
Gods Conduit: Group Chat of the Gods

A high school teen, Jake Thompson, accidentally joins a chat group meant for gods when a lightning strike mutates his phone. This unexpected connection reveals a hidden world filled with supernatural beings. Through trades with gods, Jake gains supernatural abilities and learns of a power system akin to cultivation. His mutated phone unlocks new functions, allowing him to travel through myriad realms and dimensions. As Jake embarks on adventures, he makes friends, faces conflicts, and experiences tragedy. His ultimate goal is to achieve godhood, surpassing even the gods themselves. Along the way, he gains new allies and encounters foes depending on the situations he navigates. The challenges he faces shape him into a wise, cautious, and calculative individual.

DeathSkull · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: Celestial Banter

In the following days, the chat group became a cosmic hub of celestial banter. Unseen by mortals, the gods engaged in discussions that spanned eons. Jake, now attuned to the divine chatter, found himself amidst conversations that echoed with power and wisdom.

*POV 1 - Jake*

The gods' discussions were a symphony of voices, each resonating with a unique frequency. Zeus and Odin debated the intricacies of mortal affairs, while Anubis and Hades exchanged tales of the afterlife. Freyja's laughter mingled with the stern tones of Athena.

As Jake observed, he couldn't help but marvel at the complexity of their relationships and the timeless camaraderie that existed among these powerful beings. Gradually, he started to understand their dynamics, their quirks, and the ancient bonds that tethered them across pantheons.

*POV 2 - Zeus*

Zeus, ever the patriarch, boomed with authority, "The mortals' inventions perplex me. Jake, have you witnessed the machines they use to fly through the sky?"

Jake, adapting to the godly conversations, replied, "Yeah, airplanes. They're a pretty common thing."

Odin, the one-eyed god of wisdom, chimed in, "In my time, we relied on ravens for reconnaissance. Mortals have grown inventive."

*POV 3 - Freyja*

Freyja, her voice a soothing melody, interjected, "Jake, tell us of your mortal pursuits. What brings you joy in this realm?"

Jake, feeling a sense of camaraderie building, shared stories of his high school adventures, his love for skateboarding, and the simple pleasures that made mortal life vibrant.

As time passed, the once distant gods became friends in the digital tapestry of the chat group. Inside jokes emerged, and the divine beings, accustomed to the vastness of time, found amusement in the fleeting moments of human existence.

The group chat, once a cosmic council, transformed into a haven where gods and mortal coexisted, bound by threads of camaraderie. Through conversations that spanned realms and dimensions, Jake found himself not just the bearer of artifacts but a welcomed companion among gods.

And so, amidst the celestial banter and divine camaraderie, Jake's journey took an unexpected turn. The gods, once distant and enigmatic, became friends who laughed, debated, and shared in the intricate dance of existence.