
Gods Gift

Thousands of years ago there was a huge battle in the heavens that no one on earth even knew about. A battle that had been going on for hundreds of years, a battle that no one could see or hear but and the destructive force power to wipe out galaxies. It was a huge battle between Angels and Demons.

Hoggyblue · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

Chapter 50: Year Later

It had been almost a year since the battle with Valac and the news about the fight was everywhere still, people had been coming up with all sorts of different conspiracy theories on what it was all about, some people thought it was some sort of secret government experiments.

Others were even doubting it was real at all saying it was all staged, even with all the theories no one still knew the truth about what happened.

In the last year, Jake had been interrogated multiple times by the authorities, asking him questions about Abigail, in every interview Jake stated the same thing saying that they had been broken up for a few weeks and had no idea what had happened.

This made it incredibly hard for Jake to get a job as all the interviews he went to everyone knew who he was, nevertheless, Jake was able to get a job and had been working there for the past 4 months.

His job was a small part-time job in a local taxi call centre it was a very easy job that also made it so he was not in the view of the public which was a bonus as even in the streets people would be asking him questions about the event.

He only worked weekends at night which left him plenty of time in the day for training, even though he didn't need to train it was one of the only things he could do to pass the time, he would occasionally visit the monastery and talk with the other masters.

At work Jake keeps himself to himself as he thinks people would just ask him questions about Abigail, some of his colleagues did question when he started but now pretty much ignore it, Jake still visits Abigail's grave as he still blames himself for her death.

Taka keeps telling him every time he visits that it's not his fault but Jake ignores it and keeps doing training or research, the past year he has been trying to find out what the Demons plans were and to find out what had happened to him after the fight.

The news was none stop airing the footages of the fight which Jake had watched multiple times trying to find out ways he could have prevented her death, it was the only thing he could do to keep his mind at peace.

With Jake only working at the weekends it leaves him with plenty of time to be able to gather information about the Demons that he captured and to learn about the original war, Gabrielle allowed him access to most of the resources that the monastery had to offer.

It was the only thing she could offer him after everything he had been through and had done for them, even though there was no immediate threat Jake was continuing training when he was not either working or doing research.

his training was more intense than ever exceeding his previous power in his fight with Valac, he would spend days on top of the snowy mountains in only his shorts and his aura activated finally being able to control his powers.

Jake had asked Gabrielle multiple times if he could see the Book of Angels but she still denied him using it even questioning if he could translate it, Jake only knew what Shi told him which was "Just use your eyes" which Jake still thought was the most useless piece of information given to him.

Abigail's parents had contacted Jake and went around to his house where they told him about the money that was left for them and showed him the note that was left with it, Jake of course knowing about it already was trying hard to keep his emotions in check whilst seeing her parents.

When her parents tried to offer some of the money to Jake, he instantly declined it.

Jake: Its none of my money, you guys are the people who lost somebody

They obviously thought that Abigail and Jake had broken up as that's what the news said but still felt like Jake was missing her.

They explained to Jake that they had doubts about their breakup as every interview he had about her he would always look upset and always repeat the same line of "We have been broken up for weeks". Jake still declined the money even after all their offers.

With this, her parents left Jake alone wishing him the best.