
Gods Gifted

In a world brimming with enchantment, magic weaves through every fiber of existence, shaping and molding the fabric of reality. For as long as history can remember, the arcane arts have been a defining aspect of this extraordinary realm. Among its residents, there are those who possess an innate gift for wielding these mystical powers, transcending the ordinary limitations known to mortal practitioners. These prodigies, hailed as God's Chosen, hold the key to unimaginable potential. Enter our protagonist – an unassuming individual whose humble beginnings give little indication of the astonishing destiny that lies ahead. Unbeknownst to them, they possess an unprecedented mastery over every form of sorcery; a cosmic secret intertwined with their very soul. As the story unravels, so too does the mystery of their extraordinary power – and with it, the delicate balance between good and evil teeters on the edge in this magical world. 2 chapters a week. 1000 word minimum for each with most going above that. twist and turns await you in this book. There is no harem. there is some romance from time to time. however romance is a come and go thing. so don't expect anything about harems, engaged to nobles and the such. this is a kingdom destroyer book. the first few chapters will slowly lead up to it.

Wolfs_Street · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Mastering Magic

I woke up from my hut and started the day as usual. I cleaned myself up and let Frost out to play. I set up a fire as I already had the jerky but knew I would need more food soon. However, with my new gear, I would be able to hunt better. But now that I can use both fire and ice magic, I might have to practice with both. Better yet, I realized that my mana for each is separate. If my mana with fire is empty, my mana with ice is full somehow. Maybe it has something to do with the ice wolf.

Considering the fact I got some sort of mana from the wolf seeming to be ice but nothing for fire. Maybe my ice mana is stronger because of that. I need to learn more about how mana works but the town might not have many books about it. I might have to move to another place to learn more.

First was jumping making dents in the snow with each landing while he sunk into it. I got up from the fire and walked around finding a space where I could stand from a distance from a tree. I raised my hand trying to cast a fireball but nothing happened. There has got to be a better way to make this more effective.

I envisioned a small fire in my mind and felt the pulsing of mana around me. A fireball took form and blasted towards the trees leaving a scorched dent in it.

"Then I should imagine the cold for ice." I said also aloud testing my theory.

I imagined a blanket of snow before. It wasn't very hard since I just had to open my eyes and then close them. As I opened my eyes the snow around me rose like particles making a solid snowy mist around me. I tried forcing it forward to unveil.

"Maybe I need to condense it." I said trying to pull the snow in.

The snow started forming into little daggers crushing together making ice. About twenty little floating ice dagger where around me when I tried pushing the flow forward. The little daggers sliced past the tree while some got stuck in it.

"Hope those melt soon." I said walking over to look at them.

It seems they are a solid form and won't dissolve like their spells after being used. Now I have to try more things. For the next few hours I learned to instead of pulling the snow off the ground, I made it straight into ice. I also learned how make them into full long swords. Then I did the same with the flames and tested it out.

I had the swords float next to the ground melting the snow as they floated around me in a circle. I then walked around my entire little yard like home and melted the snow. Now all around my home was grey dead grass with patches of dirt and mud. I sat down recovering my mana I used wondering why only now I could do this.

My entire life I felt something missing and now here it was. I felt stronger and faster each day after using the magic. But I want to learn enhancing spells so I can fight better without casting long range attacks.

The rest of day I focused on trying to draw mana towards me. At first I felt like a idiot but after a few minutes I felt something forming in me. The mana from my surroundings was entering me and giving me power. However I had to sit still when doing this and felt restless. Eventually I fell asleep with Frost by my side.

I woke up and found the sky was dark. The air seemed dense and colder.

"Snow storm." I said looking at the clouds.

Blizzard or storm either way would be bad news. I needed to get fresh food before it came down. Because I wouldn't know how long I would be stuck inside for. I picked Frost up and put him inside.

"Stay inside. No matter what do not go out." I said closing the door.

Winters lasted long up here. The winter was about half the year with nothing really like summer. The other half of the year would be dried up grass but the trees would grow leaves and apples. It was always cold and dead but I hadn't really cared. I walked through the forest holding my bow with the arrow knocked.

I sat down looking around waiting for anything to come into sight. A pack of ice wolves were moving ahead of me as I watched.

"Just need one. The rest I cans sell later." I said aiming at the head ice wolf.

Just because they are ice wolves doesn't mean they can use magic. After all what makes them ice wolves is the frost that can become like a set of armor on them. I let go of the arrow and it flew pierces good the lead wolf in the back leg. Luckily that armor doesn't form all over.

The wolf holed out in pain as the rest looked for the attacker locking eyes on me. They rushed forward to avenge for their leader injury however I raised my hand out forming about twenty five little ice daggers that flew to collide with the wolves.

The wolves kept their heads down as the little dagger clinked of their frost like armor. However some where hit in the legs and one in the chest. Two dropped down most likely in pain but the rest still rushed forward. I pulled my dagger forming the swords of ice around me but only able to form four.

I launched myself into the air attacking the wolves ferociously as the sword blocked incoming attacks from the other wolves while slashing at them. It wasn't as easy as I thought to use the swords like this but I couldn't stop now. The wolf's chomped at my arm as my dagger stabbed into its throat. I might be only ten years old but I'm not going to die like this.

The sword slashed through two more wolves killing as I felt something cut me. Blood ran down the side of my arm and my left leg. The head ice wolf I attacked was casting small icicles towards me cutting me down. I slashed my dagger blocking a few but still got hit. I swing my arm up and over my head forming a wave like wall before me.

Small but effective I stood up from my crouching position. I placed my finger on the wall and focused on the mana flowing into my finger.

Boom! The wall exploded forward like glass shards and flew into the injured wolf killing it. I fell to the ground exhausted and the pain everywhere.

"I need to heal." I whispered looking around.

About seven ice wolves laid dead in the snow as small white particles flew from them into me. I felt the pain but it subsided as I felt a new strength in me. It felt like my previous limits had been drastically improved. But I also felt my cuts closing up. I pulled my sleeve out of the way to see the skin closing. I had been focusing on the mana around the cuts and with the new mana in me I guess it could heal itself.

Luckily none of the cuts were deep as I got up.

"I got work to do." I said starting to skin a ice wolf.