

"You are finally here" the boy sat up, Ohi was completely dumb founded "wwwho arre you" Ohi stuttered "isn't it obvious am you and you're me" the boy answered with a straight face but Ohi was utterly confused, "what do you mean" "am the other part of you, your powers, I have been waiting for you to wake me up for six years now". Ohi was stupefied, he was not Sure was going on anymore. "we don't have time for a long explanation" the little boy walked to Ohi's side "you are the savior of humanity, " What!, Ohi stepped back if you die, humanity will perish" Ohi's eyes widened, he opened his mouth but not a sound came out. "I can't, do these, I can't" Ohi finally found his voice. "You don't understand, if you die here, this city is the future of what will happen if you fail, your family is going to die too".

Codeblack54 · Khoa huyễn
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19 Chs



The gods

In a dark scary looking area, a creature crawled out of the caliginous cave, it looked haunted. It was wearing a long ragged cloak, it was tattered, very dirty and really squeezed like it was pulled out of a dog's mouth. It has a hunch back, it hands were holding a old looking stick for support, it skin was marred to his bones, it looks like a dry twig that has not been watered for years. It veins were so visible it look like a tree branch across it body. It eyes were dark and hollow, it looks so haunted and yet so lonely, it nails were long, sharp and very dirty. It took a slow wobbly steps and looked at the empty dry land, the frail looking creature is known as or he is known as Bumba. He has been sick for hundreds of years. All of a sudden he felt nauseated and he threw up, but to his surprise what came out was a bright gorgeous but yet hot remorseless ball of fire. The heat started to burn his cloths as it.... "Woah!, woah!!, woah!!!. Bisi cuts in. " Please don't tell me he puked out the sun" Ohi said with his hand pinching between his brows. "Yes he spew out the sun she answered with aplomb with a beautiful smile across her face, " Grandma if you are going to tell us a make believe story at least it should be believable and how can someone barf out the sun without his throat burning" Abeni said with a serious look on her face. Guys let grandma narrate her story " Asipitar said giving them a warning look. "Then the moon, stars... " please don't tell me spit up humans Bisi said with her hands folded like she was praying for her life to be spared "Bisi!, Asipitar shouted her name and gave her the stink eye. " Fine, I will tell you a different story, she said with her grey eyes sparkling like the night sky and her smile is as peaceful as the ocean waves. She wore a blue long sleeve slik dress and was seated on a milky puffy chair, her With her grand children seating on a soft golden and milk colored center rug facing her. The living room was large and spacious with a beautiful golden and milk wall that went with the chair and rug. The brown German tiles was shining bright and it complimented the living room. They had a large screen TV hanging on the wall on the other side of the wall with a large family picture frame that was snapped few weeks before he passed away. It has a golden plated frame, they were all wearing a white lace, the males wore agbada ( yuroba traditional attire) a loose-fitting robe with red beads around their hands and neck while the women wore buba a blouse-like loose top with the sleeves almost getting to the wrist with wrapper, a miniature red like wrapper hanged on their shoulder known as Ipele and a Beautiful head gear tied on their head.

" The story is about a god known as Oludumare aka Oduduwa. "Am sure this one is going to poop out the sun ohi murmured to himself but it didn't go unheard. " Ohi Asipitar called him in a low voice it almost passed as a whisper, how could you say that" she scolded him, "she can't hear me he rebutted. Guys grandma is narrating Beni informed them.

Oduduwa a very handsome looking man with his chiseled jaw and flawless body stood with a white cloth wrapped around his waist, his chest was painted with a straight and horizontal lines. He turned to Obatala " make them look like us. A less handsome man stood with his head bowed to him. " Are you sure" "yes am very sure". " is it OK if I use clay to make them" whatever you feel dim with" he flashed Obatala a childish grin, "Why are you always serious" "huh Obatala said looking confused. "Is OK, go do your job, I have things to do. "So what this story is telling us is that Obatala was the one that fashioned us from clay. Asipitar asked. " yes he did while Oduduwa build the earth and use his powers to make the cloud, moon, sun, stars etc"

There is also Eshu the god of technology, "but technology started from Egypt "Bisi interrupted her grandma

"no it started from the Greek I think"Beni answered looking perplexed. " well the Yoruba said eshu brought about technology, he is also a trickster, a scammer, a player and the king of disguise. "Wow he sounds interesting said Ohi while nodding his head. But he tricked Oduduwa into loosing his power. " Whaaaaat!!, they all shouted. "How, " but Oduduwa is suppose the strongest" "But your forgetting Eshu is a trickster, well the gods got tired of his tricks and scams. So they took his powers and send him down to leave as a human. " So his is among us Bisi said, she looked ecstatic and the rest shook their head. Hear comes the impossible they thought to themselves. "I will find him, "But his not real Beni rolled her eyes at Bisi. Well I will know if I look for him and not find him" Bisi looked at her grandma, what does he look like" " well his huge, dark skin complexion and has a gigantic Dada ( dreadlocks) on his head." "Well there is one thing I know for sure, he won't be walking around with a gigantic hair on his head, Ohi said while yawning. " I could tell you about the guardians she said with her everlasting charming smile. Before she could continue Eniola walked in. "Why are you all awake, it is past eleven, and mum your suppose to be sleeping have you took your meds" " I forgot she said like a child being scolded by her mother. "All of you to your room" mum lets go. Everyone left for their room.


