
Gods Gift

Thousands of years ago there was a huge battle in the heavens that no one on earth even knew about. A battle that had been going on for hundreds of years, a battle that no one could see or hear but and the destructive force power to wipe out galaxies. It was a huge battle between Angels and Demons.

Hoggyblue · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

Chapter 28: Waiting

With the demons getting away and the basement in complete ruins, the masters were starting to recover from their wounds as Taka was trying to contact Jake.

Gabrielle had grouped everyone in the kitchen and was planning an attack before anything serious happens, the first thing was to get Jake here, Taka finally able to contact him.

Jake: Hello what's up?


Jake: Woah sorry the card was upstairs it's not very loud you know


Jake: Okay I'm on my way

As he said that he appeared in the main hall looking around at the damage around him, then looking towards the kitchen where everyone looked beaten up.

Jake: Shit, I guess I missed something big here

Gabrielle: Now's not the time for jokes this is serious

Jake: I'm guessing the demons are released

Jake walked into the kitchen area and took a seat

Taka: You would be correct

Jake: And by the looks of things it did not go well

Taka: No

Jake: So what's the plan?

Gabrielle: Well there isn't one, yet

Jake: Right

Gabrielle: But I must tell you they will probably be hunting you

Jake: Whys that?

Gabrielle: Well they can sense your powers and will do anything they can to possess your body

Jake: How can they sense my powers?

Gabrielle: They can sense the strongest person and will always try to either kill them or possess them

Jake looked annoyed and worried and was thinking of a plan

Jake: Well I guess I should head home and come up with a plan of action

Jake then teleported back to his house and continued to think of a plan, leaving the other masters to clear up the monastery.

The demons were now making their way across the earth coming up with their own plan on what they will do now that they were free, that was until they sensed Jakes power which intrigues one of the demons as they were itching for another battle

Valac knew that they were too weak to actually fight a real fight, as the leader he decided they should head straight to the Demon King's old castle which was in the middle of a desert, hoping he would meet with his brother the Demon king.

As he arrived on a small hill just north of where the kingdom should be he had seen what it had become, a small village was where the castle was supposed to be, the demon king mad with rage commanded his underlings to quickly possess a being and meet back at the top of the hill.

They all possess a body and met back up within minutes, as they did they used their powers and completely wiped out the village destroying all the building and slaughtering everyone who lived there.

With the town cleared Valac commanded one of his underlings, Zenos, to go and investigate the power they sensed was and who it was coming from and also tasked him to take kill them.

Zenos without another thought agreed to the command and took off heading towards Jake, Jake was still sat in his house only just coming up with a plan of attack himself, which involved him teleporting away from his home to a big empty field where he would wait for the demons to come to him.

Knowing it was not the smartest plan Jake sat in the empty field waiting for the demons to arrive. Until he received a call from his mom asking where he was as she was at his house, Jake made up and excuse that he was at work.

Jake then took the sword off his back and placed it on the floor knowing he would not be able to use it.

Before Jake had made his way out to the field he stopped by the monastery and picked up some of the flasks they were going to use to capture the demons, knowing this was the only way to stop them currently.

Knowing he was still very much underpowered he was still hoping that they had not fully powered up yet and so he could defeat them.

Jake bored with waiting quickly teleported home and grabbed a book and teleported back to the field, as he was reading through the book he found some information about weapon control.

Thinking that was the key to controlling his powers he started to train, first, he activated his aura and then picked his sword up which was still in the sheath, then using a nearby tree as a target he started to make small swings at it

Each hit-making massive dents in the tree, as he continued his attacks his the dents kept chipping away at the tree until he smashed through it making it collapse, pleasing Jake as he sat back down on the now fallen tree deactivating his aura.

Jake becoming bored again decided to contact Taka

Jake: Hey Taka how's everything going there

Taka: Well we have cleared most of the debris Takeshi was a huge help building the new rooms

Jake: Oh yeah he can control the earth, bet that made it loads easier

Taka: So what are you doing?

Jake: Just waiting for the demons still

Taka: I still think that's a stupid plan

Jake: Well it's the only one we have

Taka: just be careful

Jake: Why are you guys not out here helping me?

Taka: Everyone is too scared to even leave the monastery now, everyone here has not left for hundreds of years

Jake: Well that's annoying, anyway I best leave you to your work

Taka: Take care Jake

Jake pressed the symbol again and finished the conversation with Taka,

He then sensed great power heading straight towards him, he stood up and prepared himself, as he did a man landed right in front of him leaving a crater in the ground, Jake without any thought prepared his sword and made the first attack.