
Parliament Meeting

Anne Neville:

Issy and I had been with each other from the start. She knows we said no such thing, I don't understand why she is looking back on that now! Is she afraid of being Queen. Is she Jealous of our former Queen.

But what is there to be Jealous about. She has a price upon her head, while she is hiding in the towers. She has people turning against her at every second. That is not something I think we should be Jealous about.


What Anne didn't know was that Isabel wasn't Jealous of any of that. She was Jealous of The Love the King and Queen had for each other. No price, or no crown could ever cover the feeling it is to be loved.

Anne Neville:

"You and I never said that, Issy! We did not like her. Not ever! Father says we must think of her as our enemy and so we must." I continue to play around with the furs, careful not to rip anything. Then I get an Idea.

I grab the furs, and swing them over Issy's shoulders. "Look how beautiful this is! Remember when we use to play at being Queen? Well now you can be Queen in real life."

"I don't want to be Queen, Annie. I thought this marriage was for me. But it's not. It's all for them. We are their pieces on a board, Annie. And marriage isn't a wretched thing. It's not like it is for her." Issy was referring to the Queen Elizabeth.

"We'll never be who she is. We will never have what she has" Issy was telling the truth. Elizabeth has a family that loved her with all their hearts. They would die for each other. She has a Husband that loves her more than anything.

Me and Issy do not have that.


We are at a Parliament meeting. Called by Warwick, where he will try to convince Parliament to make George King instead of Edward. Elizabeth's brother, Antony being here. And Edward's only Loyal brother, Richard.

Richard is disgusted by what Warwick and George did. He came to make sure they don't get their way.

Warwick walks in, along with George. "My Lords! Parliament is at order!" Everyone then gets seated at the table. "I shall be a strong leader. The whole country behind me." Richard glares at George, and then at Warwick.

All of this happening while Edward is still trapped at Warwick Castle. He is started to feel the panic. If this does go Warwick's way, he and his entire family is at risk. With a price on their head, and George as King. Who know's what will happen.

All of this happening while Elizabeth is praying to God. That nothing happens to Edward. That her a Brother and Brother In Law come back home safely. And that Warwick burns in hell, along with George.

All of this happening while Isabel and Anne are getting Isabel fitted in her Coronation furs. Anne telling her how gorgeous she looks. While Isabel looks away in shame, she hates it.

Up until, Richard stands up and tells what he is thinking. He starts speaking, but soon he starts to shout at George. "I didn't expect that from you! To Turn against Your own Brother! He chose the life of a King."

Warwick and George didn't expect Richard to be on their side. But they didn't want him to bring that up so early. Richard sat down, with a big smile on his face.

It was over before you knew it.

Warwick and George rode home in shame. They had been said no to by the Parliament. It seems the whole country got their way. Going home angrily, by the results they got. Now Warwick had to find another person to put up on the throne. And sadly for George.

This time it wasn't gonna be him.