Under the sea, there was an old looking mansion the paint has faded, the cushion has too many holes and tattered green material, the lamb chair and table are broken and scattered around the floor, with the rusted nail protruding out of the wet blighted woods, holes and cracks was now the design left on the walls the gloomy staircase leads to queen of the mermaids room.

The queen angrily tore off a mermaids head from her body. " you are all useless, she rudely yelled at them while the other mermaids were cowering in fear. Atika stood behind the piller looking at her older sister going berserk. "And you what is your excuse the queens eyes was filled with murderous intend, the mermaid was too scared to talk, the queen is the most hideous among them, her slim green skin brings out a weird fluid, and her snake like tongue was completely black. She grasp the girls neck and threw her across the room, she slowly walked dragging her feet across the room while humming a tune, she slowly made her way towards the third mermaid, the broken chairs, tables and glass were scattered all over the shabby room, she kept on humming as she caresses the mermaid's face making the poor girl shiver, " Lalita, Lalita,Lalita she sang her name in a frumpy tuneless voice. "Why did you fail me, she whispered in the girls ear. Then the queen abruptly turned her own neck and was a snap and cracking sound as she turned her head. Oh Pigibi is still alive, the young mermaid started wailing as she flap her green fish tail toward the rusted bars she held for support. " Please don't kill me my queen, I will do better" she pleaded, the queen squatted patting the girl's head like a mother worried about her child. The girl raised her to look at the queen even though they were under the sea, Atika knew that the girl is crying her eyes out. "My dear Pigibi, will you really do better " Yes the girl shook her head with hope in her eyes. The queen sadly looked at her, she flashed her a villainy smile as her hand brutally grabbed the girl's hair and all the hope she had shattered, she smached the girl's head to the wall, the blood blended with the water as her lifeless body fell on the ground. The queen laughed maniacally showing her black razor- like teeth, her slit black eyes shone with nothing but cruelty, she was in her human form, but even in her human form looked hideous. Give her a chance, she must be crazy. Lalita body shook in fear as the queen slowly made her way towards her. Her heart was beating so fast, she thought it will jump out of her mouth, the Queen raised her hands showing her long nails, with a sinister smile plastered on her face. "I found a virgin, Lalita finally found her voice. The queen retracted her hands and she inwardly sigh in relief. " And where is he, she asked with her vile voice that pricks people's in the ear. "His from a wealthy family, they call him Alhaji, I will have bought him back bbbut bbut his Bodyguard interrupted". The queen hummed as she paced around the room as her black dress float behind her. She bent down to the girl's level, she placed her hand on the girls chest and muttered some magic words, then the girl felt a harsh pain in her chest. She stood up and looked at the girl. The girl cringed in fear, " You have 24 hours, If you do not bring the boy in 24 hours, your heart will burst boom! She spread her hand to let her know how it will happen. "Like one giant tomato, she qlaughed evily as she threw back her head laughing like a mad woman with her hands wrapped around her stomach. The girls eyes widen in fear and shock so was Atika. " I must do something about the queen her heart is corrupting, she thought to herself. "You can leave, if you bring the boy I will lift the curse. The girl swimmed out of the room like a lighting bolt, Atika was still contemplating, when the queen jolted her back to reality. " What are you still doing there, I said come" The queen shouted at her, The hostility she has against Atika was written all over her face. "My queen, Atika bowed her head, " What? The queen asked not bothering to look at her as she sat on a dead looking couch. "Am sorry to disturb you, I thought that senior sister will be here, you must have sent her to bring the boy". " What boy, the queen frowned. Atika looked shocked. I I I ddidn't that sssenior sister didn't tell you she stuttered. The queen's patience was reaching it limits and she looked grimace. "I asked about the boy, she yelled at her, which startled Atika, she dug her nails into her palms to suppress the emotions she's feeling. " The boy can see our true form and Maja said he is going to trap us, The queen furrowed her eyebrows, anger filled her she looked like she was about explode. "Find that bitch and bring her to me, how dare she hide this away from me" she screamed throwing stuffs around like a mad woman. "Yes sister I will not fail..... The queen dashed towards her, she was so fast that Atika did not have time to react. She pushed Atika to the wall as she wrapped her hands around Atika's neck, she could feel the queens sharp nails violently grazing her skin, she winced in pain. " you are not my sister" she felt like someone jabbed her heart when she saw so much disdain from her older sister, tears threatened to roll down her cheeks, she placed her hand on her older sister hand but the queen quickly retracted her hands looking like she was touched by the most dirtiest creature. Atika clutched the hem of her dress, her fish tail swaying with the sea, Anger, tears, disappointment all the emotions trying to burst out. "You and I can never be sisters, not when you have that disgusting blood running through your veins" the queen said with so much resentment. "Am sorry, Atika said as she lowered her head and she slouched her shoulders." Go and find her" "yes my queen". Unknownst to them Maja heard everything " I have to warn senior sister and she swimmed towards the surface.


