
Gods Gifted

In a world brimming with enchantment, magic weaves through every fiber of existence, shaping and molding the fabric of reality. For as long as history can remember, the arcane arts have been a defining aspect of this extraordinary realm. Among its residents, there are those who possess an innate gift for wielding these mystical powers, transcending the ordinary limitations known to mortal practitioners. These prodigies, hailed as God's Chosen, hold the key to unimaginable potential. Enter our protagonist – an unassuming individual whose humble beginnings give little indication of the astonishing destiny that lies ahead. Unbeknownst to them, they possess an unprecedented mastery over every form of sorcery; a cosmic secret intertwined with their very soul. As the story unravels, so too does the mystery of their extraordinary power – and with it, the delicate balance between good and evil teeters on the edge in this magical world. 2 chapters a week. 1000 word minimum for each with most going above that. twist and turns await you in this book. There is no harem. there is some romance from time to time. however romance is a come and go thing. so don't expect anything about harems, engaged to nobles and the such. this is a kingdom destroyer book. the first few chapters will slowly lead up to it.

Wolfs_Street · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

The Blizzard

I walked through the snow with rolled up furs tied to my back with rope. The wind was picking up and I wasn't sure if I would make it home. In the wrapped up furs were the cores and fangs of each of the wolves with a few claws. I carried meat wrapped in the rest of the furs in my arm feeling the weight on me.

"I can't waste this." I said exhaustion taking its toll.

I could see my home as the snow started coming down. I slammed the door open and plopped everything down on the ground closing the door.

"Frost." I called looking around the small room. A little white fluffy head poked from the blankets.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." I said going back outside.

I couldn't waste all that meat and there was still some more claws left. I plowed through the snow finding my way back. The wind picked up the snow that had fallen as fresh snow fell. I almost couldn't see but found the wolves. I took a few more claws and butchered the meat. I tried walking back falling in the snow before I finally dropped down.

'I'm such a idiot to think I would get back in time.' I thought to myself.

"Hahaha, this world really thinks I'm going to die freezing to death. Damn it I'm the person who can use both fire and ice magic. I'm not weak." I said pushing myself up and threw my arms out. The winds and snow slammed against a invisible barrier as I watched it like a window.

"It worked." I shouted excited.

I then focused on the week flames to cover my body. I was using two opposite elements at the same time. Something that should be rare and hard to do. I slowly made my way back home. I put everything down feeling the space being taken up. But I wasn't done yet. I started the small fire and organized everything before changing to a dry pair of clothes. I wrapped myself up with Frost in the blankets as we heard the wind slam against our little home. But the night passed and the storm still went on.

You couldn't see more than a few feet before it was nothing but snow. Another day went by like it and then another. I was stuck inside but had plenty of food and furs. Maybe I could sell the extra meat as jerky. Not all of it, but about half. The snow stopped on the third day as the sky was still cloudy but the wind stopped.

I walked outside having to clean the snow that had fell inside due to it piling up on the door. After a few minutes using my fire magic the snow in my area was put to a normal size once again.

"Frost, we got work to do." I said picking him up.

Four years later a boy wearing white wolf furs and shoes walked out of the forest. The coat was not big or bulky but expertly made by the towns tailor. The coat was thin with fur inside making it fluffy. But what would be strange to see was the ice Snow leopard by his side walking by him as friendly as ever. The fourteen year old had crisp white hair and dark blue eyes. Under his coat were two daggers about thirteen inches long, looking the exact same in their scabbards on his waist. On each shoulder under the coat was a piece of thin yet sturdy shoulder armor.

He walked into the small town walking in and out of each shop as people greeted him and handed free bread and information. He walked down the streets as the sun wore over the cold dead grass and orange and red tree leafs. Winter was over and he survived another four years by himself. Well not really with his only friend Frost the snow leopard.

A man riding a horse attached to a large wooden trailer rode through town slowly.

"How much for a ride to the next larger town." I asked the man waving at him.

"Let's say fifteen silver." He said laughing.

"Okay." I said jumping onto the wooden trailer and handed him fifteen silver.

"Wow you really want out of here." The man said shocked that the kid could pay.

"I made good money fighting for cores and goblin loot." I replied.

The snow leopard fully grown jumped onto the carriage making it shake.

"So you a tamer." The driver of the carriage asked as they rode out of town.

"No we're just family." I said petting Frost from head to toe a few time.

"So it's not tamed." The man said worried.

"Don't worry he won't hurt anyone unless I let him. Besides his too kind." I said petting Frost's belly.

A few hours went by of us talking before the carriage stopped and we set up camp for the night.

"Since your driving us, it's only right we stand guard tonight." I said eating the stew the man made kindly.

"Your not a bad kid you know. So what's your story." The man said kindly.

"Let's see. Me and my family lived at the edge of town. The one you picked me up in. Well seven years ago when I seven I was out late in the woods. I was saved by a man that died but I passed out during the fight. The next day a monster attacked the town with smaller creatures. My family died and the townspeople couldn't help me." I said thinking carefully.

"Sorry for your lose. I lost my daughter and wife to bandits during my travels. But I can't stop living." The man said pointing a finger towards me.

"But no matter what don't blame the people who didn't directly effect you. It's not worth the time or mind. But how did you survive." The man asked kindly and yawned.

"I had to. Before I met frost when I was ten that was four years ago I hid from the magical beasts hunting deer and eating scraps. But I got stronger and learned tricks. I earned some money and now I'm moving to have a better life." I said placing the bowl down.

"I'm glad your moving on. Wake me if something happens." The man said laying on the ground to sleep.

The next day because I was up all night, I slept on the carriage looking up at the sky.

"Hey kid we got trouble coming." The man said shaking me awake.

I rubbed my and looked at him.

"What's happening." I asked as he pointed ahead.

"Bandits." He said.

"Wait here and I'll deal with them." I said jumping up and ahead of him.

"What a jump. You a Wizard." The driver asked me as I walked forward.

"Something like that." I replied walking towards the bandits.

"Hey hope you don't mind, but move along." I said about fifteen feet away from the bandits.

"What you say kid." You of the bandits asked showing his dagger.

"Just move before your dead." I said coldly.

"His just a kid. Kick him down and robe the driver down there." A bandit said pointing his dagger behind me.

"You asked for it." I said as a fire ball the size of my chest formed in front of me.

I didn't use my hands or anything I merely thought of it.

"His a Wizard."

"Wait, his not using a wand."


The bandits became worried as magic was a big deal still. After all while plenty of people have the ability to use magic their affinity is so weak they can't even form a water droplet or flame. The fire ball launched towards them as some jumped to side while others where burned alive.

"Move along." I said coldly once again.

They hurried towards the forest leaving the charred bodies. I raised my arm and the ground pulled the bodies under like they were never there. The man in the carriage rode over by me.

"What are you?" The man asked me.

"I'm a person using magic to clear the way." I said jumping back into the carriage.

"I saw you didn't use a wand." The man said moving forward.

"I don't need one. It's a waste of time and a weakness." I said as we went forward.

"So a warlock." The man said carefully.

"I guess so." I replied.

Warlocks and wizards are similar but different. Warlocks are able to use magic without a wand because their able to form spells in their mind. However warlocks a very rare. While wizards are already hard to find unless in large cities or in royal families warlocks are different. A warlock can use mana however they need, but also are known for being loners. Many people would want to enslave a warlock through magic as they could use them to destroy towns and cites. In the end warlocks are rarer than wizards and often times stronger once fully grown. With no way to disarm them.