
Queen of England

"I am married to Lady Elizabeth Gray, She Will be your new Queen." As I do wasn't shocked enough, now I was even more shocked.

We left the meeting room trying to pick our jaws off the floor. As we road on our horses we tried to keep our mouths from hitting the ground. "I don't get it why would he choose her why? He had a much better offer but he chose our sister."

"Are you saying that Elizabeth isn't good enough to be the King's Wife or The Queen Of England."

"It is not her I deny, it is his intentions. I had always thought of him as a man whore. A man who only got with woman for their body. Do you think that's it?"

"What? That he chose Elizabeth because he simply thought her body was better. Now that is what I shall name as stupid, why choose a good body over a good alliance. Just stop it Antony and Be glad he chose our sister."

Back at home I waited to hear back from my brothers. I stood outside my home waiting to hear horses in the distance. And very soon I did, You could see 3 horses in the distance.

"You've arrived brother." I turned my head to look at my father. "Father" From the looks on their faces I could tell something was very much wrong. "What's Wrong?"

"Why didn't you tell us?" How did they find out, had Antony told them. "Tell you what?"

"That you married the King Of England! Elizabeth that is not something you take lightly!" Before I even got a chance to speak Antony opened his mouth at last.

"He announced you Elizabeth. He announced you as the New Queen Of England." All of my worries were taken away by the words that came out of Antony's mouth. If I weren't mad at him at the moment I'd think he was an angel.

"What? He announced me?"

"Yes, he did. Now get prepared for change because we are longer peasants. We are now the Queen's Family. We shall be taken to castle where we shall live." My mother came out from behind me.

"Well if he chose me then why do you guys look so..mad?"

"Because Elizabeth I don't get why he would choose a peasant girl like you instead of the Princess of France." He was right, but why should he be worried Edward had already made his decision.

"Well Antony he already chose her, so be glad." We went inside without a care in the world.

"HOW COULD YOU!!! HOW COULD YOU CHOOSE THAT PEASANT WHORE TO BE YOUR WIFE RATHER THAN THE PRINCESS OF BLOODY FRANCE. EDWARD ARE YOU REALLY THAT STUPID." I knew my cousin was gonna be angry. I stared at him, the anger seemed to take over him. I was afraid his eyes would pop out at any second with the way his face looked.


"Well I am the King of England, and I suggest you lower your voice cousin. She will be the Queen Of England wether you like it or not."

"Edward you are being controlled by her. Your being controlled by your lust. Don't let it take over you. You have a chance to make an alliance with France, don't let it slip."

"I'm not changing my mind cousin."

"And I'm not telling you to. I'm telling you to be wary, come to me when you change your mind. Or when you've gotten tired of that whore." His words didn't affect me until he called her a whore. When he realizes what heck of woman she is, he'll shut that filthy mouth of his up.

Tomorrow she shall meet my family, and be introduced to the whole world. As not only my wife, but my queen as well.

Elizabeth has become the Queen Of England in Edwards Eyes. Their Journey together has not even begun, as they will discover the pros and cons on being on the throne. Betrayed by their closest ally’s. People will die, and trust me there will not be mercy on the children.

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