Back in the Ahmed Ozovehe's house. Ewatomi sat on her bed as her daughter Eniola reprimand her. "Am sorry, I won't play with my health again". Her room had a simple deco with just her wardrobe, a chair, bed and the picture frame of her grandkids. " I will go to bed now, Good night mum love you as she kissed her on her checks, "Good night dear love you too". As soon as Eniola left, Ewatomi stood up and opened her closet to show a hidden door behind her clothes, she slowly opened it to show a room filled with weapons for dealing with mythical creatures and evil spirits. A circular rod with sharp metal beads around it, some potions arranged in arow in a locker, A shelf filled with books about the gods and mythology, A long wooden stick that is very thick and has a black ropeon it right side, sharp looking knives, A rubber looking robe called the trapper, charm necklaces, anklet and wrist band.

Some one apperated into the room, her skin is burgundy in colour, she worea red gown that showed her curves, she looked docile but can be fierce when angered, her handless gown showed enough cleavage making her look like a seductress, she looked like a sculpture to be worshipped, she has a lovely serene face and the aura of a goddess, she looked exquisite, she smiled showing her dimples " Orisha Oya, Ewatomi curtsied "How have you been doing Oya walked elegantly, swaying her hips as she made her way towards Ewatomi pulling her into a hug. " Am doing great, thank you for asking " she gently pulled out of the hug. "You must be wondering why am here" Oya sat on the edge of the bed as she made herself comfortable, "Is it about the next guardian" Oya's silence confirmed her speculation, "Am surprised non of your grandchildren has shown any sign and your about to completely loose your powers" "no, non of my grandkids has any sign of awakening and they have all passed the age". Oya got up and started pacing back and forth while her elegant red gown swept the brown tiles. " But there is nothing to worry about, Evil has ended Ewatomi.consoled her with a smile. "Am afraid not, Oya said with a serious look. Before Ewatomi could speak, her eyes zoomed the roads, streets until it reached the forest, the owls were hooting while the crows were cawing, the nicotine-brown trees moved to the rhythm of the wind, the air was filled with the stench of death, the stifling atmosphere provided the perfect domicile, for creatures who revered darkness on top a large rock were three figures. A bulky man with a huge scar across his face, he looks like a devil advocate, everything about him is dangerous, he has a huge dada on his head that danced to the wind, he was smoking a cigarette, he looked at the forest with his bulging eyes filled with nothing but ambition and blood lust, he had a dog which looked like it was from the land of the dead with it red eyes shine bright like a mini sun and his exposed rib cage it stood close to his master, the man was not wearing a shirt, showing his abs and muscles with a scary looking skeletal skull with a knife inbetween the skulls mouth tattooed on the left side of his chest. The other guy laughed, "Freedom he said with his creepy voice as he licked his lips, his eyes has dark circles, his very thin and his skin is pale, he looks like an unstable person that should have been locked in a mental hospital, his greasy hair was scattered on his head, he licked his lips as he stood close to a female sitting on the rock. While the big guy squatted observing the forest with a very serious look. The sick looking guy has a hat.and a veil around his neck, his also shirtless and has the same tattoo as the big guy. " Your too close, she pushed him, her face shows no emotion, her mouth is painted black, she wore a long black dress , she had a popular Nigeria thread hairstyle but hers was standing on her head like candles on a cake. " Guys is time for evil to rise, I can't feel the guardians power she has turned weak" he said with smoke coming of his nostrils and mouth as he pulled the cigarette out. " And there is no new guardian, the guy in the hat said as he hugged himself laughing like a maniac. "Do not forget that we have to find the book" the images she was seeing became blurry, her eyes turned normal. "What happened, Oya sounded concern as she placed her hands on Ewatomi's shoulder. " I saw them Ewatomi's said in a hoarse voice, Oya's eyes widened, she doesn't need explanations to know what Ewatomi meant. "How do I defeat them, she sobs am too weak and the gods have abandoned us". Oya hugged her, trying to soothe Ewatomi.

Is this really the end of humanity Oya thought in her mind.
