
Gods Gifted

In a world brimming with enchantment, magic weaves through every fiber of existence, shaping and molding the fabric of reality. For as long as history can remember, the arcane arts have been a defining aspect of this extraordinary realm. Among its residents, there are those who possess an innate gift for wielding these mystical powers, transcending the ordinary limitations known to mortal practitioners. These prodigies, hailed as God's Chosen, hold the key to unimaginable potential. Enter our protagonist – an unassuming individual whose humble beginnings give little indication of the astonishing destiny that lies ahead. Unbeknownst to them, they possess an unprecedented mastery over every form of sorcery; a cosmic secret intertwined with their very soul. As the story unravels, so too does the mystery of their extraordinary power – and with it, the delicate balance between good and evil teeters on the edge in this magical world. 2 chapters a week. 1000 word minimum for each with most going above that. twist and turns await you in this book. There is no harem. there is some romance from time to time. however romance is a come and go thing. so don't expect anything about harems, engaged to nobles and the such. this is a kingdom destroyer book. the first few chapters will slowly lead up to it.

Wolfs_Street · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Plan in action 2

I sat on log in the middle of the cold forest clearly showing signs of winter returning. I looked at the girl and saw she was wearing a blue light dress and had dirt all over. Her eyes puffed up a little from the crying.

"Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to take the cloth out of your mouth and your going to stay silent. You only speak when spoken to Okay." I said as she answer yes with a nod.

I pulled out the dirty cloth and threw it the ground as Frost slept in the sun a small call away.

"Why?" The girl said receiving a slap across the face.

"I said speak when to spoken to." I said sitting back down.

"Now tell me why your family was traveling to the capital and I want the truth." I said holding one of my dagger in hand.

She took a gulp of air seeming to try and think of a answer.

"We were traveling to visit my cousins. Two weeks from now is a festival and we were invited." She said trying to regain some sort of honor back.

"Really and what's the name of so said festival." I inquired.

"It uhh. It's called fire night." She said questioning her own words.

"I said the truth and you lied on your first sentence." I said getting up slowly.

"Wait I'll tell the truth I swear." She screamed as she fell to her side trying to crawl away.

"Sorry but you need a lesson of discipline." I said grabbing her leg and dragging her back.

I slashed her leg quickly drawing blood but leaving only a small cut. She screamed even more as she tried to calm herself and hold the injury.

"Next time it will hurt more." I said stabbing the dagger into the log I sat on.

"Fine. We were traveling to the capital because my parents were thinking of raising the taxes before winter and they didn't want to take any risks." She said loudly.

"There's the truth now. See not so hard. Now put your leg out and show me the cut." I said trying to be kind.

She slowly straightened her leg away from her showing the cut with its dried up blood. I raised my hand over the cut as she flinched in fear. The cut slowly healed itself as the blood fell to the ground and the skin closed. It looked like it never even bled.

"See saying the truth has its privileges." I said as Frost lazily walked over.

"So why are you doing this." She asked again.

"Because I can. Think of it like this. I ransom you off and earn a few gold coins. I can then buy myself a nice house and maybe even do something like this again in the future when I need more money. After all it's risky, but rewarding." I said as Frost places his head on my lap.

"Your really doing this just for money." She said.

"Is it so hard to believe. But if they won't accept the ransom then I might have to kill you." I said looking at the sky.

She went silent after hearing that. The sun was a little bast mid morning so far.

"Get up. We're moving." I said sliding the dagger back into its scabbard.

No way those rangers don't chase after us. They know what I look like and my name. But if they do come for her they might be a little shocked. I got up as she struggled to as well. Who know maybe in a few more years she could be pretty cute. But if I had to choose between money and a girl and it will always be money. After all way care for someone when they could betray you so easily. At least with Frost we went through a lot together when we were even younger.

That night all my senses were on high alert. I had Frost climb a tree to watch the area as the girl sat by the fire with a annoyed expression.

"Your arms sore." I asked biting into a apple I had in my bag.

She looked at me coldly but I got the idea. The look of "ya genius. I've been dragged through the forest and had my arms tied behind my back unable to move them all day." Kind of look.

"If I untie you, I expect you to not try anything." I said seeing her face lighten up a little.

I got up and untied the knots as she wiggled her hand out.

"Here you go." I said tossing a apple for my bag to her.

It landed in her lap but she picked it up and cleaned the dust off. She looked me while taking a few bites.

"Your so young and yet you already live like a criminal." She said with discomfort.

"Hey at least I'm kind enough to not starve you to death." I said in a very unserious tone.

"Sure your are." She said taking another bite.

"You know their out there looking for me." She said looking at me.

"I know but first things first. I need to get you to the capital and get my ransom." I said looking at her.

"Really and how is that going to work. You know your going to have the army waiting for you when doing that." She looking at me like I was sort of a idiot.

"Sure they have a army but I plans and power. As for getting the ransom, only time is needed as I had a few bandits set everything up." I said looking out into the forest.

Frost poked his head up from the tree seeing something I couldn't.

"So you guys finally arrived to save the day." I said as a group of ten men walked by the trees wearing a green uniform of the rangers.

"Well you ran quit far kid." The head man said.

"Sorry to say but I actually stopped to wait for you." I said looking at them.

I only knew them for about two days but they weren't bad people. However they were in my way and as such needed to be removed.

"Don't worry. We want in." The man said tossing his weapons down along with his friends.

I was shocked about the turn of events. I was expecting a battle were they gave it their all. But this got even better.

"And how should I trust you." I said looking at were Frost was hidden in the tree.

The men looked over but saw nothing and looked back at me.

"Tie us up for the night and make a magical binding contract." The man said.

It was a great idea. If I made a blood pack they wouldn't be able to betray me. Binding contract were so simple yet required consent from both parties. If they gave fake consent the seal would break right afterwards. Each person would cut the palm of the hand and gave a handshake without letting go. I used a little man while we each made our promises.

"Okay deal. But I'm still tying you up to be on the safe side." I said.

The girl was shocked and all color was gone from her face. The people she thought would save her just betrayed her for me. Well technically for money but still the feelings she felt must of hurt.