
Gods Gifted

In a world brimming with enchantment, magic weaves through every fiber of existence, shaping and molding the fabric of reality. For as long as history can remember, the arcane arts have been a defining aspect of this extraordinary realm. Among its residents, there are those who possess an innate gift for wielding these mystical powers, transcending the ordinary limitations known to mortal practitioners. These prodigies, hailed as God's Chosen, hold the key to unimaginable potential. Enter our protagonist – an unassuming individual whose humble beginnings give little indication of the astonishing destiny that lies ahead. Unbeknownst to them, they possess an unprecedented mastery over every form of sorcery; a cosmic secret intertwined with their very soul. As the story unravels, so too does the mystery of their extraordinary power – and with it, the delicate balance between good and evil teeters on the edge in this magical world. 2 chapters a week. 1000 word minimum for each with most going above that. twist and turns await you in this book. There is no harem. there is some romance from time to time. however romance is a come and go thing. so don't expect anything about harems, engaged to nobles and the such. this is a kingdom destroyer book. the first few chapters will slowly lead up to it.

Wolfs_Street · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Plan in Action 1

"Artemis wake up." Zachary said shaking me awake.

"What you want." I asked.

"We're needed today." Zachary said opening the flap of my tent.

I tossed in my coat for the group as walked out. In a large square we stood in rows as we were given our orders.

"The Barons family is going to the capital. We are to lead the way as normally. Move out." The commander said as we got to work.

We pulled the tents down and packed up everything. In only fifteen minutes the once filled camp was nothin more than a empty field. We started down a road and fanned out into the forest.

'I guess it's almost time.' I thought taking off the ugly coat of this place and putting on my nice one made of ice wolf fur.

I opened my scroll as Frost jumped out happily looking at me. They should make contact in the next few minutes. I would have to make sure no one escaped to warn the family and their guards.

"Hey Artemis why aren't you wearing your uniform." Burns asked turning around to look at me.

"I'm sorry about this." I said knocking him on the head with the hilt of my sword.

He fell to ground unconscious as I looked around to see no one else noticed. I leaned him against a tree taking his coat off and hiding behind him. Ahead people shouted commands as the clanging of metals could be heard.

"I knew they wouldn't miss the chance." I said taking off backwards to the road. I jumped out into the road as Frost ran beside me. Two others wearing the rangers clothes came towards me.

"Sorry guys." I said holding my hand out.

"Frost." I gave the command and three swords made of ice formed around Frost taking off plunging into the two men.

I turned around walking down the road as the sound of hooves and stage coach could be heard. Ten men led the way on the left and right looking at me with their uniforms.

"Time to make some real money." I said raising my arm in a grand gesture giving a small bow.

"Move out of the way." One of the leading men said as the stage coach stopped.

"I'm so glad you said that. Because now I can begin." I said as flames crackled on the ground around me.

More people wearing masks and dirty clothes walked from the forest surrounding the coach.

"Remember the deal guys." I said looking at the bandits.

They looked at me and shook their heads.

"Protect the family." One of the guards said easing his sword.

A spear made of ice went through him getting stuck in the middle sticking him the ground. Frost stood proudly next to me as it happened.

"Good job." I said as the flames rose around me.

"Drop your weapons and live or die by fire." I said loudly.

Slowly they looked around at the hopeless situation and dropped their swords. The bandits went straight to work tying them up as the doors of the stage coach opened. The baron himself jumped out as a shield of earth formed around his arm. Immediately as he hit the ground he found himself stuck.

"The best part of strong ice magic is the traps." I said laughing.

"Kill him." I said coldly.

The two bandits started attacking him as his legs were frozen to the ground in ice. Eventually they stabbed him through the chest five times killing him. They started tearing the carriage about slamming the doors open nearly breaking them off and started pull the other two out as they screamed.

They started tying them up looking up at me.

"Be happy. He asked to not have you harmed." The bandit tying the little girls arm up said.

"Indeed I did. She should catch a pretty penny from her cousins family. After all the duke wouldn't want his cousins daughter harmed by us low life's." I said walking towards the girl.

"Please leave her be." The duchess screamed at me.

"Don't worry as they get you." I said pointing at the bandits.

"Your daughter is the one who gets to leave." I said looking at her face, as turned pale.

"We should go before more arrive." I shouted as we all started moving into the forest away from the fights ahead.

The girl was the only daughter of the family and cousins daughter to the duke. She was thirteen however and seemed weirdly delicate.

"This is were we split ways." I said looking at the bandits.

"Are you sure. We can have a nice party tonight." The man said showing the duchess.

"Sorry but I have a lot to deal with." I said grabbing the girl by her tied hands behind her back.

"Okay and thanks for the help." He said as the bandits walked away.

Last night.

I snuck outside the tent and ran into the nearby forest. Those papers on the commanders desk talked about a large group of bandits in this direction. With Frost at the tent door no one would try to bother me considering they might get their arm ripped off. I ran through the dark night using a small fireball to light my way.

I went on running for nearly a hour before hearing cheering songs and shouts. I slowed my pace catching my breath approaching the tents as someone came up to me holding a sword. Five seconds later a man crashed through a tent slamming into campfires and rolling in the small clearing the camp dead.


"Take positions."

"Calm down that man attacked me and I simply repaid in kind." I said walking into the clearing.

"A kid."

"Listen I have a deal for all you men." I said as a calming circle formed around me rising and falling with the wind.

"It better be good or your a dead man." Another bandit said from the back.

"It includes the killing of a baron and capturing of his family." I said looking at them.


About a two hours went by of us planning and talking. I warned of them of the rangers a problem they dealt with before. I snuck back into camp late that night tired and exhausted having Frost return to his scroll. No one had noticed I ever left because they were too drunk and asleep.