
Gods Grace

"Because you know that the testing of your faith, produces perseverance."-James 1:3...Amiyah and Elijah are college sweethearts who are on a journey to start a family but, as they come to learn with blessings come trials and tribulations. Combined with various events of loss and things that would cripple any couple, they must find a way to overcome hurdles that test not only their Marriage but also their Faith and Friendships. The main question for them now becomes, How do you depend on God and each other when you feel like you can't trust either one? Come along for the ride with them.

NishaJ31 · Thành thị
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11 Chs


Amiyah drove back to her apartment that night and they had wine and watched Netflix. Well, Amiyah had wine, a lot to be exact and she was anything but quiet. Netflix was the last thing on her mind, she was thinking more of Netflix and chill but Elijah wasn't having it especially not with the state she was in. He finally got her to calm down and as soon as she did they were both knocked out.

The next morning Amiyah woke up in a daze to the smell of bacon. Amiyah got up to brush her teeth and walked downstairs. The gorgeous sight she saw in her kitchen was definitely one she wanted etched in her memory forever. Elijah was singing and cooking in just some sweatpants. Amiyah couldn't help but smile because Elijah used to do this every Saturday morning while she slept in. "Good morning beautiful" he said smiling as he finished flipping the last pancake. "Good morning" she smiled back. "You hungry? I made breakfast." "Yeah, I'm starving." she said as she sat down. "You should be after last night." laughed Elijah as he replayed last night in his mind. Amiyah on the other hand, was not laughing. She remembered every aspect of last night and she was so embarrassed with how she acted. Plus she had the pounding headache to prove it.

Elijah had went all out for breakfast and Amiyah had forgotten how well he could cook. "I don't even know where to start" she giggled looking at all the food. "Yeah, I kind of went overboard but I just made some of the things we both like: pancakes, sausage, cheese grits, eggs, bacon, cinnamon rolls and fruit." he said sitting down and fixing his plate. "Goodness, you must've started early with all this" she said piling eggs and bacon on her plate. "Nah, I'm just good like that" he said with a smirk and a wink. "Yeah, yeah whatever" she said smiling and stuffing her mouth with eggs. They finished off the rest of breakfast on a full and happy note.

As they cleaned and washed the dishes together, Amiyah couldn't help but wonder where they went from here. Does she move back in today, tomorrow or next week? Do they just pick up where they left off ? she thought as they finished up the dishes. "Hey, I just wanted to apologize for last night. I was not supposed to drink that much or act like a wild woman." she said sighing. Elijah just laughed at her seriousness, "You must not remember my college graduation night?" he stated in a matter of fact tone. Amiyah just rolled her eyes at the mention of that night. "Yeahh, that night! Baby, you got so drunk and had the nerve to tell me we both graduated that day and then you proceeded to show me in your phone, how many days you had come to my house to help me study! And then-" "Okayy! I get it, you've seen me at my absolute worse!" she said rolling her eyes again.

Somehow, Amiyah was able to forget all about that night for years until just now. "Exactly. So last night was nothing compared to that night. Besides, you seem to be forgetting that you're my WIFE and not some random chick I just met. I'm going to love you regardless of how drunk you get and how crazy you act. So stop trying to get rid of me because it's not gonna happen." he said smiling and kissing her. Amiyah kissed back, and felt her entire body tingle. They both continued to kiss each other passionately and full of hunger but Amiyah stopped things before they went too far. "So, where do we go from here?" she said as she pushed him away and walked into the living room. "Well, I was thinking we could finish what we started in the kitchen and see where things go." he said placing kisses all over her neck. Amiyah giggled, "That's definitely not what I meant." she said playfully pushing him away. I meant, do I continue to stay here a little longer or do I come back home?" she asked.

Since they split, Amiyah had been renting out her old condo again, she loved being back in her old place but she definitely missed the home her and Elijah had made together. "I would love for my wife to come back home." he said grinning widely. "It's your choice though, we can wait if you want or not. I had some more wooing to do anyway." he said smirking as he turned on the tv. "What do you mean "more"? she asked raising an eyebrow. "Oh nothing..just a few more dates" he said flipping the channels. "You've already got me back, there shouldn't be anymore dates." she laughed. "Well, there is. Just one or two or four. Just to spice things up until you come back home." he said winking.

Amiyah smiled, Elijah was known for his lavish surprises but Amiyah liked simplicity and she knew sooner rather than later that it would get old very fast. Like always, as if reading her mind he asked, "Wanna bet on it?" he asked raising his eyebrows. "Bet on what?" she asked. "That over the next few weeks, I won't bore you with my extravagance." he said placing his hand on his chest being overly dramatic. "Bet." she said smiling because she knew she was going to win. "You don't even know what I want though." he said smiling. "Don't matter, cause you're not getting it. Loser." she said doing her best evil laugh. "Oh, it's like that? Alright, bet. " he said sticking his pinky finger out for their infamous pinky promise handshake. They locked pinkies and smiled at each other. Little did they know, the next three weeks were about to get real interesting...