriously ,Aria can't u be less mean, it not fair on him "

"And it was not fair on me too when he made mistakes , u know what ;am done with this conversation what's for breakfast"

"I made some pancakes princess" .

Aria stood up and went towards the bathroom and Lucia walked out of the room sighing

Lucia pov

" I wonder when this baby of mine can finally grow up , she thinks she is mean but I found her Adorable . Walking down the stairs I found Mrs Gabriel dishing out my food and I decided am not in the mood to eat again . " Mrs Gabriel never mind I think I will pass for breakfast "

"ma'am are u sure u didn't eat dinner yesterday also " Mrs Gabriel answered and pretty sure she is concerned about me she has always been she has been my only family since the day I got pregnant with Aria .

" Am okay Mrs Gabriel u know I have a lot of customers to attend to today I promise to be back so I can eat brunch "

I grabbed my new edition Gucci bag and signal to Steve to get the car ready .

" Take care of yourself ma'am " Mrs Gabriel smiled .

Aria's POV

" I think I had enough of mum arguing with me about Dad. I sincerely hate that man . I love Mum, she is everything I look up to but she needs to stop whining . The thought running through my head was too much I decided to dye my hair red , I wanted to change my look and I sincerely don't give a fuck about anybody opinion . I dressed up and took my bag heading downstairs I saw my mom in her white ford car . She waved at me but am not in the mood to smile so I looked away . just when I was thinking of leaving peacefully today ,Mrs Gabriel decided to talk and I will soon make her life miserable .

"Aria darling would u like some pancakes and why did u dye ur hair red , it makes u look weird" Mrs Gabriel said in a concerned tone but I know that woman don't give a shit , I have seen Dad cheat on Mum with her but Mom won't listen when I try to tell her , she thinks I just hate Dad . That man is a devil and he needs to be punished .

"Never mind Mrs Gabriel am sure u don't mind me looking like a bad person so ur child can get some support from Mom or should I say my step sibling . " I winked at her

I left the house , I really like to take the bus, driving is not my thing . I was walking towards the bus stop when this asshole pushed me .

"why won't my day be peaceful for christ sake" I shouted everyone was looking with a weird face , I don't give a fuck anyway, I looked up to see the guys face. Wow he is so handsome, like I think handsome is an understatement he is fucking handsome . I wouldn't mind having him in my bed right away but I already fucked this situation up I really need to do something .