
Gods Pity

This Story follows the life of Kiran Ren an 18 year old boy who led a pitiful life. His parents died when he was young, he was bullied in school because of his impoverished disposition, and he was utterly alone. After being killed in a world ending disaster he was brought to purgatory, where his life experience was judged to be pitiful. invoking the pity of the gods causing him to be reincarnated into a similar but different world than he was used to. A world where humans have discovered a way to awaken special and unique powers to combat monsters that roam the lands of earth and in the far expanses of earth where different civilized races have been found, some friend and some for. This is my first time writing anything like this, so criticism, feedback, and suggestions are welcome and encouraged. I hope you enjoy Kiran's journey to not only become stronger and get revenge on those who crossed him in the past, but to also find himself and form bonds on the way.

Vulkan · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs


Kiran felt a gush of wind on his face, and when he opened his eyes he realized he was hundreds of feet above the ground, this distance decreasing at an alarming rate. He let out an ear-piercing scream as he was about to hit the ground.


Kiran hit the ground and much to his surprise he was completely fine. Looking around him he could see hundreds if not thousands of people in the same predicament as him. He couldn't help to yell, "WHAT THE F*** IS GOING ON!"

With a sudden burst of light appearing in the sky was something that looked nothing less than angelic. A human looking person with white feathery wings on its back and a friendly expression.

Before he could comprehend what was happening the person started to speak, "Welcome to Purgatory! I know all of you must have many questions but please save them for a later time. First off, yes, you are all dead. Secondly, don't fret your experience in the afterlife will be determined by your own actions in life, so if you were a relatively good person you will have a good time for the rest of eternity -- for those who weren't good people well... lets move on. Your judgment will be commenced now. Good Luck."

Suddenly people around Kiran started disappearing in a seemingly random order. Deciding that there was nothing else to do he sat down and waited for his turn, as he didn't feel that he had anything to fear, even though his life was quite pitiful and he had dark thoughts, he didn't feel this was enough to classify him as a bad person.

After about 5 minutes he was wondering what was taking so long. Looking around himself he noticed there was no one left. He looked up to the angelic person and saw a look of contempt on its previously friendly looking face. Then he saw his body slowly begin to turn into light until he had finally disappeared.

When he woke up again he was sitting on a chair in a small rectangular room with no windows or ways out. The only other thing in the room was a computer screen directly in front of his face.

Suddenly it turned on showing:


Welcome to your Judment

Please check if the information below is yours, and press continue if so.

Name: Kiran Ren

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Planet of Origin: Earth

Time of Death: March 7th 2027


Looking over the information Kiran couldn't help to think to himself what other races are there and what it means by planet of origin. Are there other Planets with different Intelligent Races other than Humans.

Deciding to not focus on it to much Kiran clicked continue.


Commencing Judgment over the life and experiences of - Kiran Ren

Judgment conditions judged on a scale of Extremely Poor to Excellent

-Living condition

Extremely Poor

-Familial relationship

Extremely Poor

-Friendship quality

Extremely Poor


Extremely Poor


-Overall Quality of Life




-Afterlife Destination...



The words that Kiran read on the screen through him into a panic, wondering what was going on, why even after he died did people feel he had to be pitied. Kiran hated the feeling of being pitied, he had worked hard every day of his life to be something, but it was all for nought.

He was even more astonished by the way the system judges the destination someone goes to in the after life. It didn't judge his character but the enjoyment of his life.But the thing that confused him the most was the errors he saw, what did this mean? is he not going to be able to got to the afterlife for some reason?

"Why does my luck have to be so bad" ,thought Kiran

A ray of light shot out from the computer and entered Kiran's body causing his vision to go blurry and eventually causing him to pass out.




The Gods show pity on you



I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please don't be afraid to give feedback and give suggestions and criticisms.

Vulkancreators' thoughts